- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II
Given a sorted linked list, delete all nodes that have duplicate numbers, leaving only distinct numbers from the original list.
For example,
Given 1->2->3->3->4->4->5, return 1->2->5.
Given 1->1->1->2->3, return 2->3.
my thoughts:
1. tricky part is to skip all duplicates. so when a dup is found, we need while till a diff is found or hit the end of the list. if we found a diff, move p2 to the diff; if we hit the end, p2 stay as None. repeat.
my solution:
**********84 ms
# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.next = None
class Solution:
def deleteDuplicates(self, head):
:type head: ListNode
:rtype: ListNode
if not head:
return head
dummy = ListNode(0)
dummy.next = head
p1, p2 = dummy, head
while p2 and p2.next:
if p2.val != p2.next.val:
p1.next = p2
p1 = p1.next
p2 = p2.next
while p2.next and p2.val == p2.next.val:
p2 = p2.next
if p2:
p2 = p2.next
p1.next = p2
return dummy.next
my comments:
from other ppl's solution:
1. run run run, 72ms:
# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.next = None
class Solution:
def deleteDuplicates(self, head):
:type head: ListNode
:rtype: ListNode
prev = None
start = head
runner = start.next if start else None
while start:
if runner is None or runner.val != start.val:
if start.next == runner:
prev = start
start = runner
if prev:
prev.next = runner
head = runner
start = runner
runner = runner.next if runner else None
return head