diff --git a/src/AasxCore.Samm2_2_0/SammClasses.cs b/src/AasxCore.Samm2_2_0/SammClasses.cs
index 4d163d5cf..50fc576f4 100644
--- a/src/AasxCore.Samm2_2_0/SammClasses.cs
+++ b/src/AasxCore.Samm2_2_0/SammClasses.cs
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ This source code may use other Open Source software components (see LICENSE.txt)
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Aas = AasCore.Aas3_0;
+// Note: Nice regex for searching prefix in .ttl files:
+// @prefix\s+([^:]*)\:\s+<([^>]+)>.
namespace AasCore.Samm2_2_0
@@ -35,6 +38,61 @@ public class LangString
/// Text in this language.
public string? Text { get; set; }
+ public LangString() { }
+ public LangString(string language, string text)
+ {
+ Language = language;
+ Text = text;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This attribute gives a list of given presets to an field or property.
+ /// in order to avoid cycles
+ ///
+ [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Field | System.AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
+ public class SammPresetListAttribute : System.Attribute
+ {
+ public string PresetListName = "";
+ public SammPresetListAttribute(string presetListName)
+ {
+ if (presetListName != null)
+ PresetListName = presetListName;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This attribute marks a string field/ property as multiline.
+ /// in order to avoid cycles
+ ///
+ [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Field | System.AttributeTargets.Property)]
+ public class SammMultiLineAttribute : System.Attribute
+ {
+ public int? MaxLines = null;
+ public SammMultiLineAttribute(int maxLines = -1)
+ {
+ if (maxLines > 0)
+ MaxLines = maxLines;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This attribute gives a list of given presets to an field or property.
+ /// in order to avoid cycles
+ ///
+ [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Field | System.AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
+ public class SammPropertyUriAttribute : System.Attribute
+ {
+ public string Uri = "";
+ public SammPropertyUriAttribute(string uri)
+ {
+ Uri = uri;
+ }
@@ -87,20 +145,24 @@ public class ModelElement
/// times for different languages but only once for a specific language. There should
/// be at least one preferredName defined with an "en" language tag.
- public List? PreferredName = null;
- ///
- /// Human readable description in a specific language. This attribute may be defined multiple
- /// times for different languages but only once for a specific language. There should be at
- /// least one description defined with an "en" language tag.
- ///
- public List? Description = null;
+ [SammPropertyUri("bamm:preferredName")]
+ public List? PreferredName { get; set; } = null;
+ // Note: Description is already in the Referable
+ /////
+ ///// Human readable description in a specific language. This attribute may be defined multiple
+ ///// times for different languages but only once for a specific language. There should be at
+ ///// least one description defined with an "en" language tag.
+ /////
+ //[SammPropertyUri("bamm:description")]
+ //public List? Description { get; set; } = null;
/// A reference to a related element in an external taxonomy, ontology or other standards document.
/// The datatype is xsd:anyURI. This attribute may be defined multiple times.
- public List? See = null;
+ [SammPropertyUri("bamm:see")]
+ public List? See { get; set; } = null;
@@ -268,6 +330,89 @@ public SammReference(string val = "")
+ ///
+ /// Single item for NamespaceMap.
+ ///
+ public class NamespaceMapItem
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Prefix of a namespace.
+ /// Format: short sequence of chars. ALWAYS trailing colon (:).
+ ///
+ public string Prefix { get; set; } = "";
+ ///
+ /// Absolute URI to replace a prefix.
+ ///
+ public string Uri { get; set; } = "";
+ public NamespaceMapItem() { }
+ public NamespaceMapItem(string prefix, string uri)
+ {
+ Prefix = prefix;
+ Uri = uri;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This (proprietary) map links prefixes and uris together.
+ /// Intended use case is to be embedded into the SAMM aspect
+ /// and help resolving complete URIs.
+ ///
+ public class NamespaceMap
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Container of map items.
+ ///
+ [JsonIgnore]
+ public Dictionary Map { get; set; } =
+ new Dictionary();
+ // For JSON
+ public NamespaceMapItem[] Items
+ {
+ get => Map.Keys.Select(k => Map[k]).ToArray();
+ set {
+ Map.Clear();
+ foreach (var v in value)
+ AddOrIgnore(v.Prefix, v.Uri);
+ }
+ }
+ public int Count() => Map.Count();
+ public NamespaceMapItem this[int index] => Map[Map.Keys.ElementAt(index)];
+ public void RemoveAt(int index) => Map.Remove(Map.Keys.ElementAt(index));
+ public bool AddOrIgnore(string prefix, string uri)
+ {
+ if (prefix == null || uri == null)
+ return false;
+ prefix = prefix.Trim();
+ if (!prefix.EndsWith(':'))
+ return false;
+ if (Map.ContainsKey(prefix))
+ return false;
+ Map[prefix] = new NamespaceMapItem(prefix, uri);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public string? ExtendUri(string input)
+ {
+ if (input == null)
+ return null;
+ var p = input.IndexOf(':');
+ if (p < 0)
+ return input;
+ var ask = input.Substring(0, p) + ':';
+ if (!Map.ContainsKey(ask) || (p+1) >= input.Length)
+ return input;
+ var res = Map[ask].Uri + input.Substring(p + 1);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
/// Base class for other constraints that constrain a Characteristic in some way, e.g., the Range Constraint
/// limits the value range for a Property.
@@ -433,6 +578,7 @@ public IEnumerable DescendOnce()
/// Reference to a scalar or complex (Entity) data type. See Section "Type System" in the Aspect Meta Model.
/// Also the scalar data types (e.g. xsd:decimal) are treated as references in the first degree.
+ [SammPresetList("SammXsdDataTypes")]
public SammReference DataType { get; set; }
public Characteristic()
@@ -780,6 +926,7 @@ public IEnumerable DescendOnce()
/// One Property has exactly one Characteristic.
+ [SammPresetList("Characteristics")]
public SammReference Characteristic { get; set; }
public Property()
@@ -788,6 +935,33 @@ public Property()
+ ///
+ /// As defined in the Meta Model Elements, an Entity has a number of Properties.
+ ///
+ public class Entity : ModelElement, ISammSelfDescription, ISammStructureModel
+ {
+ // self description
+ public string GetSelfName() => "samm-entity";
+ public string GetSelfUrn() => "urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:1.0.0#Entity";
+ // structure model
+ public bool IsTopElement() => false;
+ public IEnumerable DescendOnce()
+ {
+ if (Properties != null)
+ foreach (var x in Properties)
+ yield return x;
+ }
+ // own
+ public List Properties { get; set; }
+ public Entity()
+ {
+ Properties = new List();
+ }
+ }
/// An Aspect is the root element of each Aspect Model and has a number of Properties, Events, and Operations.
/// This element is mandatory and must appear exactly once per model.
@@ -809,7 +983,21 @@ public IEnumerable DescendOnce()
// own
+ ///
+ /// The namespaces/ prefix definitions of the SAMM models are attached to the Aspect.
+ ///
+ public NamespaceMap Namespaces { get; set; } = new NamespaceMap();
+ ///
+ /// Multiline string with comments (for the whole SAMM file).
+ ///
+ [SammMultiLine(maxLines: 5)]
+ public string Comments { get; set; } = "";
+ [SammPropertyUri("bamm:properties")]
public List Properties { get; set; }
public List Events { get; set; }
public List Operations { get; set; }
@@ -852,6 +1040,7 @@ public static class Constants
// Top level
+ typeof(Entity),
// Characteristic
@@ -892,6 +1081,8 @@ public class SammElementRenderInfo
return null;
+ public static NamespaceMap SelfNamespaces = new NamespaceMap();
static Constants()
_renderInfo.Add(typeof(Aspect), new SammElementRenderInfo() {
@@ -917,7 +1108,7 @@ static Constants()
Background = 0xFFD6E2A6
- _renderInfo.Add(typeof(IEntity), new SammElementRenderInfo()
+ _renderInfo.Add(typeof(Entity), new SammElementRenderInfo()
DisplayName = "Entity",
Abbreviation = "E",
@@ -964,9 +1155,78 @@ static Constants()
Foreground = 0xFF000000,
Background = 0xFFB9D8FA
+ // init namespaces, as being used by self / reflection information
+ SelfNamespaces = new NamespaceMap();
+ SelfNamespaces.AddOrIgnore("bamm:", "urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:1.0.0#");
+ SelfNamespaces.AddOrIgnore("bamm-c:", "urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:characteristic:1.0.0#");
+ SelfNamespaces.AddOrIgnore("bamm-e:", "urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:entity:1.0.0#");
+ SelfNamespaces.AddOrIgnore("unit:", "urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:unit:1.0.0#");
+ SelfNamespaces.AddOrIgnore("rdf:", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#");
+ SelfNamespaces.AddOrIgnore("rdfs:", "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#");
+ SelfNamespaces.AddOrIgnore("xsd:", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#");
public static uint RenderBackground = 0xFFEFEFF0;
+ public static readonly string[] SammXsdDataTypes =
+ {
+ "xsd:anyURI",
+ "xsd:base64Binary",
+ "xsd:boolean",
+ "xsd:byte",
+ "xsd:date",
+ "xsd:dateTime",
+ "xsd:decimal",
+ "xsd:double",
+ "xsd:duration",
+ "xsd:float",
+ "xsd:gDay",
+ "xsd:gMonth",
+ "xsd:gMonthDay",
+ "xsd:gYear",
+ "xsd:gYearMonth",
+ "xsd:hexBinary",
+ "xsd:int",
+ "xsd:integer",
+ "xsd:long",
+ "xsd:negativeInteger",
+ "xsd:nonNegativeInteger",
+ "xsd:nonPositiveInteger",
+ "xsd:positiveInteger",
+ "xsd:short",
+ "xsd:string",
+ "xsd:time",
+ "xsd:unsignedByte",
+ "xsd:unsignedInt",
+ "xsd:unsignedLong",
+ "xsd:unsignedShort",
+ "langString"
+ };
+ public static readonly string[] CharacteristicsFixTypes =
+ {
+ "samm-c:Timestamp",
+ "samm-c:Text",
+ "samm-c:Boolean",
+ "samm-c:Locale",
+ "samm-c:Language",
+ "samm-c:UnitReference",
+ "samm-c:ResourcePath",
+ "samm-c:MimeType"
+ };
+ public static string[]? GetPresetsForListName(string listName)
+ {
+ if (listName == null)
+ return null;
+ listName = listName.Trim().ToLower();
+ if (listName == "SammXsdDataTypes".ToLower())
+ return SammXsdDataTypes;
+ if (listName == "Characteristics".ToLower())
+ return CharacteristicsFixTypes;
+ return null;
+ }
public static class Util
diff --git a/src/AasxCsharpLibrary/Extensions/ExtendILangStringNameType.cs b/src/AasxCsharpLibrary/Extensions/ExtendILangStringNameType.cs
index e222b5c20..cbca0fc2a 100644
--- a/src/AasxCsharpLibrary/Extensions/ExtendILangStringNameType.cs
+++ b/src/AasxCsharpLibrary/Extensions/ExtendILangStringNameType.cs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This source code may use other Open Source software components (see LICENSE.txt)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Extensions
public static class ExtendILangStringNameType
diff --git a/src/AasxPackageExplorer/debug.MIHO.script b/src/AasxPackageExplorer/debug.MIHO.script
index cfac5e590..1afc3eb2b 100644
--- a/src/AasxPackageExplorer/debug.MIHO.script
+++ b/src/AasxPackageExplorer/debug.MIHO.script
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@
// Select("Submodel", "First");
// Select("Submodel", "Next");
// Tool("exportsmtasciidoc", "File", "C:\\HOMI\\Develop\\Aasx\\repo\\new.zip", "ExportHtml", "true");
-// Tool("Exit");
\ No newline at end of file
+// Tool("Exit");
+Tool("sammaspectimport", "File", "C:\\HOMI\\Develop\\Aasx\\repo\\BatteryPass-spiel-short.ttl");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/AasxPackageLogic/AasxPackageLogic.csproj b/src/AasxPackageLogic/AasxPackageLogic.csproj
index dadac3d9a..5b7bf6632 100644
--- a/src/AasxPackageLogic/AasxPackageLogic.csproj
+++ b/src/AasxPackageLogic/AasxPackageLogic.csproj
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
diff --git a/src/AasxPackageLogic/DispEditHelperEntities.cs b/src/AasxPackageLogic/DispEditHelperEntities.cs
index a35efc61f..ace81dffa 100644
--- a/src/AasxPackageLogic/DispEditHelperEntities.cs
+++ b/src/AasxPackageLogic/DispEditHelperEntities.cs
@@ -2104,106 +2104,115 @@ public void DisplayOrEditAasEntityConceptDescription(
// IReferable
- this.DisplayOrEditEntityReferable(
- stack, parentContainer: parentContainer, referable: cd,
- indexPosition: 0,
- injectToIdShort: new DispEditHelperModules.DispEditInjectAction(
- new[] { "Sync" },
- new[] { "Copy (if target is empty) idShort to preferredName and SubmodelElement idShort." },
- (v) =>
- {
- AnyUiLambdaActionBase la = new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
- if ((int)v != 0)
- return la;
- var ds = cd.GetIEC61360();
- if (ds != null && (ds.PreferredName == null || ds.PreferredName.Count < 1
- // the following absurd case happens in reality ..
- || (ds.PreferredName.Count == 1 && ds.PreferredName[0].Text?.HasContent() != true)))
+ Action lambdaRf = (hideExtensions) =>
+ {
+ this.DisplayOrEditEntityReferable(
+ stack, parentContainer: parentContainer, referable: cd,
+ indexPosition: 0,
+ hideExtensions: hideExtensions,
+ injectToIdShort: new DispEditHelperModules.DispEditInjectAction(
+ new[] { "Sync" },
+ new[] { "Copy (if target is empty) idShort to preferredName and SubmodelElement idShort." },
+ (v) =>
- ds.PreferredName = new List
+ AnyUiLambdaActionBase la = new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
+ if ((int)v != 0)
+ return la;
+ var ds = cd.GetIEC61360();
+ if (ds != null && (ds.PreferredName == null || ds.PreferredName.Count < 1
+ // the following absurd case happens in reality ..
+ || (ds.PreferredName.Count == 1 && ds.PreferredName[0].Text?.HasContent() != true)))
+ ds.PreferredName = new List
+ {
new Aas.LangStringPreferredNameTypeIec61360(
AdminShellUtil.GetDefaultLngIso639(), cd.IdShort)
- };
- this.AddDiaryEntry(cd, new DiaryEntryStructChange());
- la = new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
- }
+ };
+ this.AddDiaryEntry(cd, new DiaryEntryStructChange());
+ la = new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
+ }
- if (parentContainer != null & parentContainer is Aas.ISubmodelElement)
- {
- var sme = parentContainer as Aas.ISubmodelElement;
- if (sme.IdShort == null || sme.IdShort.Trim() == "")
+ if (parentContainer != null & parentContainer is Aas.ISubmodelElement)
- sme.IdShort = cd.IdShort;
- this.AddDiaryEntry(sme, new DiaryEntryStructChange());
- la = new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
+ var sme = parentContainer as Aas.ISubmodelElement;
+ if (sme.IdShort == null || sme.IdShort.Trim() == "")
+ {
+ sme.IdShort = cd.IdShort;
+ this.AddDiaryEntry(sme, new DiaryEntryStructChange());
+ la = new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
+ }
- }
- return la;
- }));
+ return la;
+ }));
+ };
// Identifiable
- this.DisplayOrEditEntityIdentifiable(
- stack, cd,
- Options.Curr.TemplateIdConceptDescription,
- new DispEditHelperModules.DispEditInjectAction(
- new[] { "Rename" },
- (i) =>
- {
- if (i == 0 && env != null)
+ Action lambdaIdf = () =>
+ {
+ this.DisplayOrEditEntityIdentifiable(
+ stack, cd,
+ Options.Curr.TemplateIdConceptDescription,
+ new DispEditHelperModules.DispEditInjectAction(
+ new[] { "Rename" },
+ (i) =>
- var uc = new AnyUiDialogueDataTextBox(
- "New ID:",
- symbol: AnyUiMessageBoxImage.Question,
- maxWidth: 1400,
- text: cd.Id);
- if (this.context.StartFlyoverModal(uc))
+ if (i == 0 && env != null)
- var res = false;
- try
+ var uc = new AnyUiDialogueDataTextBox(
+ "New ID:",
+ symbol: AnyUiMessageBoxImage.Question,
+ maxWidth: 1400,
+ text: cd.Id);
+ if (this.context.StartFlyoverModal(uc))
- // rename
- var lrf = env.RenameIdentifiable(
- cd.Id, uc.Text);
+ var res = false;
- // use this information to emit events
- if (lrf != null)
+ try
- res = true;
- foreach (var rf in lrf)
+ // rename
+ var lrf = env.RenameIdentifiable(
+ cd.Id, uc.Text);
+ // use this information to emit events
+ if (lrf != null)
- var rfi = rf.FindParentFirstIdentifiable();
- if (rfi != null)
- this.AddDiaryEntry(rfi, new DiaryEntryStructChange());
+ res = true;
+ foreach (var rf in lrf)
+ {
+ var rfi = rf.FindParentFirstIdentifiable();
+ if (rfi != null)
+ this.AddDiaryEntry(rfi, new DiaryEntryStructChange());
+ }
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- AdminShellNS.LogInternally.That.SilentlyIgnoredError(ex);
- }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ AdminShellNS.LogInternally.That.SilentlyIgnoredError(ex);
+ }
- if (!res)
- this.context.MessageBoxFlyoutShow(
- "The renaming of the ConceptDescription or some referring elements has not " +
- "performed successfully! Please review your inputs and the AAS " +
- "structure for any inconsistencies.",
- "Warning",
- AnyUiMessageBoxButton.OK, AnyUiMessageBoxImage.Warning);
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawAllElements(cd);
+ if (!res)
+ this.context.MessageBoxFlyoutShow(
+ "The renaming of the ConceptDescription or some referring elements has not " +
+ "performed successfully! Please review your inputs and the AAS " +
+ "structure for any inconsistencies.",
+ "Warning",
+ AnyUiMessageBoxButton.OK, AnyUiMessageBoxImage.Warning);
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawAllElements(cd);
+ }
- }
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
- }));
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
+ }));
+ };
// isCaseOf are MULTIPLE references. That is: multiple x multiple keys!
- this.DisplayOrEditEntityListOfReferences(stack, cd.IsCaseOf,
- (ico) => { cd.IsCaseOf = ico; },
- "isCaseOf", relatedReferable: cd, superMenu: superMenu);
+ Action lambdaIsCaseOf = () =>
+ {
+ this.DisplayOrEditEntityListOfReferences(stack, cd.IsCaseOf,
+ (ico) => { cd.IsCaseOf = ico; },
+ "isCaseOf", relatedReferable: cd, superMenu: superMenu);
+ };
#if OLD
// joint header for data spec ref and content
@@ -2261,32 +2270,65 @@ public void DisplayOrEditAasEntityConceptDescription(
// new apprpoach: model distinct sections with [Reference + Content]
- DisplayOrEditEntityHasEmbeddedSpecification(
- env, stack, cd.EmbeddedDataSpecifications,
- (v) => { cd.EmbeddedDataSpecifications = v; },
- addPresetNames: new[] { "IEC61360" /* , "Physical Unit" */ },
- addPresetKeyLists: new[] {
+ Action lambdaEDS = (suppressWarning) =>
+ {
+ DisplayOrEditEntityHasEmbeddedSpecification(
+ env, stack, cd.EmbeddedDataSpecifications,
+ (v) => { cd.EmbeddedDataSpecifications = v; },
+ addPresetNames: new[] { "IEC61360" /* , "Physical Unit" */ },
+ addPresetKeyLists: new[] {
new List(){ ExtendIDataSpecificationContent.GetKeyForIec61360() /* ,
new List(){ ExtendIDataSpecificationContent.GetKeyForPhysicalUnit() */ }
- },
- relatedReferable: cd, superMenu: superMenu);
+ },
+ relatedReferable: cd, superMenu: superMenu,
+ suppressNoEdsWarning: suppressWarning);
+ };
- // experimental: SAMM elements
+ // experimental: SAMM elements
- DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
- env, stack, cd.Extensions,
- (v) => { cd.Extensions = v; },
- addPresetNames: new[] { "IEC61360" /* , "Physical Unit" */ },
- addPresetKeyLists: new[] {
- new List(){ ExtendIDataSpecificationContent.GetKeyForIec61360() /* ,
+ Action lambdaSammExt = () =>
+ {
+ DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
+ env, stack, cd.Extensions,
+ (v) => { cd.Extensions = v; },
+ addPresetNames: new[] { "IEC61360" /* , "Physical Unit" */ },
+ addPresetKeyLists: new[] {
+ new List(){ ExtendIDataSpecificationContent.GetKeyForIec61360() /* ,
new List(){ ExtendIDataSpecificationContent.GetKeyForPhysicalUnit() */ }
- },
- relatedReferable: cd, superMenu: superMenu);
+ },
+ relatedReferable: cd, superMenu: superMenu);
+ };
+ // check if to display special order for SAMM
+ var specialOrderSAMM = DispEditHelperModules.CheckReferableForSammExtensionType(cd) != null;
+ if (specialOrderSAMM)
+ {
+ lambdaIdf();
+ lambdaRf(true);
+ lambdaSammExt();
+ this.AddGroup(stack, "Continue Referable:", levelColors.MainSection);
+ lambdaIsCaseOf();
+ DisplayOrEditEntityListOfExtension(
+ stack: stack, extensions: cd.Extensions,
+ setOutput: (v) => { cd.Extensions = v; },
+ relatedReferable: cd);
+ lambdaEDS(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lambdaRf(false);
+ lambdaIdf();
+ lambdaIsCaseOf();
+ lambdaEDS(false);
+ lambdaSammExt();
+ }
- public void DisplayOrEditAasEntityValueReferencePair(
+ public void DisplayOrEditAasEntityValueReferencePair(
PackageCentral.PackageCentral packages, Aas.Environment env,
Aas.IReferable parentContainer, Aas.IConceptDescription cd, Aas.IValueReferencePair vlp, bool editMode,
ModifyRepo repo,
diff --git a/src/AasxPackageLogic/DispEditHelperModules.cs b/src/AasxPackageLogic/DispEditHelperModules.cs
index 48ead8eab..a73b150a6 100644
--- a/src/AasxPackageLogic/DispEditHelperModules.cs
+++ b/src/AasxPackageLogic/DispEditHelperModules.cs
@@ -20,11 +20,17 @@ This source code may use other Open Source software components (see LICENSE.txt)
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Xaml;
+using VDS.RDF.Parsing;
+using VDS.RDF;
using static System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.Window;
using Aas = AasCore.Aas3_0;
using Samm = AasCore.Samm2_2_0;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
+using Lucene.Net.Tartarus.Snowball.Ext;
namespace AasxPackageLogic
@@ -104,7 +110,8 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntityReferable(AnyUiStackPanel stack,
Aas.IReferable parentContainer,
Aas.IReferable referable,
int indexPosition,
- DispEditInjectAction injectToIdShort = null)
+ DispEditInjectAction injectToIdShort = null,
+ bool hideExtensions = false)
// access
if (stack == null || referable == null)
@@ -283,12 +290,14 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntityReferable(AnyUiStackPanel stack,
- // Extensions (at the end to make them not so much impressive!)
- DisplayOrEditEntityListOfExtension(
- stack: stack, extensions: referable.Extensions,
- setOutput: (v) => { referable.Extensions = v; },
- relatedReferable: referable);
+ if (!hideExtensions)
+ {
+ // Extensions (at the end to make them not so much impressive!)
+ DisplayOrEditEntityListOfExtension(
+ stack: stack, extensions: referable.Extensions,
+ setOutput: (v) => { referable.Extensions = v; },
+ relatedReferable: referable);
+ }
@@ -682,7 +691,8 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntityHasEmbeddedSpecification(
Action> setOutput,
string[] addPresetNames = null, List[] addPresetKeyLists = null,
Aas.IReferable relatedReferable = null,
- AasxMenu superMenu = null)
+ AasxMenu superMenu = null,
+ bool suppressNoEdsWarning = false)
// access
if (stack == null)
@@ -696,8 +706,8 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntityHasEmbeddedSpecification(
stack, hintMode,
new[] {
new HintCheck(
- () => { return hasDataSpecification == null ||
- hasDataSpecification.Count < 1; },
+ () => { return !suppressNoEdsWarning && (hasDataSpecification == null ||
+ hasDataSpecification.Count < 1); },
"For ConceptDescriptions, the main data carrier lies in the embedded data specification. " +
"In these elements, a Reference to a data specification is combined with content " +
"attributes, which are attached to the ConceptDescription. These attributes hold the " +
@@ -2424,7 +2434,7 @@ public Type SammExtensionHelperSelectSammType(Type[] addableElements)
return null;
- public void SammExtensionHelperUpdateJson(Aas.IExtension se, Type sammType, Samm.ModelElement sammInst)
+ public static void SammExtensionHelperUpdateJson(Aas.IExtension se, Type sammType, Samm.ModelElement sammInst)
// trivial
if (se == null || sammType == null || sammInst == null)
@@ -2457,13 +2467,140 @@ public void SammExtensionHelperUpdateJson(Aas.IExtension se, Type sammType, Samm
se.ValueType = DataTypeDefXsd.String;
+ public AnyUiLambdaActionBase SammExtensionHelperSammReferenceAction(
+ Aas.Environment env,
+ Aas.IReferable relatedReferable,
+ Samm.SammReference sr,
+ Action setValue,
+ int actionIndex,
+ string[] presetList = null)
+ {
+ if (actionIndex == 0 && presetList != null && presetList.Length > 0)
+ {
+ // prompt for this list
+ var uc = new AnyUiDialogueDataSelectFromList(
+ caption: "Select preset value to add ..");
+ uc.ListOfItems = presetList.Select((st) => new AnyUiDialogueListItem("" + st, st)).ToList();
+ this.context.StartFlyoverModal(uc);
+ if (uc.Result && uc.ResultItem != null && uc.ResultItem.Tag != null &&
+ uc.ResultItem.Tag is string prs)
+ {
+ setValue?.Invoke(new Samm.SammReference("" + prs));
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
+ }
+ }
+ if (actionIndex == 1)
+ {
+ var k2 = SmartSelectAasEntityKeys(
+ packages,
+ PackageCentral.PackageCentral.Selector.MainAuxFileRepo,
+ "ConceptDescription");
+ if (k2 != null && k2.Count >= 1)
+ {
+ setValue?.Invoke(new Samm.SammReference("" + k2[0].Value));
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
+ }
+ }
+ if (actionIndex == 2)
+ {
+ // select type
+ var sammTypeToCreate = SammExtensionHelperSelectSammType(Samm.Constants.AddableElements);
+ if (sammTypeToCreate == null)
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
+ // select name
+ var newUri = Samm.Util.ShortenUri(
+ "" + (relatedReferable as Aas.IIdentifiable)?.Id);
+ var uc = new AnyUiDialogueDataTextBox(
+ "New Id for SAMM element:",
+ symbol: AnyUiMessageBoxImage.Question,
+ maxWidth: 1400,
+ text: "" + newUri);
+ if (!this.context.StartFlyoverModal(uc))
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
+ newUri = uc.Text;
+ // select idShort
+ var newIdShort = Samm.Util.LastWordOfUri(newUri);
+ var uc2 = new AnyUiDialogueDataTextBox(
+ "New idShort for SAMM element:",
+ symbol: AnyUiMessageBoxImage.Question,
+ maxWidth: 1400,
+ text: "" + newIdShort);
+ if (!this.context.StartFlyoverModal(uc2))
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
+ newIdShort = uc2.Text;
+ if (newIdShort.HasContent() != true)
+ {
+ newIdShort = env?.ConceptDescriptions?
+ .IterateIdShortTemplateToBeUnique("samm{0:0000}", 9999);
+ }
+ // make sure, the name is a new, valid Id for CDs
+ if (newUri?.HasContent() != true ||
+ null != env?.FindConceptDescriptionById(newUri))
+ {
+ Log.Singleton.Error("Invalid (used?) Id for a new ConceptDescriptin. Aborting!");
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
+ }
+ // add the new name to the current element
+ setValue?.Invoke(new Samm.SammReference(newUri));
+ // now create a new CD for the new SAMM element
+ var newCD = new Aas.ConceptDescription(
+ id: newUri,
+ idShort: newIdShort);
+ // create new SAMM element
+ var newSamm = Activator.CreateInstance(
+ sammTypeToCreate, new object[] { }) as Samm.ModelElement;
+ var newSammSsd = newSamm as Samm.ISammSelfDescription;
+ var newSammExt = new Aas.Extension(
+ name: "" + newSammSsd?.GetSelfName(),
+ semanticId: new Aas.Reference(ReferenceTypes.ExternalReference,
+ (new[] { new Aas.Key(KeyTypes.GlobalReference,
+ newSammSsd.GetSelfUrn()) })
+ .Cast().ToList()),
+ value: "");
+ newCD.Extensions = new List { newSammExt };
+ // fill with empty data content for SAMM
+ SammExtensionHelperUpdateJson(newSammExt, sammTypeToCreate, newSamm);
+ // save CD
+ env?.ConceptDescriptions?.Add(newCD);
+ // now, jump to this new CD
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawAllElements(nextFocus: newCD, isExpanded: true);
+ }
+ if (actionIndex == 3 && sr?.Value?.HasContent() == true)
+ {
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionNavigateTo(
+ new Aas.Reference(
+ Aas.ReferenceTypes.ModelReference,
+ new Aas.IKey[] {
+ new Aas.Key(KeyTypes.ConceptDescription, sr.Value)
+ }.ToList()));
+ }
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
+ }
public void SammExtensionHelperAddSammReference(
Aas.Environment env, AnyUiStackPanel stack, string caption,
Samm.ModelElement sammInst,
Aas.IReferable relatedReferable,
Samm.SammReference sr,
Action setValue,
- bool noFirstColumnWidth = false)
+ bool noFirstColumnWidth = false,
+ string[] presetList = null,
+ bool showButtons = true)
stack, "" + caption, sammInst,
@@ -2474,114 +2611,18 @@ public void SammExtensionHelperAddSammReference(
return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
noFirstColumnWidth: noFirstColumnWidth,
- auxButtonTitles: new[] { "Existing ..", "New ..", "Jump" },
- auxButtonToolTips: new[] {
+ auxButtonTitles: !showButtons ? null : new[] { "Preset", "Existing", "New", "Jump" },
+ auxButtonToolTips: !showButtons ? null : new[] {
+ "Select from given presets.",
"Select existing ConceptDescription.",
"Create a new ConceptDescription for SAMM use.",
"Jump to ConceptDescription with given Id."
auxButtonLambda: (i) =>
- if (i == 0)
- {
- var k2 = SmartSelectAasEntityKeys(
- packages,
- PackageCentral.PackageCentral.Selector.MainAuxFileRepo,
- "ConceptDescription");
- if (k2 != null && k2.Count >= 1)
- {
- setValue?.Invoke(new Samm.SammReference("" + k2[0].Value));
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
- }
- }
- if (i == 1)
- {
- // select type
- var sammTypeToCreate = SammExtensionHelperSelectSammType(Samm.Constants.AddableElements);
- if (sammTypeToCreate == null)
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
- // select name
- var newUri = Samm.Util.ShortenUri(
- "" + (relatedReferable as Aas.IIdentifiable)?.Id);
- var uc = new AnyUiDialogueDataTextBox(
- "New Id for SAMM element:",
- symbol: AnyUiMessageBoxImage.Question,
- maxWidth: 1400,
- text: "" + newUri);
- if (!this.context.StartFlyoverModal(uc))
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
- newUri = uc.Text;
- // select idShort
- var newIdShort = Samm.Util.LastWordOfUri(newUri);
- var uc2 = new AnyUiDialogueDataTextBox(
- "New idShort for SAMM element:",
- symbol: AnyUiMessageBoxImage.Question,
- maxWidth: 1400,
- text: "" + newIdShort);
- if (!this.context.StartFlyoverModal(uc2))
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
- newIdShort = uc2.Text;
- if (newIdShort.HasContent() != true)
- {
- newIdShort = env?.ConceptDescriptions?
- .IterateIdShortTemplateToBeUnique("samm{0:0000}", 9999);
- }
- // make sure, the name is a new, valid Id for CDs
- if (newUri?.HasContent() != true ||
- null != env?.FindConceptDescriptionById(newUri))
- {
- Log.Singleton.Error("Invalid (used?) Id for a new ConceptDescriptin. Aborting!");
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
- }
- // add the new name to the current element
- setValue?.Invoke(new Samm.SammReference(newUri));
- // now create a new CD for the new SAMM element
- var newCD = new Aas.ConceptDescription(
- id: newUri,
- idShort: newIdShort);
- // create new SAMM element
- var newSamm = Activator.CreateInstance(
- sammTypeToCreate, new object[] { }) as Samm.ModelElement;
- var newSammSsd = newSamm as Samm.ISammSelfDescription;
- var newSammExt = new Aas.Extension(
- name: "" + newSammSsd?.GetSelfName(),
- semanticId: new Aas.Reference(ReferenceTypes.ExternalReference,
- (new[] { new Aas.Key(KeyTypes.GlobalReference,
- newSammSsd.GetSelfUrn()) })
- .Cast().ToList()),
- value: "");
- newCD.Extensions = new List { newSammExt };
- // fill with empty data content for SAMM
- SammExtensionHelperUpdateJson(newSammExt, sammTypeToCreate, newSamm);
- // save CD
- env?.ConceptDescriptions?.Add(newCD);
- // now, jump to this new CD
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawAllElements(nextFocus: newCD, isExpanded: true);
- }
- if (i == 2 && sr?.Value?.HasContent() == true)
- {
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionNavigateTo(
- new Aas.Reference(
- Aas.ReferenceTypes.ModelReference,
- new Aas.IKey[] {
- new Aas.Key(KeyTypes.ConceptDescription, sr.Value)
- }.ToList()));
- }
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
+ return SammExtensionHelperSammReferenceAction(
+ env, relatedReferable, sr, setValue, i,
+ presetList: presetList);
@@ -2704,13 +2745,10 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
"Add single top level of any SAMM aspect model.")
.AddAction("add-property", "Add Property",
"Add a named value element to the aspect or its sub-entities.")
- .AddAction("auto-enumeration", "Add Enumeration",
- "An enumeration represents a list of possible values.")
- .AddAction("auto-collection", "Add Collection",
- "A group of values which may be either of a scalar or Entity type. The values " +
- "may be duplicated and are not ordered.")
- .AddAction("auto-list", "Add List",
- "A subclass of Collection which may contain duplicates and is ordered.")
+ .AddAction("add-characteristic", "Add Characteristic",
+ "Characteristics describe abstract concepts that must be made specific when they are used.")
+ .AddAction("auto-entity", "Add Entity",
+ "An entity is the main element to collect a set of properties.")
.AddAction("auto-other", "Add other ..",
"Adds an other Characteristic by selecting from a list.")
.AddAction("delete-last", "Delete last extension",
@@ -2727,17 +2765,14 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
newChar = new Samm.Property();
case 2:
- newChar = new Samm.Enumeration();
+ newChar = new Samm.Characteristic();
case 3:
- newChar = new Samm.Collection();
- break;
- case 4:
- newChar = new Samm.List();
+ newChar = new Samm.Entity();
- if (buttonNdx == 5)
+ if (buttonNdx == 4)
// select
var sammTypeToCreate = SammExtensionHelperSelectSammType(Samm.Constants.AddableElements);
@@ -2748,19 +2783,19 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
newChar = Activator.CreateInstance(
sammTypeToCreate, new object[] { }) as Samm.ModelElement;
+ if (newChar != null && newChar is Samm.ISammSelfDescription ssd)
+ sammExtension.Add(
+ new Aas.Extension(
+ name: ssd.GetSelfName(),
+ semanticId: new Aas.Reference(ReferenceTypes.ExternalReference,
+ (new[] { new Aas.Key(KeyTypes.GlobalReference,
+ ssd.GetSelfUrn()) })
+ .Cast().ToList()),
+ value: ""));
- if (newChar != null && newChar is Samm.ISammSelfDescription ssd)
- sammExtension.Add(
- new Aas.Extension(
- name: ssd.GetSelfName(),
- semanticId: new Aas.Reference(ReferenceTypes.ExternalReference,
- (new[] { new Aas.Key(KeyTypes.GlobalReference,
- ssd.GetSelfUrn()) })
- .Cast().ToList()),
- value: ""));
- if (buttonNdx == 6)
+ if (buttonNdx == 5)
if (sammExtension.Count > 0)
sammExtension.RemoveAt(sammExtension.Count - 1);
@@ -2809,19 +2844,21 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
Background = new AnyUiBrush(ri.Background),
BorderBrush = new AnyUiBrush(ri.Foreground),
BorderThickness = new AnyUiThickness(2.0f),
- MinHeight = 25,
- MinWidth = 25,
+ MinHeight = 50,
+ MinWidth = 50,
Child = new AnyUiTextBlock()
Text = "" + ri.Abbreviation,
HorizontalAlignment = AnyUiHorizontalAlignment.Center,
VerticalAlignment = AnyUiVerticalAlignment.Center,
Foreground = new AnyUiBrush(ri.Foreground),
- Background = AnyUi.AnyUiBrushes.Transparent,
+ Background = AnyUi.AnyUiBrushes.Transparent,
+ FontSize = 2.0,
+ FontWeight = AnyUiFontWeight.Bold
HorizontalAlignment = AnyUiHorizontalAlignment.Center,
VerticalAlignment = AnyUiVerticalAlignment.Center,
- Margin = new AnyUiThickness(0, 0, 10, 0),
+ Margin = new AnyUiThickness(5, 0, 10, 0),
SkipForTarget = AnyUiTargetPlatform.Browser
@@ -2882,6 +2919,8 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
// List of SammReference?
if (pii.PropertyType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(List)))
+ this.AddVerticalSpace(stack);
var lsr = (List)pii.GetValue(sammInst);
Action> lambdaSetValue = (v) =>
@@ -2901,12 +2940,13 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
var sg = this.AddSubGrid(stack, "" + pii.Name + ":",
rows: 1 + lsr.Count, cols: 2,
minWidthFirstCol: GetWidth(FirstColumnWidth.Standard),
+ paddingCaption: new AnyUiThickness(5, 0, 0, 0),
colWidths: new[] { "*", "#" });
AddSmallButtonTo(sg, 0, 1,
margin: new AnyUiThickness(2, 2, 2, 2),
- padding: new AnyUiThickness(5, 0, 5, 0),
+ padding: new AnyUiThickness(1, 0, 1, 0),
content: "\u2795"),
(v) =>
@@ -2915,7 +2955,7 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
- // single references
+ // individual references
for (int lsri = 0; lsri < lsr.Count; lsri++)
// remember lambda safe
@@ -2928,7 +2968,8 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
(Samm.ModelElement)sammInst, relatedReferable,
noFirstColumnWidth: true,
- setValue: (v) => {
+ showButtons: false,
+ setValue: (v) => {
lsr[theLsri] = v;
@@ -2958,6 +2999,10 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
"\u2702", "Delete",
"\u25b2", "Move Up",
"\u25bc", "Move Down",
+ "\U0001F4D1", "Select from preset",
+ "\U0001F517", "Select from existing CDs",
+ "\U0001f516", "Create new CD for SAMM",
+ "\U0001f872", "Jump to"
margin: new AnyUiThickness(2, 2, 2, 2),
padding: new AnyUiThickness(5, 0, 5, 0),
@@ -2980,9 +3025,24 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
MoveElementInListDownwards(lsr, lsr[theLsri]);
action = true;
+ case 3:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ return SammExtensionHelperSammReferenceAction(
+ env, relatedReferable,
+ sr: lsr[theLsri],
+ actionIndex: ti - 3,
+ presetList: null,
+ setValue: (srv) =>
+ {
+ lsr[theLsri] = srv;
+ lambdaSetValue(lsr);
+ });
- if (action)
+ if (action)
return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
@@ -2994,6 +3054,94 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
+ // NamespaceMap
+ if (pii.PropertyType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(Samm.NamespaceMap)))
+ {
+ this.AddVerticalSpace(stack);
+ var lsr = (Samm.NamespaceMap)pii.GetValue(sammInst);
+ Action lambdaSetValue = (v) =>
+ {
+ pii.SetValue(sammInst, v);
+ WriteSammInstBack();
+ };
+ if (this.SafeguardAccess(stack, repo, lsr, "" + pii.Name + ":",
+ "Create data element!",
+ v =>
+ {
+ lambdaSetValue(new Samm.NamespaceMap());
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
+ }))
+ {
+ // Head
+ var sg = this.AddSubGrid(stack, "" + pii.Name + ":",
+ rows: 1 + lsr.Count(), cols: 3,
+ minWidthFirstCol: GetWidth(FirstColumnWidth.Standard),
+ paddingCaption: new AnyUiThickness(5, 0, 0, 0),
+ colWidths: new[] { "80:", "*", "#" });
+ AnyUiUIElement.RegisterControl(
+ AddSmallButtonTo(sg, 0, 2,
+ margin: new AnyUiThickness(2, 2, 2, 2),
+ padding: new AnyUiThickness(1, 0, 1, 0),
+ content: "\u2795"),
+ (v) =>
+ {
+ lsr.AddOrIgnore(":", "");
+ lambdaSetValue(lsr);
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
+ });
+ // individual references
+ for (int lsri = 0; lsri < lsr.Count(); lsri++)
+ {
+ var theLsri = lsri;
+ // prefix
+ AnyUiUIElement.RegisterControl(
+ AddSmallTextBoxTo(sg, 1 + theLsri, 0,
+ text: lsr[theLsri].Prefix,
+ margin: new AnyUiThickness(4, 2, 2, 2)),
+ (v) =>
+ {
+ lsr[theLsri].Prefix = (string)v;
+ pii.SetValue(sammInst, lsr);
+ WriteSammInstBack();
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
+ });
+ // uri
+ AnyUiUIElement.RegisterControl(
+ AddSmallTextBoxTo(sg, 1 + theLsri, 1,
+ text: lsr[theLsri].Uri,
+ margin: new AnyUiThickness(2, 2, 2, 2)),
+ (v) =>
+ {
+ lsr[theLsri].Uri = (string)v;
+ pii.SetValue(sammInst, lsr);
+ WriteSammInstBack();
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
+ });
+ // minus
+ AnyUiUIElement.RegisterControl(
+ AddSmallButtonTo(sg, 1 + theLsri, 2,
+ margin: new AnyUiThickness(2, 2, 2, 2),
+ padding: new AnyUiThickness(5, 0, 5, 0),
+ content: "-"),
+ (v) =>
+ {
+ lsr.RemoveAt(theLsri);
+ pii.SetValue(sammInst, lsr);
+ WriteSammInstBack();
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
// List of Constraint?
if (pii.PropertyType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(List)))
@@ -3003,11 +3151,22 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
// single SammReference?
if (pii.PropertyType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(Samm.SammReference)))
+ this.AddVerticalSpace(stack);
var sr = (Samm.SammReference)pii.GetValue(sammInst);
+ // preset attribute
+ string[] presetValues = null;
+ var x3 = pii.GetCustomAttribute();
+ if (x3 != null)
+ {
+ presetValues = Samm.Constants.GetPresetsForListName(x3.PresetListName);
+ }
env, stack, "" + pii.Name, (Samm.ModelElement) sammInst, relatedReferable,
+ presetList: presetValues,
setValue: (v) => {
pii.SetValue(sammInst, v);
@@ -3017,76 +3176,368 @@ public void DisplayOrEditEntitySammExtensions(
// List of string?
if (pii.PropertyType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(List)))
- var ls = (List)pii.GetValue(sammInst);
+ this.AddVerticalSpace(stack);
+ var ls = (List)pii.GetValue(sammInst);
if (ls == null)
- Log.Singleton.Error("Internal error in SAMM element. Aborting.");
+ // Log.Singleton.Error("Internal error in SAMM element. Aborting.");
var sg = this.AddSubGrid(stack, "" + pii.Name + ":",
rows: 1 + ls.Count, cols: 2,
minWidthFirstCol: GetWidth(FirstColumnWidth.Standard),
+ paddingCaption: new AnyUiThickness(5, 0, 0, 0),
colWidths: new[] { "*", "#" });
AddSmallButtonTo(sg, 0, 1,
- margin: new AnyUiThickness(2, 2, 2, 2),
- padding: new AnyUiThickness(5, 0, 5, 0),
- content: "Add blank"),
- (v) =>
- {
- ls.Add("");
- pii.SetValue(sammInst, ls);
- WriteSammInstBack();
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
- });
+ margin: new AnyUiThickness(2, 2, 2, 2),
+ padding: new AnyUiThickness(5, 0, 5, 0),
+ content: "Add blank"),
+ (v) =>
+ {
+ ls.Add("");
+ pii.SetValue(sammInst, ls);
+ WriteSammInstBack();
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
+ });
for (int lsi=0; lsi
- {
- ls[theLsi] = (string)v;
- pii.SetValue(sammInst, ls);
- WriteSammInstBack();
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
- });
+ text: ls[lsi],
+ margin: new AnyUiThickness(2, 2, 2, 2)),
+ (v) =>
+ {
+ ls[theLsi] = (string)v;
+ pii.SetValue(sammInst, ls);
+ WriteSammInstBack();
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
+ });
AddSmallButtonTo(sg, 1 + lsi, 1,
- margin: new AnyUiThickness(2, 2, 2, 2),
- padding: new AnyUiThickness(5, 0, 5, 0),
- content: "-"),
- (v) =>
- {
- ls.RemoveAt(theLsi);
- pii.SetValue(sammInst, ls);
- WriteSammInstBack();
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
- });
+ margin: new AnyUiThickness(2, 2, 2, 2),
+ padding: new AnyUiThickness(5, 0, 5, 0),
+ content: "-"),
+ (v) =>
+ {
+ ls.RemoveAt(theLsi);
+ pii.SetValue(sammInst, ls);
+ WriteSammInstBack();
+ return new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity();
+ });
// single string?
if (pii.PropertyType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(string)))
- AddKeyValueExRef(
- stack, "" + pii.Name, sammInst, (string) pii.GetValue(sammInst), null, repo,
- v =>
- {
- pii.SetValue(sammInst, v);
- WriteSammInstBack();
- return new AnyUiLambdaActionNone();
- });
+ var isMultiLineAttr = pii.GetCustomAttribute();
+ Func