- Parameter server - parameters, updates on a different server
- Model runs on a worker
- Distribute parameter server
- Parallelize input batch
- Portability - DL runs on CPU,GPU,TPU, Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi
- ML gets complex quickly - Heterogenous systems, Distributed systems, Modeling complexity
- TensorFlow - abstracts Heterogenous systems, Distributed systems, Modeling complexity
- Parallelism in Op - DataFlow graphs, MatMul
- Matrix -> Split -> Matmul
- Tutorial
- Neural Turing Machine - NN controller that learns from sequence had has persistent memory
- Similar to RNN - can be fed continuous input
- NTM are differentiable Turing Machines
- NTM smooth functions - Smooth analogs
- NTM can - generalize, language modeling(autocomplete, guessing a word from a sentence), does well at bAbI dataset from Facebook
- bAbI - series of stories followed by questions that need reasoning to answer bAbI
- Need to make logical inferences + relevancy
- Problems - Architecture dependent, large number of parameters, doesn't benefit much from GPU acceleration(because its sequential, hence its hard to parallelize), hard to train
- Hard to train - numerically unstable(they tend to make large mistakes and not small mistakes, because the error is made in the algorithm set up)
- Using memory is hard - need to know what to forget when using RNN
- Gradient clipping - limit the degree to which we change a parameter in a model that doesn't seem to work
- Loss clipping - put a cap on how much we can change the loss function. Used in addition to gradient clipping
- Graves' RMSprop - extension of backpropagation - it smooths out gradients - instead of taking an average it takes a running estimate of the variance - extreme values of loss don't decay the parameters much
- Adam optimizer - smooths gradients
- Attention to initialization - poor init can prevent convergence - have to play close attention to starting value of memory
- Short sequences first - feed in short training data - when loss its target, increase size of input - repeat process. This is called curriculum learning
Dynamic Neural Computers addresses these concerns
- Similar to NTMs except - no index shift based addressing - can allocate and deallocate memory - remembers recent memory use(temporal memory, they can walk back the linked list)
- Logical inference + fuzzy reasoning
- Current chatbots -> user - nlp - state stracker(dialogue state) - policy manager (system act)- nlgeneration - user
- What is Reinforcement Learning - data driven approach towards learning behaviour
- RL + DL
- RL vs SL: SL - hard so specify function, easy to identify correct output. example: recognizing cats
- RL: hard to specify function, hard to identify correct output, easy to specify behaviour goal. example: double inverted pendulum.
- Advantages od RL: does not require knowledge of a good policy - does not require labelled data - online learning i.e. it adapts the changes in the environment in real time
- Challenges for RL - requires lots of data, sample distribution changes during learning(the policy changes during learning as well), samples are not IID(they are strongly related)
Solution strategies for RL:
- How to find a good policy for RL?
- RL is modelled as a Markov Decision Process
- RL bootstraps - Temporal Difference Learning
- Deep RL: RL where you use DL to estimate Q values - based on 2015 Nature paper from DeepMind called DQN
- Uses 2 networks - target network updated slowly to slow the variance for better stability
Applying RL to Dialogue systems
- User simulator trained on offline data - to mitigate the 'lots of data needed to train' issue
- Exact state is not observed - belief state is used
- Belief state spaces are discretized to summary state space - needs domain knowledge
- Deep RL can generalize and hence we dont need the summary state space.
- Summary - can be used for online learning - does not need knowledge of good policy
- Discrete explore-exploit
- Continuous explore-exploit
- Partial mapping
- Data process -> Sizing oppurtunity and scope - model architecture - data pipelines and processing - model optimization - product implementation & evaluation
- This talk is about Sizing oppurtunity and scope - model architecture
- Step 1: Need the right target metric that needs to move
- OKR - the metric you are trying to move
- Pricing recommendations - example of focused right target metric
- Step 1: make the case for the metric - highlight all the ways the metric matters - price filter usage, variations by market. Project can take 6 months
- Find the most important features for that target metric - for airbnb it was 'value' of listing
- Step 2: Model architecture - before - use location, listing characteristics, recency - this mimicked host behaviour
- Step 2: Model architecture - after - new metric is bookings - lets use price as a feature to predict booking - price suggestion based on prob of being booked on agiven day - added model layer for adoption of prices
- Learnings - target metric - up front analysis of potential impact of ML product - study user behaviour
- 200 trees - 150 features(only 20 used) - 100 ML models - Gradient booted trees with pairwise ranking
- Training labels - collected from user logs - positive labels are clicked, added to cart, purchased - negative labels are idnored results(product shown, but no action), random sample from whole match set(the model needs to see what the customer has not seen)
- What targets to use? - probably not purchases
- Training targets - mixing click and purchase targets
- Fast Feature selection - 2 stage feature selection: a. choose al features that scored better than random b. use backward elimination and forward selection
- Scroing features in ensemble of trees
- Continuous features provide more possible splits - tree is likely to choose the continuous feature over the binary feauture even if its useless
- Fix for this problem - Code
All product search:
- Query category score
- Hunger score
- In-category relevance score for each product
Match set
- Behavioral matches - using online behavioral features
- How do non text matches happen - using behavioral features
- Cold start problem - day 0 has all behavorial features at 0 - day 7 behavioral features are picking up too slow
Non Relevance Sort
- Search tv - sort by average customer review - results for tv cloths show up
- Solution - calculate {query, product type} score - filter the match set by top product types
- 10 billion pins a day - 150 million monthly users
- New content - source recommendations - ranking model
- New content - social recommendations - ranking model
- 2 different ranking models - why? - to parallelize model development - different content types have different important features - different content types might have different objective functions - easy to add new types of content
The Blending problem
- Combine results from pools into one sorted feed
- Constraints - scores arent comparable across the pools - must maintain ranking for each pool -
- Desired traits of a good solution - users with significant history should see more of the content types they prefer - we should be able to train new users and tune from there
Which model for the Blending problem?
- Fixed ratio model - take the top ranking results from the pools
- Calibrate ranking models
- Multi armed bandit model -each arm of the bandit represents each pool
- Sampling technique - we dont get feedback after sample - sample content in batches - use Thompson sampling technique - map pool affinities onto an integer ratio
- Data - positice actions, negattive actions, views of item
- Beta distribution - good for binary outcomes - positive action, negative action
- Response distribution - each action type has its own beta distribution and is weighted by the rewards
- How do we deal with new users - prior distribution - for new users they see some of each of the types of content in every page
- Sampling technique - take the expected value of the pool utilities on the integer ratio
Distributed Optimization
- Mini Batch - convergence gurantee - tunable communication
- Mini batch limitations - one off methods - stale updates - average over batch size
- CoCoA-v1 - primal dual framework - immediately apply local updates - average over K(strictly less than the batch size)
- Primal dual framework - default in liblinear package
- Immediately apply updates - change in for loop to apply update before end
- CoCoA-v1 limitations - can we avoid having to average the partial solutions - L1 regularized objectives not covered in initial framework, L1 encourages sparse solutions(works well when the feature space is large), includes Lasso, sparse logistic regression, elastic net - beneficial to distribute by framework
- Solution - solve primal directly - default software package is glmnet
- CoCoA
Personalization and Scalable Deep Learning with MXNET , ALEX SMOLA, MACHINE LEARNING DIRECTOR, AMAZON
- Latent Variable Models:
- Temporal sequence of observations - purchases, likes, ad clicks, queries
- Latent state to explain behavior
- Clusters(navigational, informational queries in search)
- Topics(interest distributions for users over time)
- Kalman Filter(trajectory and location modeling)
- LSTM for survival analysis
Why is tuning ML Models hard?
- neon.optimizers.optimizer.RMSProp()
- scikit-learn optimizers - gridsearch, randomsearch - takes a time consuming problem and does a brute force exhaustive search
- Bayesian optimization - efficiently find a global optima
- Optimize objective function - loss, accuracy, likelihood
- Given parameters - hyperparameters
- Find the best parameters - sample function as few times as possible
How does it work?
- Gaussian Process - stochastic regression function
Evaluating the optimizer
- Area under curve
- Benchmark suite - optimization functions (Branin, Ackeley, Rosenbrock), ML Datasets (LIBSVM)
- Infrastructure - AWS cluters
- Viz tool - Best Seen Traces
- Metrics - stochasticity - Mann-Whitney test for significance
- First Mann-Whitney U tests using BEST_FOUND - AUC
Several People Are Tuning: Data and Machine Learning at Slack JOSH WILLS, HEAD OF DATA ENGINEERING, SLACK
- Prod - MySQL, Solr, Redis
- Data warehouse - S3, Hive, Spark, Presto, MySQL
- WebApp - Apache, PHP
- Logs via kafka sent from the webapp to the data warehouses
- Prod communicates with the warehouse through Sqooper
- MLE - MLE who enjoy working on ML problems, people who haven't done ML and who don't know how terrible the job is
- Airflow
- OODA - observe, orient(come up with metrics), decide, act(build models, optimize, hyperparameter tune)
- Searchable log of all knowledge and communication - slack
- Hulk model - build a giant batch model and serve it statically - refresh every 24 hours
- Parquet, airflow, caravel, quiver(key value serving model) - useful tools
- Data - Data Scientist - ML algorithm(R, GBM(XGBOOST), Spark ML) - Model - $$$$$
- Data - data prep - ML algo - model - deploy - predict - $$$$$
- IBM Data Science Experience
- ML models with mathematical optimization(picture)
- Linear Model
- SVMs
- Decision Trees
- Multi label classification
- Alternating least squares
- ML models that use mathematical optimization need to mathematical techniques.
- VADER - Valence Aware Dictionary and Sentiment Reasoner - Repo
- VADER is sensitive to adverbs, punctuation, emoticons, nuances