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Releases: acidb/mobiscroll

Version 4.2.3

15 May 09:17
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  • Fixed: Form elements did not work inside modal popups - Widget, Select with autocomplete (regression introduced in 4.2.2 by solving ghost click issues in Ionic).

Version 4.2.2

15 May 09:16
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  • Fixed: Injected service modifiers changed to public to avoid AOT builds runtime exceptions.

  • Fixed: In Ionic 1/2/3 popup closed immediately if opened from external button click (using ng-click or click).


  • Fixed: Vertical scroll did not work correctly with the iOS theme.

  • Fixed: Colors, events, labels and marked inline setting types updated to better reflect type support.


  • Fixed: Invalid time ranges did not work, since support for ISO 8601 date strings was introduced (4.2.0).

  • Fixed: Date part was missing in returned ISO 8601 string in case of the compact date & time picker.


  • Fixed: Inline data setting type updated to better reflect type support.


  • Fixed: Updating programatically a select's value did not work correctly with jQuery.

  • Fixed: Toast with colors didn't have opacity with iOS, Material and Mobiscroll themes.

  • Fixed: In case of initially long value, the textarea was scrolled to the bottom and navigating with arrow keys did not work.


  • Fixed: Added missing properties for start and end components, so that Angular AOT build won't fail.

  • Fixed: Angular start and end components initial model value is shown in the inputs.

Version 4.2.1

01 May 11:35
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  • Fixed: Invalids with start and end dates did not work correctly.

  • Fixed: Date parsing fixes - exact dates were handled as days of week due to an incorrect regex.

  • Fixed: Call stopPropagation on month slide, to prevent side effects, like side menu opening.


  • Fixed: Invalids with start and end dates did not work correctly.

  • Fixed: Date parsing fixes - exact dates were handled as days of week due to an incorrect regex.


  • Fixed: Date parsing fixes - exact dates were handled as days of week due to an incorrect regex.

  • Fixed: Call stopPropagation on month slide, to prevent side effects, like side menu opening.


  • Fixed: Invalids with start and end dates did not work correctly.

  • Fixed: Date parsing fixes - exact dates were handled as days of week due to an incorrect regex.

  • Fixed: Call stopPropagation on month slide, to prevent side effects, like side menu opening.

Version 4.2.0

01 May 11:35
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  • Fixed: Angular components won't throw an error when changing disabled state.

  • Fixed: The encoded accent characters were fixed in localization strings.

  • New: Reusable empty view styling with title and description was added.

  • New: invalid and valid settings are updated automatically in angular, when bound to an array.


  • New: colors, labels and marked settings are updated automatically in angular, when bound to an array.

  • New: Support for ISO 8601 date strings and moment.js objects to pass and retreive dates.


  • Fixed: Colors weren't updated dynamically through the data setting.


  • New: Support for ISO 8601 date strings and moment.js objects to pass and retreive dates.


  • Fixed: Added missing onEventSelect event emitter and settings to the MbscEventcalendarOptions interface.

  • New: colors, labels and marked settings are updated automatically in angular, when bound to an array.

  • New: Support for ISO 8601 date strings and moment.js objects to pass and retreive dates.


  • New: Color presets added to Snackbar and Toast.

  • New: Icon property added to Snackbar button.

  • Fixed: Disabled outline button styling was fixed for the Mobiscroll Dark theme.


  • Fixed: There was a styling bug if both sort handle and image was present.

  • Fixed: onSort and onSortChange event parameters were not passed correctly.

  • Fixed: There was an unnecessary top border of the first group header with the iOS theme.

  • Fixed: Listview items can be added dynamically when using hierarchical structures in Angular.

  • Fixed: The background color of the listview (behind the list items) has been updated.


  • Fixed: ng-click was not fired on navigation items when used with Ionic 1.

  • Fixed: Click event was not correctly firing inside hamburger menu popup and "show more" popup.


  • New: Support for ISO 8601 date strings and moment.js objects to pass and retreive dates.


  • Fixed: Click event was not correctly firing on elements inside scrollview items.

Version 4.1.1

01 May 11:36
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  • Fixed: Angular npm package metadata was not compatible with Angular version < 5, when using AOT builds.


  • Fixed: "All-day" and "No events" captions localization was not working.

  • Fixed: Event listing was not working in trial version with Angular.


  • Fixed: startInput and endInput settings were not working in Angular if used on mbsc-input or ion-input components.

Version 4.1.0

30 Mar 13:59
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  • Fixed: Windows theme styling fixes.

  • Fixed: React components look for input elements to initialize on when children are passed.

  • Changed: Moved npm package dependencies to peer dependencies.

  • New: Provide es6 module format as well for the angular npm packages.


  • Fixed: Selected styling was not applied in multiple selection mode with the Bootstrap theme.

  • Fixed: Weekday names were incorrectly aligned in multiple month view and week numbers displayed.

  • Fixed: Various styling updates for iOS including hover state.


  • Fixed: Various styling updates for iOS including hover state.

  • New: Built in event listing for monthly, weekly, daily and custom date ranges.

  • New: Improved styling for larger screens.

  • Changed: Event popover styling improvements.


  • Fixed: Carret was not movable on Android Chrome inside an input field.

  • Fixed: Textarea label width was incorrect with the iOS theme.


  • Fixed: Initialization failed on empty data / empty list.


  • Fixed: In scroller mode date range validation was incorrect: if the selected start date was after end date, end date was incorrectly modified to the day before start date.


  • Fixed: Scrolling did not work on iOS9.


  • Fixed: Remote filtering did not work correctly, only the first filtering request was sent (regression introduced in 4.0.0).


  • Fixed: Placeholders won't be overwritten with empty strings.

Version 4.0.0

01 Mar 15:01
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  • Fixed: Added missing cssClass setting to angular components and directives.

  • Fixed: Disabled draggable state of avatar image and added option to turn it off.

  • Fixed: Removed @type annotations from comments for ngc + tsickle compatibility.

  • New: Improvements to avoid flash of unstyled content (FOUC).

  • New: Windows theme updated to Windows / Windows Phone 10 styling (#407).


  • Fixed: Added missing onPageLoaded, onPageLoading and onPageChange events to the angular and react component.

  • Fixed: Clicking on empty day resulted in error when using the showOuterDays: false setting.

  • Fixed: Showing week numbers messed up the calendar layout.

  • Fixed: Don't dim days from different months in case of week view.

  • Fixed: Counter did not work in multiple selection mode.

  • Fixed: Stopping swipe navigation and disabling prev/next buttons did not work correctly in case of week view.

  • Changed: Days from other months are hidden by default when scroll is vertical.


  • Fixed: onClick handler can be passed to react components inside card.

  • Fixed: Listview corners were not rounded inside card on Safari/macOS.


  • Fixed: undefined value was added to the values array with setVal in multiple selection mode.

  • Fixed: In refine mode the color slider became unstyled during hide animation.


  • Fixed: Changes to events were lost after option method call.


  • Fixed: Added missing allDay event property definition in angular directive


  • Fixed: swipeleft and swiperight settings names corrected in angular component.


  • New: React form components added.

  • New: Prompt input value is selected by default on show (if any).

  • New: Angular segmented component multiselection works with arrays too.

  • Fixed: Click / tap on switch handle should toggle the switch (regression introduced in 4.0.0-beta3).

  • Fixed: Dropdown destroy was incorrect.

  • Fixed: Multiple slider handle support added to angularjs.

  • Fixed: Stepper and segmented control border styling fix with Material theme on macOS Safari.


  • Fixed: Filtering did not work after async data update.

  • Fixed: getVal method returned null if selected value was 0.

  • Fixed: null can also be passed initially for the data setting in angular and react components.

  • Fixed: In ionic, the mbsc-data attribute won't crash the select initially, when the model value is not the first data item.


  • New: Added wheel index to event args inside the onChange event.

  • Fixed: Added missing setting definitions for parseValue and formatValue in angular and react


  • Fixed: Scroller went crazy when running stopwatch in Angular and AngularJS.


  • Fixed: Badges show up and update automatically on angular navigation items (#443).

  • Fixed: prev and next method toggle parameter wasn't true by default.


  • Fixed: Auto-correction for min and max ranges should not set dates out of min and max boundaries.

Version 4.0.0-beta3.1

26 Jan 09:48
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Version 4.0.0-beta3.1 Pre-release



  • Fixed: Added missing type defintions for the parseDate and formatDate util functions in the mobiscroll namespace.

  • Fixed: Automatically prevent "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error when pickers are opened from a Bootstrap modal dialog.

  • Fixed: iOS theme 3D scroller wheels were messed up, if wheel was scrolled with trackpad until min or max values.

  • Fixed: Bootstrap 4 compatibility fixes.


  • New: Color swatches for radio, switch, checkbox, slider, stepper, and segmented components.

  • New: Added rating component.

  • Fixed: Styles of the outline buttons was not correct with iOS, Material and Windows themes.

  • Fixed: Incorrect styling of inset form groups of iOS theme, when used with Angular.

  • Fixed: Updated value shown in angular dropdown when changed programmatically without ngModel

  • Changed: radio buttons and select appearance in windows theme.


  • New: Added proper keyboard navigation for better accessibility.

  • New: Added onPageChange, onPageLoading, onPageLoaded events to substitute onMonthChange, onMonthLoading and onMonthLoaded, because the naming was not suitable in case of week view. Also, instead of just year and month parameters (which is insufficient in case of week views), the events receive a date object, representing the first day of the view. The old events are still triggered as well, but are considered as deprecated.

  • Fixed: option method resulted in error when called on an inline calendar.

  • Fixed: If icons were used without text within the labels setting, they were displayed in a wrong color with the Mobiscroll and Material themes.

  • Removed: calendarText setting. The dateText is used instead of it.

  • Changed: the calendar-date-time tab configuration is not supported anymore.


  • Fixed: Added hierarchical support for listview in angular.


  • Fixed: German toText translation.

  • Fixed: Dutch clearText translation.


  • Fixed: Added missing import statements in React.

  • Fixed: onItemTap event was not fired.


  • Fixed: With filtering enabled, setVal was not working correctly for 0 or empty string value.

  • Fixed: Dynamic data update did not work when used inside Mobiscroll Form (React only).

  • New: Automatically focus filter input on show.

Event Calendar

  • New: Be able to mark an event as an all-day event.

  • Fixed: Added missing [options] binding for the Angular component.


  • Fixed: The mbsc-treelist directive generates an input element by default.


  • Fixed: The mbsc-image directive generates an input element by default.

Version 4.0.0-beta

01 Dec 08:16
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Version 4.0.0-beta Pre-release



  • New: Angular components for all Mobiscroll controls were added. Use the components instead of directives to generate Mobiscroll form elements like inputs, selects.

  • New: Scrollview component was added for creating scrollable layouts.

  • New: Navigation component was providing quick solutions for three navigation patterns: tabs, bottom navigation and hamburger menu or drawer navigation.

  • New: New color schemes were added for providing means to create variated UI designs. Primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light and dark are the new schemes that can be used with notes and buttons at the moment.

  • Removed: [Breaking Change] Knockout integration is not maintained anymore. Please use the plain Javascript version instead.

  • Removed: [Breaking Change] ASP.NET MVC server controls are not maintained anymore. Please use a different version of Mobiscroll.

  • Changed: [Breaking Change] Buttons will be rendered in the order they are specified in the buttons setting. This change is applicable to all components where custom buttons are being used.


  • Removed: [Breaking Change] jQuery Mobile theme is not maintained anymore. Mobiscroll for jQuery is fully compatible with jQuery Mobile, use any other available theme.

  • Removed: [Breaking Change] Android Holo theme is not maintained anymore. Mobiscroll is supporting Android 4.1+, use any other theme available.

  • Changed: [Breaking Change] wp theme has been renamed to windows. Going forward use windows for the light theme and windows-dark for the dark version.

  • Changed:iOS theme has been improved in several places, including hover effects.


  • Removed: [Breaking Change] Menustip is not maintained as a stand-alone component. Functionality has been broken out into three focused components. Use the Scrollview, Navigation and Optionlist instead.


  • New: Note styling was added for providing inline feedback to users, supporting multiple color schemes.

  • New: Buttons received a makeover with support for outline buttons and they now support multiple color schemes.

  • Changed: [Breaking Change] Slider and Progress modules are now included in the Form module. Make sure to include mobiscroll-form instead of separately using mobiscroll-slider and mobiscroll-progress as before.

  • Fixed: Progress and slider label positioning was fixed for the iOS theme.


  • Removed: Rating and grading scroller component is not maintained anymore. Use the Image or Scroller components instead.


  • New: New component was added to help in creating scrollable layouts. Horizontal scrolling is supported at the moment.


  • New: The component has been created with the goal of making single and multiple value selection easy in a horizontally scrollable list of icons, labels and their combination. The functionality was available in the Menustrip, which was migrated and the API was simplified.


  • New: The component has functionality that has been broken out of the Menustrip. It provides quick and easy solutions to three common navigation patterns: tabs, bottom navigation and the hamburger menu (use the last one with responsibility)


  • Changed: The calendar view has been completely overhauled. A major refactoring has been performed including code and markup simplification.

  • New: Week view support has been added with the option of displaying and navigating the calendar on a weekly, bi-weekly … basis. Specify the number with the weeks option.


  • Changed: The calendar view has been completely overhauled. A major refactoring has been performed including code and markup simplification.

  • New: Marked day support has been added. Little colored dots can show up in the Range picker that was only possible in the Calendar and Event Calendar components.

  • New:Week view has been added for supporting compact range picker instances. Specify the number with the weeks option.

Event calendar

  • Changed: The calendar view has been completely overhauled. A major refactoring has been performed including code and markup simplification.

  • New: Week view has been added for compact event calendar views. Specify the number with the weeks option.

  • New: A new option has been introduced to disable event listings in a pop-up bubble. Turn it off with the eventBubble bool setting.

Version 3.2.6

06 Nov 06:55
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  • New: Support for iPhone X safe regions.


  • Fixed: In bubble display mode arrow was positioned incorrectly with Bootstrap theme in multiple month view.


  • Fixed: Prompt dialog promise resolves with null instead of empty string, if Cancel pressed.

  • Fixed: Validation styling fixes for the iOS theme.


  • Fixed: Suffix rendering issue on iOS 11.


  • Fixed: Fixed navigate method in Angular to work with id attributes of the mbsc-menustrip-items.

  • Fixed: In agnular the menustrip will automatically update the UI without the need to call a manual refresh when items are loaded dynamically.


  • Fixed: Start/end labels were displayed incorrectly in RTL mode with the iOS theme.


  • Fixed: Last star was cut off on iOS theme 3D wheels.


  • Fixed: getVal only returned group if a separate group wheel was present, did not work in case of group headers.

  • Fixed: onFilter event was not firing with custom filter when the last character was cleared form the filter input.