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Obsidian for Neovim (WIP)

I often use Obsidian to take daily notes and maintain my knowledge base. This plugin allows you to use the basic functionality to work with Obsidian vaults.

For full experience needs nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim plugin, nvim-cmp plugin. And it also needs CLI tools like ripgrep, fd and sd.

See more details in Features and help file.


  • Opening vault
  • Creating new notes
  • Creating/Opening daily notes
  • Selecting and inserting templates to buffer with support placeholders like: {{title}}, {{date}}, {time}}
  • Searching notes with Telescope integration
  • Searching backlinks of the current note
  • Going to file via wiki link
  • Renaming current note with updating wiki links
  • Autocomplete of wiki links with cmp integration
  • Multi vault

Configuration example with lazy.nvim

You do not need to decorate functions in keys if you have only one vault in opts.vaults.

  lazy = 'VeryLazy',
  keys = {
    { '<leader>ov', '<cmd>lua require("obsidian").vault_prompt()<cr>', desc = 'Vault prompt' },
    { '<leader>oc', '<cmd>lua require("obsidian").cd_vault()<cr>', desc = 'Cd vault' },
    { '<leader>on', '<cmd>lua require("obsidian").new_note_prompt()<cr>', desc = 'New note' },
    { '<leader>ot', '<cmd>lua require("obsidian").open_today()<cr>', desc = 'Open today' },
    { '<leader>oT', '<cmd>lua require("obsidian").open_today_prompt()<cr>', desc = 'Open today (shift)' },
    { '<leader>oi', '<cmd>lua require("obsidian").template_picker()<cr>', desc = 'Template picker' },
    { '<leader>of', '<cmd>lua require("obsidian").note_picker()<cr>', desc = 'Note picker' },
    { '<leader>ob', '<cmd>lua require("obsidian").backlinks_picker()<cr>', desc = 'Backlinks picker' },
    { '<leader>or', '<cmd>lua require("obsidian").rename_prompt()<cr>', desc = 'Rename prompt' },
        if require('obsidian').found_wikilink_under_cursor() ~= nil then
          return '<cmd>lua require("obsidian").go_to()<CR>'
          return 'gf'
      noremap = false,
      expr = true,
  ---@type ObsidianOptions
  opts = {
    extra_fd_opts = '--exclude assets --exclude journals --exclude _debug_remotely_save',
    vaults = {
        dir = '~/Knowledge/',
        daily = {
          dir = 'journals',
          format = '%Y-%m-%d',
        note = {
          dir = '.',
          transformator = function(filename)
            if filename ~= nil and filename ~= '' then
              return filename
            return string.format('%d', os.time())
        templates = {
          dir = 'templates',
          date = '%Y-%d-%m',
          time = '%Y-%d-%m',

Cmp integration

  dependencies = {
  ---@param opts cmp.ConfigSchema
  opts = function(_, opts)
    local cmp = require('cmp')
    local obsidian = require('obsidian')
    cmp.register_source('obsidian', obsidian.get_cmp_source().new())
    table.insert(opts.sources, { name = 'obsidian' })

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