diff --git a/packages/react-dom/src/__tests__/ReactDOMForm-test.js b/packages/react-dom/src/__tests__/ReactDOMForm-test.js
index 37261020e46271..6ce292134e0d18 100644
--- a/packages/react-dom/src/__tests__/ReactDOMForm-test.js
+++ b/packages/react-dom/src/__tests__/ReactDOMForm-test.js
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ describe('ReactDOMForm', () => {
let textCache;
let useFormStatus;
let useActionState;
+ let requestFormReset;
beforeEach(() => {
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ describe('ReactDOMForm', () => {
startTransition = React.startTransition;
use = React.use;
useFormStatus = ReactDOM.useFormStatus;
+ requestFormReset = ReactDOM.requestFormReset;
container = document.createElement('div');
@@ -1414,4 +1416,344 @@ describe('ReactDOMForm', () => {
expect(divRef.current.textContent).toEqual('Current username: acdlite');
+ test('requestFormReset schedules a form reset after transition completes', async () => {
+ // This is the same as the previous test, except the form is updated with
+ // a userspace action instead of a built-in form action.
+ const formRef = React.createRef();
+ const inputRef = React.createRef();
+ const divRef = React.createRef();
+ function App({promiseForUsername}) {
+ // Make this suspensey to simulate RSC streaming.
+ const username = use(promiseForUsername);
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ // Initial render
+ const root = ReactDOMClient.createRoot(container);
+ const promiseForInitialUsername = getText('(empty)');
+ await resolveText('(empty)');
+ await act(() =>
+ root.render(),
+ );
+ assertLog(['Current username: (empty)']);
+ expect(divRef.current.textContent).toEqual('Current username: (empty)');
+ // Dirty the uncontrolled input
+ inputRef.current.value = ' AcdLite ';
+ // This is a userspace action. It does not trigger a real form submission.
+ // The practical use case is implementing a custom action prop using
+ // onSubmit without losing the built-in form resetting behavior.
+ await act(() => {
+ startTransition(async () => {
+ const form = formRef.current;
+ const formData = new FormData(form);
+ requestFormReset(form);
+ const rawUsername = formData.get('username');
+ const normalizedUsername = rawUsername.trim().toLowerCase();
+ Scheduler.log(`Async action started`);
+ await getText('Wait');
+ // Update the app with new data. This is analagous to re-rendering
+ // from the root with a new RSC payload.
+ startTransition(() => {
+ root.render();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ assertLog(['Async action started']);
+ expect(inputRef.current.value).toBe(' AcdLite ');
+ // Finish the async action. This will trigger a re-render from the root with
+ // new data from the "server", which suspends.
+ //
+ // The form should not reset yet because we need to update `defaultValue`
+ // first. So we wait for the render to complete.
+ await act(() => resolveText('Wait'));
+ assertLog([]);
+ // The DOM input is still dirty.
+ expect(inputRef.current.value).toBe(' AcdLite ');
+ // The React tree is suspended.
+ expect(divRef.current.textContent).toEqual('Current username: (empty)');
+ // Unsuspend and finish rendering. Now the form should be reset.
+ await act(() => resolveText('acdlite'));
+ assertLog(['Current username: acdlite']);
+ // The form was reset to the new value from the server.
+ expect(inputRef.current.value).toBe('acdlite');
+ expect(divRef.current.textContent).toEqual('Current username: acdlite');
+ });
+ test(
+ 'requestFormReset works with inputs that are not descendants ' +
+ 'of the form element',
+ async () => {
+ // This is the same as the previous test, except the input is not a child
+ // of the form; it's linked with
+ const formRef = React.createRef();
+ const inputRef = React.createRef();
+ const divRef = React.createRef();
+ function App({promiseForUsername}) {
+ // Make this suspensey to simulate RSC streaming.
+ const username = use(promiseForUsername);
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ }
+ // Initial render
+ const root = ReactDOMClient.createRoot(container);
+ const promiseForInitialUsername = getText('(empty)');
+ await resolveText('(empty)');
+ await act(() =>
+ root.render(),
+ );
+ assertLog(['Current username: (empty)']);
+ expect(divRef.current.textContent).toEqual('Current username: (empty)');
+ // Dirty the uncontrolled input
+ inputRef.current.value = ' AcdLite ';
+ // This is a userspace action. It does not trigger a real form submission.
+ // The practical use case is implementing a custom action prop using
+ // onSubmit without losing the built-in form resetting behavior.
+ await act(() => {
+ startTransition(async () => {
+ const form = formRef.current;
+ const formData = new FormData(form);
+ requestFormReset(form);
+ const rawUsername = formData.get('username');
+ const normalizedUsername = rawUsername.trim().toLowerCase();
+ Scheduler.log(`Async action started`);
+ await getText('Wait');
+ // Update the app with new data. This is analagous to re-rendering
+ // from the root with a new RSC payload.
+ startTransition(() => {
+ root.render(
+ ,
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ assertLog(['Async action started']);
+ expect(inputRef.current.value).toBe(' AcdLite ');
+ // Finish the async action. This will trigger a re-render from the root with
+ // new data from the "server", which suspends.
+ //
+ // The form should not reset yet because we need to update `defaultValue`
+ // first. So we wait for the render to complete.
+ await act(() => resolveText('Wait'));
+ assertLog([]);
+ // The DOM input is still dirty.
+ expect(inputRef.current.value).toBe(' AcdLite ');
+ // The React tree is suspended.
+ expect(divRef.current.textContent).toEqual('Current username: (empty)');
+ // Unsuspend and finish rendering. Now the form should be reset.
+ await act(() => resolveText('acdlite'));
+ assertLog(['Current username: acdlite']);
+ // The form was reset to the new value from the server.
+ expect(inputRef.current.value).toBe('acdlite');
+ expect(divRef.current.textContent).toEqual('Current username: acdlite');
+ },
+ );
+ test('reset multiple forms in the same transition', async () => {
+ const formRefA = React.createRef();
+ const formRefB = React.createRef();
+ function App({promiseForA, promiseForB}) {
+ // Make these suspensey to simulate RSC streaming.
+ const a = use(promiseForA);
+ const b = use(promiseForB);
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ }
+ const root = ReactDOMClient.createRoot(container);
+ const initialPromiseForA = getText('A1');
+ const initialPromiseForB = getText('B1');
+ await resolveText('A1');
+ await resolveText('B1');
+ await act(() =>
+ root.render(
+ ,
+ ),
+ );
+ // Dirty the uncontrolled inputs
+ formRefA.current.elements.inputName.value = ' A2 ';
+ formRefB.current.elements.inputName.value = ' B2 ';
+ // Trigger an async action that updates and reset both forms.
+ await act(() => {
+ startTransition(async () => {
+ const currentA = formRefA.current.elements.inputName.value;
+ const currentB = formRefB.current.elements.inputName.value;
+ requestFormReset(formRefA.current);
+ requestFormReset(formRefB.current);
+ Scheduler.log('Async action started');
+ await getText('Wait');
+ // Pretend the server did something with the data.
+ const normalizedA = currentA.trim();
+ const normalizedB = currentB.trim();
+ // Update the app with new data. This is analagous to re-rendering
+ // from the root with a new RSC payload.
+ startTransition(() => {
+ root.render(
+ ,
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ assertLog(['Async action started']);
+ // Finish the async action. This will trigger a re-render from the root with
+ // new data from the "server", which suspends.
+ //
+ // The forms should not reset yet because we need to update `defaultValue`
+ // first. So we wait for the render to complete.
+ await act(() => resolveText('Wait'));
+ // The DOM inputs are still dirty.
+ expect(formRefA.current.elements.inputName.value).toBe(' A2 ');
+ expect(formRefB.current.elements.inputName.value).toBe(' B2 ');
+ // Unsuspend and finish rendering. Now the forms should be reset.
+ await act(() => {
+ resolveText('A2');
+ resolveText('B2');
+ });
+ // The forms were reset to the new value from the server.
+ expect(formRefA.current.elements.inputName.value).toBe('A2');
+ expect(formRefB.current.elements.inputName.value).toBe('B2');
+ });
+ test('requestFormReset does nothing if the form is not managed by React', async () => {
+ // TODO: Is this the desired behavior? Should it warn? Should it call
+ // form.reset() immediately?
+ container.innerHTML = `
+ `;
+ const form = document.getElementById('myform');
+ const input = document.getElementById('input');
+ input.value = 'Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!';
+ // This shouldn't do anything.
+ requestFormReset(form);
+ expect(input.value).toBe('Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+ // Whereas the regular DOM form.reset() method does
+ form.reset();
+ expect(input.value).toBe('');
+ });
+ test('warns if requestFormReset is called outside of a transition', async () => {
+ const formRef = React.createRef();
+ const inputRef = React.createRef();
+ function App() {
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ const root = ReactDOMClient.createRoot(container);
+ await act(() => root.render());
+ // Dirty the uncontrolled input
+ inputRef.current.value = ' Updated ';
+ // Trigger an async action that updates and reset both forms.
+ await act(() => {
+ startTransition(async () => {
+ Scheduler.log('Action started');
+ await getText('Wait 1');
+ Scheduler.log('Request form reset');
+ // This happens after an `await`, and is not wrapped in startTransition,
+ // so it will be scheduled synchronously instead of with the transition.
+ // This is almost certainly a mistake, so we log a warning in dev.
+ requestFormReset(formRef.current);
+ await getText('Wait 2');
+ Scheduler.log('Action finished');
+ });
+ });
+ assertLog(['Action started']);
+ expect(inputRef.current.value).toBe(' Updated ');
+ // This triggers a synchronous requestFormReset, and a warning
+ await expect(async () => {
+ await act(() => resolveText('Wait 1'));
+ }).toErrorDev(['requestFormReset was called outside a transition'], {
+ withoutStack: true,
+ });
+ assertLog(['Request form reset']);
+ // The form was reset even though the action didn't finish.
+ expect(inputRef.current.value).toBe('Initial');
+ });
diff --git a/packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberHooks.js b/packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberHooks.js
index c712eb6c387d8d..cb5aec4fb4e2cd 100644
--- a/packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberHooks.js
+++ b/packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberHooks.js
@@ -2930,74 +2930,12 @@ export function startHostTransition(
- let queue: UpdateQueue<
+ const stateHook = ensureFormComponentIsStateful(formFiber);
+ const queue: UpdateQueue<
Thenable | TransitionStatus,
BasicStateAction | TransitionStatus>,
- >;
- if (formFiber.memoizedState === null) {
- // Upgrade this host component fiber to be stateful. We're going to pretend
- // it was stateful all along so we can reuse most of the implementation
- // for function components and useTransition.
- //
- // Create the state hook used by TransitionAwareHostComponent. This is
- // essentially an inlined version of mountState.
- const newQueue: UpdateQueue<
- Thenable | TransitionStatus,
- BasicStateAction | TransitionStatus>,
- > = {
- pending: null,
- lanes: NoLanes,
- // We're going to cheat and intentionally not create a bound dispatch
- // method, because we can call it directly in startTransition.
- dispatch: (null: any),
- lastRenderedReducer: basicStateReducer,
- lastRenderedState: NoPendingHostTransition,
- };
- queue = newQueue;
- const stateHook: Hook = {
- memoizedState: NoPendingHostTransition,
- baseState: NoPendingHostTransition,
- baseQueue: null,
- queue: newQueue,
- next: null,
- };
- // We use another state hook to track whether the form needs to be reset.
- // The state is an empty object. To trigger a reset, we update the state
- // to a new object. Then during rendering, we detect that the state has
- // changed and schedule a commit effect.
- const initialResetState = {};
- const newResetStateQueue: UpdateQueue