For each gene in B73, does it have an SV in or near (+/- 1kb) the gene?, if yes, parse out those that have only one SV in either B73 or
B97, and this SV overlaps the promoter, and only the promoter. Some additional filters to get rid of genes that are too similar (no SVs)
these were kept as a control set, and filter to get rid of genes that are too different based on exon-only comparison, and kick out genes
that overlap 'unalignable regions'
Note: Go back and create a category of multi-SV genes
This leaves us with:
739 B73 genes with deletions in promoters relative to B97
1256 B73 genes with insertions in promoters relative to B97
11761 B73 genes that have no SVs (promoter or elsewhere)
The first thing I've done is look at the distribution of expression of these genes.
I am pulling B73 expression from an existing TPM table (B73_full-tpm.tsv), only using one set of leaf tissues for initial analysis
"B73_V11_middle". Question: were these re-run for the NAM paper? it would be nice to have similar datasets
For B97, ZM helped me map the B97 data back to B73, and again I'm pulling a leaf treatment only "leaf" - 4 reps
I calculated the mean TPM for each gene and visualized with a violin plot -- note that the distribution of TPMs includes some very
large values that I am not including here. I also have not calculated a ratio of B73/B97 yet (though this is easy and on my list) \
Here I am subsetting to only include genes with TPM between 0 and 500 - it looks like the "No SV" genes are biased toward lower expression, but I need to watch out because the n is very different (see above)
Here I'm making a scatterplot of TPM -- I used a cut-off of 500TPM in either genotype. I think I should try a ratio instead of the raw TPM
B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression_sub500=subset(B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression, mean_leaf_B73 < 500 & mean_leaf_B97 < 500)
#Scatter plot of B73 v B97 expression colored by insertion type
ggplot(B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression_sub500, aes(x=mean_leaf_B73, y=mean_leaf_B97, color=V21))+
facet_wrap(~ V21)+
stat_cor(aes(label = ..rr.label..), color = "red", geom = "label")
B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression_B73ins=subset(B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression, V21=="B73_Ins_Rel_B97")
B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression_B73del=subset(B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression, V21=="B73_Del_Rel_B97")
B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression_noSV=subset(B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression, V21=="No_SV_gene")
#subset the large noSV dataset
a=ggplot(B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression_B73ins, aes(x=V6, y=ratio))+
b=ggplot(B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression_B73del, aes(x=V6, y=ratio))+
c=ggplot(B73_v_B97_SV_noSV_Expression_noSV_subset, aes(x=V6, y=ratio))+
Manisha is copying the B73 v B97 anchorwave prior to her cleanup into scratch - this allows me to do a bedtools intersect with gene +/- 1kb
vs the anchorwave file to count SNPs and potentially small indels in my Prom_SV and No_SV gene sets
Look at B73vB97 TPM (x vs y) - color by insertion type/no sv, see if No SV genes have a higher Rsquared
Continue to get different tissue expression data
Begin to parse by: distance to TSS, Manisha category, etc
Are our promoter SV genes enriched for a specific type of gene(s)?