GiveEnergyToTowerTask -> part of TowerStrategy
RepairTowerTask -> part of TowerStrategy
RepairRoad -> TowerStragegy
Tasks, Strategies, ...
RepairRoadStrategy->apply(( )) {
creeps -> filtrer orderer
candidates = order by range to road to repair
while (!candiates->do(()) == 'OK') {}
if optimazationFailed:
while (notCandidates->() =='OK') {};
return 'i'm busy';
return 'CMT -> squat' return no
return 'doing it'
When using game's memory as a cache for stuff that have been already found, we shall not access the memory directly but ask the cache to give us the cached instances of what we need.
when we'll be more oop, CreepRole won't be necessary anymore and then Decorated* will be renamed without the emphasis on the pattern used.
current signature: public do(task: string, target: Link): boolean;
should be: public do(task: iTask): boolean;