Docker Container to backup host data to another server
docker run -t -i -v [$(pwd)/certs]:/certs -v [$(pwd)/folder_to_backup]:/backup -e TYPE={SCP,FTP} -e KEEP={number} -e CRON=["* * * * *"] -e PASS=[SSH_PASS] -e PRIV_KEY_NAME=[name_of_privatekey] -e DISTANT_HOST_PATH=[user@host:path_to_backup] --name docker-backup adi90x/docker-backup
- DISTANT_HOST_PATH = Host connection string in ssh style (user@host) or ftp style (user:pass@host)
- TYPE = {SCP,FTP} depend on how you want to save
- SCP => Save backup file via SCP and use SSH to keep only $KEEP backup
- FTP => Use lftp mirror to keep $KEEP backup
- BACKUP_PATH = where to backup ( from scp/ftp connection default location with no ending / )
- PASS = SSH Pass to connect to the target folder ( only for scp connection)
- PRIV_KEY_NAME = name_of_privatekey_to_use - default = priv.key ( only for scp connection)
- CRON = Cron like parameters to choose when to backup (ex : "* * * * *" every minutes) - default = Everyday at midnight
- KEEP = Number of backup to keep - default = 1
- Maybe add rsync
- Just git clone master or any dev branch and send a pull request !
git clone