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executable file
485 lines (431 loc) · 12.7 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
485 lines (431 loc) · 12.7 KB

File Management System

Table of Contents

Defining the Problem Statement:

Data on every Operating System is stored in a hierarchical file system constituted of directories and subdirectories beneath them. A file management system is the program used to arrange these files, move them, and create / delete them. This take care of how the files are organized rather than how they are stored.

The key features are to:

  • Create, modify, move, copy, delete and other file operations.

  • Add or edit basic metadata.

Selecting the Data Structure:

Trees would be the best suited data structure to implement this because nodes and leaves of the tree resemble the directories and sub-directories containing files in them.

A binary tree cannot do the job here as it restricts to only having two children. N-ary Tree should be implemented solve this. Since we do not know what will be the value of n, each node cannot have a fixed child links.

But if we think this as keeping the contents of a directory as a linked list and only storing the first child’s address, then each node can have exactly 2 links. This makes it possible to use algorithms of Binary Tree as well.

There is also a need to traverse upwards to its root. This can be solved by creating another link with the parent directory. Although this technically becomes a Graph, but implementation will be like a binary tree in a broad level and like linked list in a directory level.

Execution of Solution:

The execution is very much inspired from Linux shell. The program resembles the shell which contains the present working directory on left and prompt at end. The user can use following commands just like in the Linux shell. Some key commands are:

  • cd - to navigate through directories

  • ls - to list the files and sub-directories in a directory

  • tree – to view a tree structure of what is inside a directory until the last file

  • mkdir – to create a new directory

  • touch – to create a new file

  • edit – to edit the file contents

  • rm / rmdir – to remove a file / directory respectively

  • cp / mv – to copy / move a file or directory respectively

  • find – to find files or directories


cd /home/user
tree /
touch prog1.c
edit prog1.c
mkdir c_programs
mv prog1.c c_programs/

The input is taken as list of strings and appropriate functions are called along with the arguments (i.e., path or name) passed. Since the argument can be with respect to root or pwd, these 2 pointer variables are necessary in the main function. In case of path, each separate functions should cd into that path and run the operations.

  • Creation will just be like adding a node at end of linked list.

  • Deletion will just be like deleting a node from linked list.

  • Traversal will just be like traversing binary tree in pre-order.


Structure of a node:

string name
list content
char type
string create_time
string modify_time
int perm
node pointer link
node pointer child
node pointer parent

n = Total number of nodes ; m = number of nodes in a directory ; h = height of tree

print_tree(root, prev_struct)

This algorithm prints all node names from root in a form of tree

1.  if  (root is not null)
        set struct to prev_struct+branch
        print struct+name
        print_tree(root->child, struct)
        print_tree(root->link, prev_struct)
	end if

Time Complexity = O(n)
Auxiliary Space = O(n)


This algorithm prints all node name in a directory

1.  if (node in not null)
    print name
    end if

Time Complexity = O(m)
Auxiliary Space = O(1)

pwd_str(root, pwd)

This algorithm returns the complete path of a node with respect to root

1.  set path to empty string 
2.  if  (pwd is root)
        return/end if
3.  loop (while pwd is not root)
        set path to/+name+path
        set pwd to pwd->parent
	end loop
4.  return path

Time Complexity = O(h)
Auxiliary Space = O(h)

find_names(root, pwd, name)

This algorithm returns the complete list of all nodes' path containing a given string

1.  declare static list of string result
2.  if (root is pwd)
        clear result
    end if
3.  if (pwd is not null)
        set path to pwd_str(root, pwd)
        if (name in path)
            push path into end of result
        end if
        find_names(root, pwd->child, name)
        find_names(root, pwd->link, name)
    end if
4.  return result

Time Complexity = O(n*h)
Auxiliary Space = O(n)

find_on_pwd(pwd, name)

This algorithm returns the node of desired name on present working directory

1.  set pwd to pwd->child
2.  loop (while pwd is not null)
        if (both names are same)
            return pwd
        end if
        set pwd to pwd->link
3.  return null

Time Complexity = O(m)
Auxiliary Space = O(1)

find_node(root, pwd, path)

This algorithm returns the node of desired path with respect to root or pwd

1.  get parent_path and name from path
2.  set pwd to cd(root, pwd, parent_path)
3.  if (pwd in null) return null
4.  return find_on_pwd(pwd, name)

Time Complexity = O(m*h)
Auxiliary Space = O(1)

cd(root, pwd, path)

This algorithm returns the directory of desired path with respect to root or pwd

1.  set path_list to split(path, '/')
2.  if (path_list[0] is empty string)
        set node to root
        pop first element from path_list
    else if (path_list[0] = ".")
        if (length of path_list is 1)
            return pwd
            set node to pwd
            pop first element from path_list
        end if
    else if (path_list[0] = "..")
        if (length of path_list is 1)
            return pwd->parent
            set node to pwd->parent
            pop first element from path_list
        set node to pwd
    end if
3.  loop (for each element in path_list)
        set node to find_on_pwd(node, element)
        if (node is not null or node is not a directory)
            print path does not exist
            return null
        end if
    end loop
4.  return node   

Time Complexity = O(m*h)
Auxiliary Space = O(h)

create(root, pwd, path, type)

This algorithm creates and returns a new node of the given path and type

1.  get parent_path and name from path
2.  set new_pwd to cd(root, pwd, parent_path)
3.  if (new_pwd is null)
        print parent_path does not exist
        return null
    end if
4.  set node to find_on_pwd(new_pwd, name)
5.  if (new_pwd is not null)
        print path already exists
        if (do not want to overwrite) return null
        remove(root, new_pwd, name)
    end if
6.  set node to new TreeNode(new_pwd, name)
7.  set node->type to type
8.  set node->parent to new_pwd
9. set temp to new_pwd->child
10. if (temp is null)
        temp = node
        return node
    end if
11. loop (while temp->link is not null)
        temp = temp->link
    end loop
12. temp->link = node
13. return node

Time Complexity = O(m*h)
Auxiliary Space = O(1)

remove(root, pwd, path)

This algorithm removes the node of given path

1.  set node to find_node(root, pwd, path)
2.  if (node is null)
        print path does not exist
    end if
3.  if (node is not empty directory)
        print path is not empty
        if (not want to proceed) return
    end if
4.  set temp to node->parent->child
5.  if (temp is node)
        temp = node->link
    end if
6.  loop (while temp->link is not null)
        temp = temp->link
7.  temp->link = node->link

Time Complexity = O(m*h)
Auxiliary Space = O(1)

dupl(root, pwd, src_path, dst_path, keep)

This algorithm copies or moves the node from src_path to dst_path

1.  set src_node to find_node(root, pwd, src_path)
2.  if (src_node is null)
        print src_path does not exist
    end if
3.  store src_node data
4.  set dst_node to find_node(root, pwd, dst_path)
5.  if (dst_node is a directory)
        set dst_path to dst_path+"/"+src_name
    end if
6.  set node to create(root, pwd, dst_path, src_node->type)
7.  if (node is not null)
        set node data to src_node data
8.  if (not keep)
        remove(root, pwd, src_path)
    end if

Time Complexity = O(m*h)
Auxiliary Space = O(1)

cat(root, pwd, path)

This algorithm displays the contents of the file in given path

1.  set node to find_node(root, pwd, path)
2.  if (node is null)
        print path does not exist
    end if
3.  if (node is not file)
        print path is not a file
    end if
4.  if (node does not have read permission)
        print path does not have read permission
    end if
5.  loop (for each line in node->content) print line

Time Complexity = O(m*h)
Auxiliary Space = O(1)

edit(root, pwd, path)

This algorithm change the contents of file in given path

1.  set node to find_node(root, pwd, path)
2.  if (node is null)
        if (create new file)
            set node to create(root, pwd, path, '-')
        end if
    end if
3.  if (node is not a file)
        print path is not a file
    end if
4.  if (file is not empty)
        if (node does not have read permission)
            print path does not have read permission
            print contents of file
        end if
        if (node does not have write permission)
            print path does not have write permission
        end if
        if (not overwrite) return
5.  clear node->content
6.  read lines as string and push to node->content

Time Complexity = O(m*h)
Auxiliary Space = O(1)

chmod(root, pwd, path, new_modes)

This algorithm changes the permissions of the node

1.  set node to find_node(root, pwd, path)
2.  if (node is null)
        print path does not exist
    end if
3.  set prev_modes to node->perm_str
4.  if (length of new_modes is 1 and new_modes is between '0' and '7')
        set node->perm to corresponding int value
    end if
5.  loop (for each character in new_modes)
        if (character is valid permission and not in prev_modes)
            if (new_modes[0] is '+')
                update node->perm by adding those permissions
            else if (new_modes[0] is '-')
                update node->perm by removing those permissions
            end if
            print permission string already exists or invalid
        end if
    end loop

Time Complexity = O(m*h)
Auxiliary Space = O(1)

Dry Run

File System before Dry Run,

cd /home/user
  1. path_list = {"home", "user"}
  2. node = root
  3. looping path_list
    1. node = find_on_pwd(node, "home")
    2. node = find_on_pwd(node, "user")
  4. return node
  1. print "Desktop/"
  2. print "Documents/"
  3. print "Downloads/"
  4. print "Pictures/"
  5. print ".bashrc"
touch prog1.c
  1. parent_path = ""
  2. new_pwd = pwd
  3. node = find_on_pwd(new_pwd, "prog1.c")
  4. node = new TreeNode(new_pwd, "prog1.c")
  5. node->type = type
  6. temp = new_pwd->child
  7. when temp->link == NULL, temp->link = node
  8. return node