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JavaScript Guidelines

In this document

General Guidelines

In order to improve the clarity, quality and development time it is worth considering the following principles whenever possible:

Style Guide

  • Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide is partially being followed in our code base.

  • Code formatting is handled entirely by Prettier. Run npm run prettify from the root of the project to format all code. Code is also automatically formatted pre-commit.

  • Check below for the rules that are not caught by ESLint but should be followed.

Naming Conventions

Variables: Variables should be lowercase words separated by _.

const field_name = '...';

Constant(Static) contents: Constant(Static) contents(numbers or strings) should be UPPER_SNAKE_CASE. UPPER CASE and separated by _.

const MY_STATIC_CONTENT = '...';

Functions: Functions should be camelCase. This is to easily distinguish between variables and functions.

const myFunction = () => { ... };

Modules: Module names and classes should be PascalCase.

const MyModule = (() => { ... })();

JavaScript elements: JavaScript elements start with el_ for a similar effect.

const el_test = document.getElementById('test');

Boolean: Those variables which store a boolean value, should start with is_, has_, ...

const is_updated = true;
const has_crypto = false;


Explanations: Feel free to add comments to explain any code that is confusing.

To do: Use TODO: [search-key] - {explanation} comments anywhere that needs consideration or attention in the future. Please use a unique key per issue that a TODO addresses so that we can find all TODOs of similar nature by searching for the key.

API requests: Comments should be added to highlight logic that is hardcoded in the front-end and should move to API:

  • For changes that can be done in API V3, use the comment

    // API_V3: [description of what needs to be moved to API]
  • For changes that should be done in API V4, use the comment

    // API_V4: [description of what needs to be moved to API]

Import Rules

Require: Prefer import in import statements.

Alphabetical ordering: The order is important; it should be sorted alphabetically according to path:

  • moment comes first as it's not a relative path.
  • s is before u so ./storage comes before ./utility.
  • Both applyToAllElements and createElement are from the same file, but a is before c
  • Unassigned require goes to the end

Imports are grouped by: 3rd-party first, then local absolute imports, then local relative

Combining require: When there are many functions being imported from the same file, consider combining it into one import line.

import React from 'react';


class ABC extends React.Component { ... }

JSX Rules

  • Use destructuring to capture parameters if needed.
  • Use {condition && <el/> ...</el>} syntax to conditionally render an element.
  • Use <el attr={value || undefined} to conditionally render an attribute, React omits attributes with null or undefined values.
  • Use localize('...') or <Localize i18n_default_text='...' for translations.
  • Use website_name constant instead of Deriv.
  • Do NOT use <Element attributeName={true} />; just use <Element attributeName />.
  • Always name your components before default exporting them, for example:
import React from 'react';

const Loading = ({theme}) => (
    <div className={`barspinner ${ theme || 'dark'}`}>
        { Array.from(new Array(5)).map((x, inx) => (
            <div key={inx} className={`rect${inx + 1}`}></div>

export default Loading;
  • There are cases where you do not want your strings to be escaped (i.g. when you place <a/> tags inside a <Table />). To bypass HTML escape, you can use the interpolation.escapeValue boolean property of the localize options param (under normal circumstances do NOT use this.):
localize('{{opening_tag}}Deriv App{{closing_tag}}', {
    opening_tag  : '<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="link">',
    closing_tag  : '</a>',
    interpolation: { escapeValue: false },