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106 lines (98 loc) · 3.76 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (98 loc) · 3.76 KB

Howl shorthands

Note: entries where the snippet prefix matches equivalent C# source are not included.


# Sym Syntax Prefix
1 ︲̑ protected internal pri
2 ‒̥ public static ps
3 ◠̥ protected static prs
4 ︲̥ internal static is
5 ︲̥̑ protected internal static pris
6 ▰̥ private static pvs

Control flow

# Sym Syntax Prefix
7 else if elif
8 (╯°ѡ°)⸗ throw new System.Exception throwex
9 return true; tt
10 return false; ff
11 return null; nn
12 yield return yr
13 yield break; yb
14 yield return null; yy


# Sym Syntax Prefix
15 public static explicit operator explicit
16 public static implicit operator implicit
17 Action act


# Sym Syntax Prefix
18 (this, xargs


# Sym Syntax Prefix
19 ؟ [Test] public void test
20 [SetUp] public void setup
21 [TearDown] public void teardown


# Sym Syntax Prefix
22 transform tra
23 ˙ .transform.position position
24 .transform.rotation rotation
25 ˢ .transform.lossyScale lossyscale
26 Vector2 v2
27 Vector4 v4
28 Vector2 p2
29 Vector3 point3
30 メ̂ Vector4 p4
31 Ʀ Physics.Raycast raycast
32 Physics.Spherecast spherecast
33 Object.FindObjectOfType the
34 Object.FindObjectsOfType all
35 GameObject.Find find
36 void Awake() awake
37 void Start() start
38 void Update() update
39 void FixedUpdate() fixedupdate
40 🀰 void OnEnable() onenable
41 🀱 void OnDisable() ondisable
42 Time.time time
43 𝛿𝚝 Time.deltaTime deltatime
44 ∠ʳ Mathf.Deg2Rad radians
45 ∠° Mathf.Rad2Deg degrees
46 gameObject.AddComponent< addcomponent
47 GetComponent< getcomponent
48 [UnityTest] public IEnumerator utest
49 if (Skip()) yield break; opt
50 yield return new WaitForSeconds yieldsec
51 🍥 That.Logger.Log log
52 🔺 That.Logger.Err err
53 🔸 That.Logger.Warn warn

Active Logic

# Sym Syntax Prefix
54 ◇̠ return done(); dd
55 ☡̱ return cont(); cc
56 ■̠ return fail(); fa
57 return @void(); vvv
58 ⓧ̱ return @false(); fff
59 𝟾̱ return loop.cont(); lcc
60 ◇̠ʾ return pending.done(); pdd
61 ☡̱ʾ return pending.cont(); pcc
62 ☡̱ʿ return impending.cont(); icc
63 ■̠ʿ return; iff
64 override public status Step() step
65 => ε( sx
66 [log && $" nt
67 % @do?[ task
68 While( drive
69 Ɑℓ using Active.Core; using static Active.Status; usingal
70 𝐊 using Kabuki; usingkabuki
71 𝖴 using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; usingunity
72 𝖴ᵉ using UnityEditor usinged
73 𝚂 using System; using System.Linq; usingsystem
74 𝙲 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; usingcollections