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237 lines (196 loc) · 9.17 KB

File metadata and controls

237 lines (196 loc) · 9.17 KB

This is tool for a silent migration of datasafe.


Modules map

Datasafe 1.0.1 has changed path encryption and keystore type. For this it is no more compatible to datasafe 0.6.1. As user data can only be migrated with the users password, a silent migration is needed. To achieve this, this migration component has been build.

This component behaves like datasafe 1.0.1, e.g. the Interface looks completly the same. But the classes provided here are only wrapper classes. Specially the implementation of the SimpleDatasafeService. This is no more a SimpleDatasafeServiceImpl, but now it is a SimpleDatasafeServiceWithMigration. As it is injected by Spring, this is transparent for the user.

The component works like this, as shown in the diagramm above:

For ANY call to the SimpleDatasafeService first it is checked, if the user is already migrated or not. If not, the internally available Datasafe 0.6.1 DatasafeServiceImpl is used to read all the data. Than the internally available Datasafe 1.0.1 DatasafeServiceImpl is used to store all the users data. By doing this, the key store is recreated with the same password but a different type (now it is a BCFKS rather that an UBER).

When the migration is done successfully an additional file is created directly in the root of the user. This file is not encrypted and even the pathname is not encrypted. This file simply tells that the user is in the new format of datasafe 1.0.1.




interface change

Rather than using the new Datasafe 1.0.1 you simple use Datasafe-Migration 1.0.1. As in Datasafe 1.0.1 the interface of the ReadKeyPassword has slightly changed, all occurrences of ReadKeyPassword have to be changed.

# 0.6.1
import de.adorsys.datasafe.encrypiton.api.types.keystore.ReadKeyPassword;
UserIDAuth userIDAuth = new UserIDAuth(new UserID("peter"), new ReadKeyPassword("password"));
# 1.0.1
import de.adorsys.datasafe.types.api.types.ReadKeyPassword;
UserIDAuth userIDAuth = new UserIDAuth(new UserID("peter"), new ReadKeyPassword("password"::toCharArray));

As the migration completly behaves like the new datasafe, these interface changes have to be done.


By default the migration is switched off, e.g. it behaves like datasafe 0.6.1 and does not do anything. Anyway it has already the new interface for the ReadKeyPassword, even if the old datasafe logic is used.

To activate the migration logic the configuration.yml has to get jdbc parameters. As the migration must only be done on one server at the time, others servers have to be blocked for this user. For that shedlock is used. And shedlock has to be provided with a database connection.

Currently three jdbc implementations are integrated and simply can be switched on, by setting the follogin parameters in the configuration.yml.


          url: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/test
          username: SA


          url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3333/shedlock
          username: root
          password: my-secret-pw


          url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/shedlock
          username: postgres
          password: password

By default, the migration migrates the users from the existing DFS directory to itself. To do this, a temporary subfolder with name tempForMigrationTo100 is used which is below the root directory. After a successfull migration this directory always is empty, as the user has been moved back to the original directory.

If you dont want the users to be moved back, you can use the option

    distinctfolder: true 

Then all migrated users go to the subfolder tempForMigrationTo100 and stay there.

check configuration

When the migration is disabled (e.g. no migration parameters given) the log writes

*                                  *
*  MigrationLogic      : DISABLED  *
*                                  *

When the migration is enabeld the log may look like:

*                                                                            *
*  MigrationLogic      : ENABLED                                             *
*    migration timeout : 20000                                               *
*  intermediate folder : YES                                                 *
*             old root : s3://adorsys-test-migration/                        *
*    intermediate root : s3://adorsys-test-migration/tempForMigrationTo100/  *
*             new root : s3://adorsys-test-migration/                        *
*                                                                            *

or, if distinctfolder: true has been set it could be:

*                                                          *
*  MigrationLogic      : ENABLED                           *
*    migration timeout : 20000                             *
*  intermediate folder : NO                                *
*             old root : s3://adorsys-test-migration/      *
*             new root : s3://adorsys-test-migration/103/  *
*                                                          *


The migration should not take longer than a second. But this strongly depends on the s3 connection, the hardware and the amount of data, that has to be migrated. For that a user, that tries to access the data is blocked as long as the migration is active. If a user at another node tries to access the same user, this request becomes blocked too. As soon as the migration is finished, the block is release. But if for WHATEVER reasons, the migration takes longer as excpeted, an exception is thrown and the migration aborted. This time, to wait for a migration to be finished is set in the default to 20 seconds and can be set in the properties too:

    timeout: 20000


For each user a log is written:

10:51:14.894 [main] INFO de.adorsys.datasafemigration.MigrationLogic - MIGRATION OF 21 FILES FOR USER user_1 TOOK 1843 MILLIS. Migration itself took 1588 millis and relocation of files took 255 millis.



contains the datasafe version 0.6.1. All classes have the path de.adorsys.datasafe_0_6_1 instead of de.adorsys.datasafe. Further the used classes of datasafe have the prefix S061_.


contains the datasafe version 1.0.1. All classes have the path de.adorsys.datasafe_1_0_3 instead of de.adorsys.datasafe. Further the used classes of datasafe have the prefix S103_.


contains the classes, which actually do the migration itself, e.g. read all files from the S061_SimpledatasafeAdapter and write it to the S103_SimpleDatasafeAdapter.


contains all the classes of the SimpleDatasafeAdapter. These classes are wrapper. The Service class SimpleDatasafeService is an instance of SimpleDatasafesServiceWithMigration. That class itself contains the old and the new SimpleDatasafeAdapterImpls (e.g. S061_SimpleDatasafeAdapterServiceImpl and S103_SimpleDatasafeAdapterServiceImpl).



To be sure which class of which jar (shaded 0.6.1, shaded 1.0.1) is used all directly used shaded classes got a prefix

S061_SimpleDatasafeService oldService...
S103_SimpleDatasafeService newService...

The new classes, which wrap the old classes look like the interface of Datasafe 1.0.1.

SimpleDatasafeService simpleDatasafeService ....

To make sure, that the old and the current datasafe adapter are not imported, they are explicitly excluded. With this, all the implicit inclusions of third libraries like bouncy castle, lombok and so on were lost too and had to be included manually too. But all this is none of the business of users of the datasafe-migration-silent.jar.


If you use intellij and might have problems in finding shaded classes do

File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart

If you still have problems do

mvn clean install -DskipTests
select pom.xml of datasafe-migration-shaded-0.6.1 project
right click -> Maven -> ignore Projects
select pom.xml of datasafe-migration-shaded-1.0.3 project
right click -> Maven -> ignore Projects
select root pom.xml
right click -> Maven -> reimport