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adidas Yarn Design System

YARN is a frontend toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS and JS with adidas style. It provides the base layout for frontend applications.

  • Header: it is shown fixed at the top of the screen, it is used to display branding information and always visible links. It can also be used to display a small navigation bar.
  • Tabbar: below the header, it is behaviour is similar to a horizontal navigation list.
  • Toolbar: below the tabbar, it is used to display buttons to perform different operations related to the context of the current page.
  • Sidebar: it is located on the left part of the screen.
  • Footer: it is shown fixed at the bottom of the screen.
  • Main container: it fits the available screen between the header/tabbar/toolbar and the footer. It is the only container which should be able to scroll.

YARN is based on Bootstrap v3, which is a front-end framework used to define HTML elements like grids, typography, inputs and other interface components, as well as optional JS extensions.

Currently YARN has two different views based on the default font size of 16px.

  • Mobile version: screen width < 60rem (960px).
    • Left sidebar and tabbar components are hidden by default.
  • Desktop version screen width >= 60rem (960px).

Check all its features on the documentation page (work in progress).

Use cases

The purpose of this library is to provide CSS classes to customize frontend applications with adidas style.

The package provides the compiled code in CSS format, as well as the source code in LESS format. Both can be used to customize the style of any frontend application, without being compiled, respectively.

The list of use cases is endless, so, some of them could be:

  • To create a flexible design based on the root font size of the document, so the application can adapt the size of the elements to that font size without using JavaScript.
  • To enhance a basic application adding the fixed header and footer with some information and links which will be always visible.
  • To add a navigation tree or menu in the application on the left side of the screen using the sidebar.

adidas is not responsible for the usage of this software for different purposes that the ones described in the use cases.

Requirements and dependencies

NodeJS and NPM are required to work with the repository.

Ther are no runtime dependencies, because, despite the fact that this library is based on Bootstrap, the source code has been compiled along with Bootstrap.

On the other hand, the use can redefine the fonts to be displayed, read font definitions section.

Installation and running

  • In development mode:
    npm install
  • Run time:
    npm install @adidas/yarn-design-system

Load the library files in the HTML of your application:

<!-- YARN core -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@adidas/yarn-design-system/dist/yarn.css">

<!-- YARN assets -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@adidas/yarn-design-system/dist/yarn-icon.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@adidas/yarn-design-system/dist/yarn-logo.css">

<!-- YARN JavaScript functions (optional) -->
<script type="text/javascript" href="node_modules/@adidas/yarn-design-system/dist/yarn.js">

Or import them in your preprocessed CSS files with @import:

@import '~@adidas/yarn-design-system/dist/yarn.css';
@import '~@adidas/yarn-design-system/dist/yarn-icon.css';
@import '~@adidas/yarn-design-system/dist/yarn-logo.css';

Or load them using webpack or another similar tool.

Once the files have been loaded, in order to enable YARN, the main yarn class have to be placed in the <body/> element of the page.

<body class="yarn">
  <div class="page-container">
    <header class="header"></header>
    <div class="tabbar"></div>
    <div class="toolbar"></div>
    <main class="main">
      <div class="sidebar"></div>
      <div class="container"></div>
    <footer class="footer"></footer>

Font definitions

YARN is using three different font families, one of them for the two most important headings and the other one for the rest of headins and the normal text: heading, base and monospace respectively.

These three font families are just names to be defined accordingly via @font-face rule.

The recommended font for these three families are:

There are several ways to define the YARN fonts:

  • Generic fonts: in order to avoid issues, three generic fonts have been set.
  • Included fallback: fonts definition using local installed fonts.
  • Specific fonts file: it has to include the definitions pointing to online files or local files.

Specific fonts

Working with more than one font in YARN requires not only to download the font definitions but to map those definitions to the YARN fonts.

The way to do it is using static CDN files or local files, to be able to point to them in a safe way. GitHub (via NPM) provides a lot of open source typefaces (MIT license) which can be loaded as local files in woff and woff2 formats, which are compatible with modern browsers.

  1. Fonts installation:
npm install typeface-poppins typeface-roboto typeface-roboto-mono
  1. Font definitions file loaded within the project files:
  • Do not forget to include the local fallbacks.
  • If the file is processed by webpack, the fonts can be pointed using: ~typeface-NAME/files/FONT-FILE.
@font-face {
  font-family: 'yarn-heading';
  font-weight: 100;
  font-style: normal;
  src: local('Poppins ExtraLight'), local('Poppins-ExtraLight'),
    url('node_modules/typeface-poppins/files/poppins-latin-200.woff2') format('woff2'),
    url('node_modules/typeface-poppins/files/poppins-latin-200.woff') format('woff');

@font-face {
  font-family: 'yarn-base';

@font-face {
  font-family: 'yarn-monospace';

See how a font definitions file has been created in the YARN documentation page.

Browser Compatibility

YARN is compatible with most common browsers.

Chrome Firefox Safari Internet Explorer Microsoft Edge Opera
macOS Supported Supported Supported N/A N/A Supported
Windows Supported Supported N/A Supported Supported Supported
Chrome Firefox Safari Android & WebView Opera
Android Supported Supported N/A Supported Supported
iOS Supported Supported Supported N/A Supported


The library consists of two parts:

  • The style source code, which is code of the library itself.
  • The example to show the different parts of the library.

Both are independent and they have different scripts to run them.

  • Library:
    npm run build
  • Example:
    npm run build:example

The library is compiled in the dist folder, whereas the example is created in the docs folder.

Example as Single Page Application

The example can be delivered as Single Page Application using the script npm run build:example:spa, executed after building the library. It accepts two environment variables:

  • HOSTNAME: host where the application will be deployed, the protocol should be omitted.
  • BASE: path where the application will be available.

Example deploying the application in https://name.domain:port/app:

HOSTNAME=//name.domain:port BASE=app npm run build:example:spa


The documentation is generated using the script doc, which generates the example in SPA mode. It also accepts the environment variables.

HOSTNAME=//name.domain:port BASE=app npm run doc


The script to develop this project have to be executed in different terminals because they have to be continuously running checking changes.

  • Library:
    npm run start:lib
  • Example:
    npm run start:example

Once the library is ready, and the example has been built, the application is ready in localhost: http://localhost:3000.

The scripts are waiting for changes in the source code to rebuild the library and the example. Each time a change is ready, the browser will update the page without reloading it, using Hot Module Replacement.

Working with the library

The library source code is inside the src folder, with LESS and JS files and some assets. The LESS code is divided in:

  • Basics: basic CSS components.
  • Components: complex CSS components.
  • Mixins: functions to provide some custom CSS based on input parameters.
  • Variables: the list of variables used in the source code as well as colors and typography.

Everything is imported from the main yarn.less file (icons and logos from yarn-icon.less and yarn-logo.less respectively).

Style Guide

YARN library follows the adidas coding style guidelines.

File naming

Every component has its own LESS file and the names follow kebab-case format.

Class naming

The LESS/CSS files follow the BEM methodology identifying the Block, Element and Modifier key elements and then inserting them into the HTML DOM.

Classes should have meaningful and self explanatory names, using kebab-case format.

BEM strict naming rules can be found in BEM naming document.

Working with the example

The example code has been written using Nuxt, which is the Server Side Rendering framework of Vue.JS.

The code is located in the example folder and follows the Nuxt guidelines.

The texts and documents are located in example/locales to be able to show the page in different languages. The .md files contain the content of full pages, while the [lang].json files have only titles and common words.

Code linting

The LESS and the Vue source code are linted using the adidas stylelint and ESLint linter configurations respectively.

There are separated scripts to lint the different sources and a global one to execute all together:

npm run lint

Note: it is mandatory to fix all the issues before pushing the code.


YARN can be extended using plugins, this is necessary because the plugins are customizations for non built-in elements and third party libraries.

Plugin guidelines

The goal of a plugin is to enhance YARN with non built-in HTML elements, because the main library must not depende on third party libraries or non standard elements.

The requirements of the plugin are:

  • Follow the YARN design: sizes, colors, etc.
    • The core library exposes the variables in LESS and SASS formats to be able to use them to compile the plugin source code.
  • Technical requirements:
    • Create a unique CSS class which customizes the whole component.
      • It has to depend on .yarn global class.
    • The component has to be flexible.
    • The sizes has to be defined using relative units:
      • em/rem are based on the font size, which is the rule followed in YARN.
      • Avoid absolute units but for non dynamic stuff, such as borders.

Note: YARN applies some rules to the basic HTML elements, so it is important to test the customization loading YARN in the test page.



Check the contributor list and you will be welcome if you want to contribute.


Check out the to know how to contribute to this project.

License and Software Information

© adidas AG

adidas AG publishes this software and accompanied documentation (if any) subject to the terms of the MIT license with the aim of helping the community with our tools and libraries which we think can be also useful for other people. You will find a copy of the MIT license in the root folder of this package. All rights not explicitly granted to you under the MIT license remain the sole and exclusive property of adidas AG.

NOTICE: The software has been designed solely for the purpose of giving some CSS classes to customize frontend applications with the adidas style. The software is NOT designed, tested or verified for productive use whatsoever, nor or for any use related to high risk environments, such as health care, highly or fully autonomous driving, power plants, or other critical infrastructures or services.

If you want to contact adidas regarding the software, you can mail us at

For further information open the adidas terms and conditions page.
