Higher Order Reducer for resetting multiple parts of your state tree
Wrap any of your Reducers with this higher order reducer to clear state when a certain action is dispatched.
(Function): A reducing function that returns the next state tree given the current state tree and an action to handle. -
] (any): The initial state. This is the value you want to reset the state to when the preferred action type is dispatched -
] (string): Preferred Action Type to trigger reset in state. Default is"RESET_STATE"
import { composeResetReducer } from 'redux-reset-store';
import { store } from './store';
// current state after init = false
const toggleReducer = composeResetReducer(function toggleReducer(state = false, action = {}) {
if (action.type === 'TOGGLE') {
return true;
return state;
}, false);
export default toggleReducer
// Default action type is RESET_STATE
store.dispatch({type: "TOGGLE"});
// current state after toggle = true
store.dispatch({type: "RESET_STATE"});
// current state after reset = false