Create an infrastructure automation pipeline that prepares the environment for application deployment using the Infrastructure as Code approach. Infrastructure configuration should be in a separate repository from the application source code.
Some preparation steps can be done manually or by running automation scripts locally:
- Remote State Storage: If you’re going to use Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, or Google Cloud Storage as a remote state storage for Terraform, it should be created in advance.
- GitLab SaaS: If you’re going to use GitLab SaaS (, you need a runner for your first job. Initially, it can be installed on your local machine.
- Jenkins: If you’re going to use Jenkins, then create a virtual machine, install Jenkins, and take care of agents.
Use GitLab or Jenkins to run the infrastructure provisioning pipeline. It should include the following jobs:
- Configuration Formatting
- Configuration Validation and Scanning (optional)
- Plan
- Provisioning Resources (manual job)
- Destroying Resources (manual job)
Use Terraform to create the following resources in the cloud:
- Virtual Machine: With all the needed network-related resources and a Load Balancer. This VM will be used to host the application.
- Persistent Database: For the application.
- Additional Virtual Machine (optional): With all the needed network-related resources to run additional software like GitLab runners, Nexus (if used).
Use Ansible to install additional software on the virtual machines, including:
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Jenkins with workers or GitLab runners
- Nexus (if used)
A Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery solution for the Java application spring-petclinic.
The repository with the spring-petclinic application source code should additionally have configuration files for Maven or Gradle and a Dockerfile.
Prepare a registry in the artifact storage of your choice.
The pipeline should include:
- Static Code Analysis
- Tests
- Build
- Creating an Artifact: It can be tagged with a short commit hash.
- Pushing the Artifact: To the artifact storage.
The pipeline should include:
- Creating a Git Tag: In the repository using Semantic Versioning approach (a minor version increases on each commit). A Python script with semver · PyPI can be used here.
- Creating an Artifact: With Git tag representing the version.
- Pushing the Artifact: To the artifact storage.
- Manual Deployment Job:
- Connects to a virtual machine.
- Checks if a previous version of the application is present and removes it.
- Gets the image from the artifact storage.
- Runs the application making sure it is connected to a MySQL database in the cloud.
- Prints the link to the application.
Use a cloud-based monitoring solution to create a dashboard with resource consumption metrics for the VM where the spring-petclinic application is running.
Create an architecture diagram for your solution.