Coinsquare is a cryptocurrency trading platform that provides real-time data for various cryptocurrencies, user-friendly features, and a secure environment for trading. The website has been developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Chart.js, Express, MongoDB, and Node.js. The development process took 5 days with collaboration from 5 contributors.
Coinsquare designed to offer a comprehensive cryptocurrency trading experience. Users can access real-time pricing details, trade cryptocurrencies, manage their user profiles, and receive assistance through an integrated ChatGPT-powered chatbot. The platform also ensures security with features such as OTP verification and password change.
- View real-time pricing details for various cryptocurrencies.
- Analyze last week's performance with interactive graphs.
- Integrated ChatGPT-powered chatbot to provide assistance and information.
- Receive notifications about cryptocurrency rates going into negative numbers.
- Log in to access a personalized dashboard.
- Verify OTP and change password for enhanced security.
- Add funds to your account for trading.
- Purchase cryptocurrencies with real-time quantity availability.
- Sell cryptocurrencies with immediate payment details shown on the dashboard.
- Edit user profile details.
- Update profile photo for a personalized experience.
- Sree Harsha: Backend development for payment details and user information.
- Aditi Bhadoriya: User dashboard creation and About Us information.
- Aniket Baghel: Real-time pricing details page and functionalities.
- Utkarsh: Home page and chatbot functionalities.
- Anjali: User login, signup, forgot password UI, and functionalities.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Chart.js
- Backend: Node.js, Express
- Database: MongoDB
- Clone the repository.
- Install dependencies using
npm install
. - Set up MongoDB connection.
- Run the server using
npm start
Login and forgot password pages
Pricing List of Crypto Currencies
Purchase page with real-time graphs