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30 lines (20 loc) · 1.7 KB

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30 lines (20 loc) · 1.7 KB


Count Duckula

pseudo (quack_quack) code with syntax highlighting from R Markdown and Prism.js

read this blog post from Charles T. Gray and/or view this twitter thread

How to use.

Clone or download this project to your machine.

  • Edit quack_quack.rmd
  • create new code chunks for quack_quack code, insert a new chunk and replace {r} with {quack_quack}
  • in quack_quack chunks, the code won't run, this is a GOOD THING. Knitr will warn but will continue processing.
  • any dataset represented like some_dataset and references to quack_quack and column_name will be highlighted in the knitted html output
  • regular {r} chunks will be processed.
  • save the .rmd and knit to html


  • more quack_quack keywords can be added by editing scripts/prism.js and adding new tokens with 'token_name': regex for keyword(s)
  • search for quack_quack in scripts/prism.js to see examples and to be in the correct spot to add new tokens
  • to change the css open themes/prism.css and search for .token.quack_quack for an example

View a preview of the knitted htlm file here :

The project involves some R Markdown chunk tricks and a customized version of the Prism.js syntax highlighter for R.

Help wanted : customizing RStudio syntax highlighting to display the quack_quack syntax natively in .Rmd files in the RStudio editor