Lua Module providing a request validation framework in the API Gateway.
This module is written in Lua but you might see Perl as the main language if you look at statistics. That's because the tests are written in Perl and it's by design that there are more tests than code. This should be a good indicator of the code and test coverage.
This module is under active development and is NOT YET production ready.
This library requires an nginx build with OpenSSL, the ngx_lua module, LuaJIT 2.0 and api-gateway-hmac module.
http {
# lua_package_path should point to the location on the disk where the "scripts" folder is located
lua_package_path "scripts/?.lua;/src/lua/api-gateway?.lua;;";
variables_hash_max_size 1024;
proxy_headers_hash_max_size 1024;
# allocate memory for caching
# dict used by api key validator to cache frequently used keys
lua_shared_dict cachedkeys 50m;
# dict used by OAuth validator to cache valid tokens
lua_shared_dict cachedOauthTokens 50m;
# dic used by OAuth profile validator to cache non PII user profile info
lua_shared_dict cachedUserProfiles 50m;
# dict used to store metrics about api calls
lua_shared_dict stats_counters 50m;
lua_shared_dict stats_timers 50m;
# initialize the api-gateway-request-validation object
init_worker_by_lua '
ngx.apiGateway = ngx.apiGateway or {}
ngx.apiGateway.validation = require "api-gateway.validation.factory"
server {
# define validators
# location showing how to ensure all requests come with a valid api-key
# for more examples check api_key.t test file in /test/perl/ folder
location /with-api-key-check {
# this is the service identifier. the api-key needs to be associated with it
set $service_id my-service-123;
# get the key either from the query params or from the "X-Api-Key" header
set $api_key $arg_api_key;
set_if_empty $api_key $http_x_api_key;
# api-key validator
set $validate_api_key on;
# default script used to validate the request
access_by_lua "ngx.apiGateway.validation.validateRequest()";
content_by_lua "ngx.say('api-key is valid.')";
# location showing how to protect the endpoint with an OAuth Token
location /with-oauth-token {
set $service_id my-service-123;
# get OAuth token either from header or from the user_token query string
set $authtoken $http_authorization;
set_if_empty $authtoken $arg_user_token;
set_by_lua $authtoken 'return[1], "bearer ", "","ijo") ' $authtoken;
set $validate_oauth_token on;
# default script used to validate the request
access_by_lua "ngx.apiGateway.validation.validateRequest()";
content_by_lua "ngx.say('OAuth Token is valid.')";
# proxy to an OAuth provider
location /validate-token {
set_if_empty $oauth_client_id '--change-me--';
set_if_empty $oauth_host '';
proxy_pass https://$oauth_host/oauth/validate_token/v1?client_id=$oauth_client_id&token=$authtoken;
proxy_method GET;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_pass_request_headers off;
# validators can be combined and even executed in a different order
location /with-api-key-and-oauth-token {
# capture $api_key and $authtoken
set $validate_api_key "on; order=2; ";
set $validate_oauth_token "on; order=1; ";
# default script used to validate the request
access_by_lua "ngx.apiGateway.validation.validateRequest()";
# then proxy request to a backend service
proxy_pass $my_proxy_backend_endpoint$request_uri;
The API Gateway has a core set of features implemented in this library:
- It authorises and authenticates applications to consume services, and it also validates application users
- It enforces Application plans and User plans
- It sets throttling limits for services
- It acts as a Web Application Firewall
- It collects usage and performance data to be used for analytics, billing, performance/SLA management and capacity planning
Besides its core features, the API Gateway provides support for an Extended set of Features, which are not directly implemented into this module:
- API Analytics
- Usage
- Performance
- Availability
- API Monetization
Simple code, easy maintenance and performance
With the goal to protect APIs, most of the core functionality of the API Gateway is around validating the incoming requests. Each location can specify what exactly to validate, by enabling one or more validators.
set $validate_api_key "on; path=/validate-api-key; order=1; ";
set $validate_oauth_token "on; path=/validate-oauth; order=2; ";
The design principles for request validation are:
- Validators are defined as sub-requests; the
property of the validator defines the nginxlocation
of the sub-request - The request is treated as valid when all validators return with
HTTP Status.- When a validator returns a different status, the nginx execution phase halts and returns immediately.
- Validators usually execute in parallel, unless they're given an order. Multiple validators can have the same order, in which case they execute in parallel.
- First, validators having
execute in parallel, then the validators withorder=2
execute and so on.
- First, validators having
- Validators can share variables between different execution orders so that a validator with
can access properties set by a validator withorder=1
- Properties set by validators can be used later in other request phases such as the
content phase
or thelog phase
- For CORS, when the request method is
, validation should be skipped - Validators execute in the
nginx access phase
of the request, but after other nginx directives such asdeny
In order to enable request validation for a location you can use the following sample config to get started:
# default request validation implementation
location /validate-request {
content_by_lua 'ngx.apiGateway.validation.defaultValidateRequestImpl()';
location /protected-location {
set $api_key $http_x_api_key;
set $validate_api_key "on; path=/validate-api-key; order=1; ";
set $authtoken $http_authorization;
set $validate_oauth_token "on; path=/validate-oauth; order=2; ";
# validate the request
access_by_lua "ngx.apiGateway.validation.validateRequest()";
# ----------------------------------
# proxy to the service provider
# ----------------------------------
proxy_pass $backend_proxy_pass$request_uri;
Validates the API-KEY by looking in the Redis Cache. To add a key into the Redis cache you can use the following Redis Command:
HMSET cachedkey:$key:$service_id key_secret $key_secret service-id $service_id service-name $service_name realm $realm consumer-org-name $consumer_org_name app-name $app_name
is the api-key$key_secret
is the secret asociated with the API-KEY. It is recommended to store the encrypted version of the secret in this field and decrypt it when needed.$service_id
is an ID for the service that the API-KEY subscribed to$service_name
is a friendly name for the service_id$realm
could be used to distinguish between a DEV key vs a STAGE key vs a PROD key$consumer_org_name
is the name of the organisation that create the API-KEY. For analytics purposes it's better to group applications created by the same organisation in the same bucket in order to provide a unified view for that organisation.$app_name
is an application identifier which should be unique for an application, even if the API-KEY changes over time
To activate the API-KEY validator simply set api_key_validator
to on, optionally specifying which internal location to use in order to validate the key.
Think of the internal location as a mean to swap the default implementation with your own.
location /protected-with-api-key {
set $api_key_validator "on; path=/validate-api-key; order=1; ";
# default api-key validator impl
location /validate-api-key {
content_by_lua 'ngx.apiGateway.validation.validateApiKey()';
To view more examples check test/perl/api-gateway/validation/key/api_key.t
test file
Validates the HMAC Signature according to a rule you can define in the configuration. This Validator works with HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-224, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, HMAC-SHA-512.
To enable HMAC validation set validate_hmac_signature
to on.
location /protected-with-hmac {
set $api_key $http_x_api_key;
# the HMAC should match to the $hmac_target variable
set $hmac_target_string $http_x_api_signature;
# set $hmac_source_string $request_method$uri$api_key
# this string is used to apply HMAC-SHA* algorithms and if the request is correct, it should match with $hmac_target_string
set_by_lua $hmac_source_string 'return string.lower(ngx.var.request_method .. ngx.var.uri .. ngx.var.api_key)';
# $key_secret is populated by api-key-validator
set $hmac_secret $key_secret;
set $hmac_method sha1;
set $validate_hmac_signature "on; path=/validate_hmac_signature; order=1; ";
location /validate_hmac_signature {
content_by_lua 'ngx.apiGateway.validation.validateHmacSignature()';
To view more examples on setting up HMAC validator check test/perl/api-gateway/validation/signing/hmacGenericSignatureValidator.t
Validates an OAuth Token through a local defined location /validate-token
that simply proxies the request to the actual OAuth Provider.
location /protected-with-oauth-token {
# get OAuth token either from header or from the user_token query string
set $authtoken $http_authorization;
set $validate_oauth_token "on; path=/validate-oauth; order=1; ";
# validate the request
access_by_lua "ngx.apiGateway.validation.validateRequest()";
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# pass custom headers from oauth token to the backend service
# --------------------------------------------------------------
proxy_set_header x-user-id $oauth_token_user_id;
proxy_set_header x-client-id $oauth_token_client_id;
proxy_set_header x-oauth-scope $oauth_token_scope;
# ----------------------------------
# proxy to the service provider
# ----------------------------------
proxy_pass $backend_proxy_pass$request_uri;
# default OAuth Token validator impl along with the nginx variables it sets
set $oauth_token_scope 'unset';
set $oauth_token_client_id 'unset';
set $oauth_token_user_id 'unset';
location /validate_oauth_token {
content_by_lua 'ngx.apiGateway.validation.validateOAuthToken()';
# proxy to an OAuth provider
location /validate-token {
set_if_empty $oauth_client_id '--change-me--';
set_if_empty $oauth_host '';
proxy_pass https://$oauth_host/oauth/validate_token/v1?client_id=$oauth_client_id&token=$authtoken;
proxy_method GET;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_pass_request_headers off;
To view more examples on setting up OAuth Token validator check test/perl/api-gateway/validation/oauth2/oauthTokenValidator.t
Validates an existing user profile. Use it to extract user information and pass it on through some headers to the backend service.
location /protect-with-user-profile-validator {
# get OAuth token either from header or from the user_token query string
set $authtoken $http_authorization;
set $validate_user_profile "on; path=/validate-user-profile; order=1; ";
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# pass custom headers form user profile to the backend service
# --------------------------------------------------------------
proxy_set_header x-user-display-name $user_name;
proxy_set_header x-user-email $user_email;
proxy_set_header x-user-country-code $user_country_code;
proxy_set_header x-user-region $user_region;
# ----------------------------------
# proxy to the service provider
# ----------------------------------
proxy_pass $backend_proxy_pass$request_uri;
# default user Profile validator impl along with the nginx variables it sets
set $user_email '';
set $user_country_code '';
set $user_region '';
set $user_name '';
location /validate_user_profile {
content_by_lua 'ngx.apiGateway.validation.validateUserProfile()';
#proxy to an OAuth identity provider
location /validate-user {
set_if_empty $oauth_client_id '--change-me--';
set_if_empty $oauth_host '';
proxy_pass https://$oauth_host/oauth/profile/v1?client_id=$oauth_client_id&bearer_token=$authtoken;
proxy_method GET;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_pass_request_headers off;
To view more examples on setting up OAuth Token validator check test/perl/api-gateway/validation/oauth2/userProfileValidator.t
Since this module is running inside the api-gateway
, make sure the api-gateway binary is installed under /usr/local/sbin
You should have 2 binaries in there: api-gateway
and nginx
, the latter being only a symbolik link.
git submodule update --init --recursive
To run unit tests and integration tests, use ./
In order to run the unit tests, the command is ./
make test-docker
This command spins up 2 containers ( Redis and API Gateway ) and executes the tests in test/perl
make test
The tests are based on the test-nginx
This library is added a git submodule under test/resources/test-nginx/
folder, from
Test files are located in test/perl
The other libraries such as Redis
, test-nginx
are located in test/resources/
Other files used when running the test are also located in test/resources
When tests execute with make tests
, a few things are happening:
server is compiled and installed intarget/redis-${redis_version}
. The compilation happens only once, not for every tests run, unlessmake clear
is executed.Redis
server is startedapi-gateway
process is started for each test and then closed. The root folder forapi-gateway
- some test files may output the logs to separate files under
- when tests complete successfully,
server is closed
First make sure you have Test::Nginx
installed. You can get it from CPAN with something like that:
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Test::Nginx'
( ref:,185570,185679 )
Then make sure an nginx
executable is found in path by symlinking the api-gateway
ln -s /usr/local/sbin/api-gateway /usr/local/sbin/nginx
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin/
For openresty you can execute:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/
For the moment, follow the MacOS instructions.
To execute the test issue the following command:
make test
The build script builds and starts a Redis
server, shutting it down at the end of the tests.
The Redis
server is compiled only the first time, and reused afterwards during the tests execution.
The default configuration for Redis
is found under: test/resources/redis/redis-test.conf
If you want to run a single test, the following command helps:
PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH TEST_NGINX_SERVROOT=`pwd`/target/servroot TEST_NGINX_PORT=1989 prove -I ./test/resources/test-nginx/lib -r ./test/perl/api-gateway/validation/validatorHandler.t
This command only executes the test core_validator.t
When executing the tests the test-nginx
library stores the nginx configuration under target/servroot/
It's often useful to consult the logs when a test fails.
If you run a test but can't seem to find the logs you can edit the configuration for that test specifying an error_log
error_log ../test-logs/validatorHandler_test6_error.log debug;
For Redis logs, you can consult target/redis-test.log