The following constructs MUST NOT be used, for both performance and critical security reasons.
and similarnew Function
etc is perfectly fine). -
, -
, -
primitive type wrapper constructors (
new Number
,new String
,new Boolean
,new Array
,new Object
Regular identifiers MUST be formatted
. -
Only functions with constructor semantics, classes, or namespaces MUST start with an Uppercase letter (PascalCase),
. -
Macros (to be processed at build time) MUST be formatted
. -
Magic values (eg. numerical constants) MUST be formatted
. -
Private properties and methods MUST be formatted
const regularIdentifier;
function Constructor() { ... }
class Class { ... }
const Namespace = {};
if(__MACRO__) { ... }
const SOME_MAGIC_NUMBER = 1337;
const {
_privateMethod() {
publicMethod() {
- Regular objects MUST be created using the Object syntax literal.
// bad
const obj = new Object();
const obj = Object.create(Object.prototype);
// good
const obj = {};
- Object literals keys MUST be camelCase (this doesn't apply to programmatically generated keys).
// bad
const obj = {
'not-camel-cased': ...
// good
const obj = {
camelCased: ...
// acceptable
const myKey = 'something-from-somewhere';
const obj = {
[myKey]: ...
An object declaration MUST have spaces after each
and before each}
. -
If the declaration is multiline, each line MUST end with a comma, including the last one.
If the declaration is not multiline, the last value MUST NOT end with a comma.
In an object declaration, there MUST NOT be space before each colon but at least one after each colon.
// bad
const a = {
k1: v1,
k2: v2
const b = { k1: v1, k2: v2, };
const c = {k1:v1};
// good
const a = {
k1: v1,
k2: v2,
const b = { k1: v1, k2: v2 };
const c = { k1: v2 };
- Arrays MUST be created using the Array syntax literal.
// bad
const a = new Array();
// good
const a = [];
Static strings MUST be declared using single quotes or backticks.
Dynamic strings MUST be declared using ES6 template literals (backticks). Dynamic strings MUST NOT be declared using single- or double-quotes.
Never use double-quotes.
// bad
const a = "foobar";
const b = 'foo' + a + 'bar';
// acceptable
const c = `foobar`;
// good
const a = 'foobar';
const b = `foo${a}bar`;
const c = 'foobar';
MUST NOT be used. -
SHOULD be used dy default. If you really need to uselet
, its acceptable, but its most often a sign that you should refactor. -
) MUST be used exactly once per variable declaration.
// bad
const a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;
// good
const a = 1;
const b = 2;
const c = 3;
// actually best
const [a, b, c] = [1, 2, 3];
Regular (named and hoisted) function declarations SHOULD be used instead of anonymous functions by default.
When using anonymous functions, arrow function SHOULD be used instead of anonymous
. -
When using 'anonymous'
, a name MUST be given.
const a = [1, 2, 3];
// bad
a.reduce(function(x, y) { return x + y; }, 0);
// better, but still bad
a.reduce(function sum(x, y) { return x + y; }, 0);
// acceptable but convoluted
function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
a.reduce(sum, 0);
// good
a.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0);
- Parens MUST be used for arrow functions parameters, even when there is only one parameter.
// bad
const triple = x => 3*x;
// good
const triple = (x) => 3*x;
- Arrow functions SHOULD be used instead of
when applicable.self
trickery MUST NOT be used.
function method(...params) {
// terribly bad
const self = this;
const boundMethod = function(...params) {
return method.apply(self, params);
// acceptable
const boundMethod = method.bind(this);
// best
const boundMethod = (...params) => method.apply(this, params);
A parameter MUST NOT be named
. -
Parameters SHOULD BE explicitly typechecked in a
block. They CAN be documented in addition. -
ES6 default parameter value SHOULD be used when applicable.
Destructuring parameter syntax SHOULD be used when applicable.
Explicit variadic expansion SHOULD be used over ES6 rest syntax. If you really need true dynamic variadic functions, ES6 rest syntax MUST be used, not
// bad
function sum() {
let sum = 0;
for(let k = 0; k < arguments.length; k++) {
sum += arguments[k];
return sum;
// good
function sum(a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = 0) {
return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i;
// acceptable
function sum(...rest) {
return rest.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0);
- Object parameters (with default values) SHOULD be used for options parameters. Boolean parameters MUST NOT be used.
// bad
function divide(a, b, shouldCheckForZero = false ) {
// good
function divide(a, b, { shouldCheckForZero = false } = {}) {
Dot/subscript notation MUST be used consistently.
Dot notation SHOULD be used when possible.
// bad
t.x = 3;
t['y'] = 4;
// good
t['x'] = 3;
t['y'] = 4;
// better
t.x = 3;
t.y = 4;
- Short-hand operators
-like and++
-like operators MUST NOT be used. Also, consider refactoring to get rid of the underlyinglet
let n = 0;
// bad
n += 1;
// good
n = n + 1;
Non-strict comparison operators
MUST NOT be used. Strict comparison operators===
MUST be used instead. -
Boolean force-casting
MUST NOT be used.expr
MUST BE used directly.
// bad
if(!!expr) {
// good
if(expr) {
/* ... */
-style MUST be used for non-jsdoc multiline comments. -
/** ... */
-style MUST be used for jsdoc comments. -
Be very careful when using trailing
. For single-line comments, comment on the previous line of whatever you're commenting.
Tab characters MUST not be used. Ever. Tabs are evil. Don't use them.
Soft-spacing 2-characters MUST be used.
// bad
if(true) {
return 42;
// good
if(true) {
return 42;
- 1 space MUST be used before the leading brace
// bad
// good
if(true) {
- 1 space MUST be used before the ending brace
in single-line object literals or function declaration.
// bad
function answer() { return 42;}
const a = { a: 42};
// good
function answer() { return 42; }
const a = { a: 42 };
- Space MUST NOT be used before the leading bracket
or the ending bracket]
in single-line array literals.
// bad
const a = [ 1, 2 ];
// good
const a = [1, 2];
- Space MUST NOT be used before the leading paren
// bad
if (true) {
// good
if(true) {
- Spaces MUST BE used between infix operators.
// bad
const a = b+c;
const a= b + c;
// good
const a = b + c;
Files MUST end with a single newline character.
Leading dot and proper indentation MUST be used for method chaining.
// bad
// good
- Braces MUST BE used for blocks, even single-statement blocks. Only exception is 1-expression arrow functions.
// bad
return 42;
if(true) return 42;
const id = (x) => { return x; };
// good
if(true) { return 42; }
if(true) {
return 42;
const id = (x) => x;
const id = (x) => {
return x;
- Trailing commas MUST be used for multiline literals, and MUST NOT be used for single-line literals.
// bad
const a = { a: 42, b: 43, };
const a = {
a: 42,
b: 42
// good
const a = { a: 42, b: 42 };
const a = {
a: 42,
b: 43,
- Trailing semicolons MUST be used, even when they are not strictly required.
// bad
function id(x) { return x }
// good
function id(x) { return x; }
// actually better
const id = (x) => x;
- ES6 method short notation SHOULD be used when applicable.
// bad
const a = {
f: function() {
// good
const a = {
f() {
- ES6 modules MUST be used,
-style module MUST NOT be used. Destructuring assignment SHOULD be used when applicable.
// bad
const moduleA = require('moduleA');
const func1 = moduleA.func1;
const func2 = moduleA.func2;
// good
import { func1, func2 } from 'moduleA';
MUST NOT be used,void 0
MUST be used instead.
// bad
if(x === undefined) {
// good
if(x === void 0) {
Object reshaping SHOULD be avoided by declaring their shape early with
values. -
In case reshaping is unavoidable,
MUST be used. In particular,Object.assign
MUST be used to define prototype properties on ES6 classes. -
In the particular case of a constructor function, an object SHOULD not be reshaped after the end of the constructor.
// bad
const a = {};
a.x = 3;
// if reshape unavoidable
const a = {};
Object.assign(a, { x: 3 });
// good
const a = { x: null };
a.x = 3;
function F() { ... }
// bad
F.prototype.staticA = 43;
F.prototype.staticB = 44;
F.prototype.protoProp = null;
// good
Object.assign(F.prototype, {
staticA: 43,
staticB: 44,
protoProp: null,