- TvmClient
Client SDK for Token Vending Machine (TVM)
- getDefaultAPIHost() ⇒
Get Default APIHost based on ENV
- OpenWhiskCredentials :
An object holding the OpenWhisk credentials
- RetryOptions :
An object holding the Retry Options. For eg:- with a maxRetries of 5 and initialDelayInMillis of 100(ms), the 5 retries will have delays of 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 respectively.
- TvmResponseAzureBlob :
Tvm response with SAS Azure Blob credentials. Contains SAS credentials for a private and a publicly accessible (with access=
) azure blob container. These two signed URLs can then be passed to the azure blob storage sdk.- TvmResponseAzurePresign :
Tvm response with SAS Azure Presign credentials.
- TvmResponseAzureRevoke :
Tvm response for Azure Presign revoke.
- TvmResponseAzureCosmos :
Tvm response with Azure Cosmos resource credentials. Gives access to an isolated partition within a CosmosDB container.
- TvmResponseAwsS3 :
Tvm response with Aws S3 temporary credentials. These credentials give access to files in a restricted prefix:
. Other locations in the bucket cannot be accessed. The response can be passed directly to the aws sdk to instantiate the s3 object.- TvmLibErrors :
Tvm lib custom errors
Client SDK for Token Vending Machine (TVM)
Kind: global class
- TvmClient
- instance
- .getAzureBlobCredentials() ⇒
- .getAwsS3Credentials() ⇒
- .getAzureCosmosCredentials() ⇒
- .getAzureBlobPresignCredentials(options) ⇒
- .revokePresignURLs() ⇒
- .getAzureBlobCredentials() ⇒
- static
- instance
tvmClient.getAzureBlobCredentials() ⇒ Promise.<TvmResponseAzureBlob>
Request temporary credentials for Azure blob storage. The credentials might come from a local cache.
const tvmResponse = await tvm.getAzureBlobCredentials()
const azure = require('@azure/storage-blob')
const azureCreds = new azure.AnonymousCredential()
const pipeline = azure.newPipeline(azureCreds)
const containerClientPrivate = new azure.ContainerClient(tvmResponse.sasURLPrivate, pipeline)
const containerClientPublic = new azure.ContainerClient(tvmResponse.sasURLPublic, pipeline)
Kind: instance method of TvmClient
Returns: Promise.<TvmResponseAzureBlob>
- SAS credentials for Azure
tvmClient.getAwsS3Credentials() ⇒ Promise.<TvmResponseAwsS3>
Request temporary credentials for AWS S3. The credentials might come from a local cache.
const tvmResponse = await tvm.getAwsS3Credentials()
const aws = require('aws-sdk')
const s3 = new aws.S3(tvmResponse)
Kind: instance method of TvmClient
Returns: Promise.<TvmResponseAwsS3>
- Temporary credentials for AWS S3
tvmClient.getAzureCosmosCredentials() ⇒ Promise.<TvmResponseAzureCosmos>
Request temporary credentials for Azure CosmosDB. The credentials might come from a local cache.
const azureCosmosCredentials = await tvm.getAzureCosmosCredentials()
const cosmos = require('@azure/cosmos')
const container = new cosmos.CosmosClient({ endpoint: azureCosmosCredentials.endpoint, tokenProvider: async () => azureCosmosCredentials.resourceToken })
const data = await container.item('<itemKey>', azureCosmosCredentials.partitionKey).read()
Kind: instance method of TvmClient
Returns: Promise.<TvmResponseAzureCosmos>
- Temporary credentials for Azure Cosmos
tvmClient.getAzureBlobPresignCredentials(options) ⇒ Promise.<TvmResponseAzurePresign>
Request presign signatures for Azure blobs.
Kind: instance method of TvmClient
Returns: Promise.<TvmResponseAzurePresign>
- Temporary signature for Azure Blob
Param | Type | Description |
options | object |
presign options |
options.blobName | string |
file path |
options.expiryInSeconds | number |
presign URL expiry duration |
options.permissions | string |
premissions for presigned URL |
tvmClient.revokePresignURLs() ⇒ Promise.<TvmResponseAzureRevoke>
Revoke all presigned URLs for Azure blob storage.
Kind: instance method of TvmClient
Returns: Promise.<TvmResponseAzureRevoke>
- success response
TvmClient.init(config) ⇒ Promise.<TvmClient>
Creates a TvmClient instance
const TvmClient = require('@adobe/aio-lib-core-tvm')
const tvm = await TvmClient.init({ ow: { namespace, auth } })
Kind: static method of TvmClient
Returns: Promise.<TvmClient>
- new instance
Param | Type | Description |
config | object |
TvmClientParams |
[config.apiUrl] | string |
url to tvm api - defaults to 'https://firefly-tvm.adobe.io' |
[config.ow] | OpenWhiskCredentials |
Openwhisk credentials. As an alternative you can pass those through environment variables: __OW_NAMESPACE and __OW_API_KEY |
[config.retryOptions] | RetryOptions |
RetryOptions. Defaults to { maxRetries: 3, initialDelayInMillis: 100} |
[config.cacheFile] | string |
if omitted defaults to tmpdir/.tvmCache, use false or null to not cache |
Get Default APIHost based on ENV
Kind: global function
Returns: string
- default api host
An object holding the OpenWhisk credentials
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
namespace | string |
user namespace |
auth | string |
auth key |
An object holding the Retry Options. For eg:- with a maxRetries of 5 and initialDelayInMillis of 100(ms), the 5 retries will have delays of 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 respectively.
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
maxRetries | number |
max number of retries |
initialDelayInMillis | number |
initial delay in milliseconds (increases exponentially for every retry) |
Tvm response with SAS Azure Blob credentials. Contains SAS credentials for a private and a publicly accessible (with access=blob
) azure
blob container. These two signed URLs can then be passed to the azure blob storage sdk.
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
sasURLPrivate | string |
sas url to existing private azure blob container |
sasURLPublic | string |
sas url to existing public (with access=blob ) azure blob container |
expiration | string |
expiration date ISO/UTC |
Tvm response with SAS Azure Presign credentials.
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
signature | string |
sas signature for the blob |
Tvm response for Azure Presign revoke.
Tvm response with Azure Cosmos resource credentials. Gives access to an isolated partition within a CosmosDB container.
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
endpoint | string |
cosmosdb resource endpoint |
resourceToken | string |
cosmosdb resource token restricted to access the items in the partitionKey |
databaseId | string |
id for cosmosdb database |
containerId | string |
id for cosmosdb container within database |
partitionKey | string |
key for cosmosdb partition within container authorized by resource token |
expiration | string |
expiration date ISO/UTC |
Tvm response with Aws S3 temporary credentials. These credentials give access to files in a restricted prefix:
. Other locations in the bucket cannot be accessed. The response can be passed directly to the aws sdk
to instantiate the s3 object.
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
accessKeyId | string |
key id |
secretAccessKey | string |
secret for key |
sessionToken | string |
token |
expiration | string |
date ISO/UTC |
params | object |
properties of storage object |
params.Bucket | string |
bucket name |
Tvm lib custom errors
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
this error is thrown when an argument is missing or has invalid type |
this error is thrown when the TVM server returns an error response (e.g 401 unauthorized for missing Authorization header or 403 for bad credentials). The status can be retrieved from the e.sdkDetails.status field and the body from e.sdkDetails.body |