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0x05. Processes and signals

Write a Bash script that displays its own PID.

Write a Bash script that displays a list of currently running processes.


  • Must show all processes, for all users, including those which might not have a TTY
  • Display in a user-oriented format
  • Show process hierarchy

Using your previous exercise command, write a Bash script that displays lines containing the bash word, thus allowing you to easily get the PID of your Bash process.


  • You cannot use pgrep
  • The third line of your script must be # shellcheck disable=SC2009 (for more info about ignoring shellcheck error here)

Write a Bash script that displays the PID, along with the process name, of processes whose name contain the word bash.


  • You cannot use ps

Write a Bash script that displays To infinity and beyond indefinitely.


  • In between each iteration of the loop, add a sleep 2


We stopped our 4-to_infinity_and_beyond process using ctrl+c in the previous task, there is actually another way to do this.

Write a Bash script that stops 4-to_infinity_and_beyond process.


  • You must use kill

Write a Bash script that stops 4-to_infinity_and_beyond process.


  • You cannot use kill or killall

Write a Bash script that displays:

  • To infinity and beyond indefinitely
  • With a sleep 2 in between each iteration
  • I am invincible!!! when receiving a SIGTERM signal

Make a copy of your 6-stop_me_if_you_can script, name it 67-stop_me_if_you_can, that kills the 7-highlander process instead of the 4-to_infinity_and_beyond one.

Write a Bash script that kills the process 7-highlander.

Write a Bash script that:

  • Creates the file /var/run/ containing its PID
  • Displays To infinity and beyond indefinitely
  • Displays I hate the kill command when receiving a SIGTERM signal
  • Displays Y U no love me?! when receiving a SIGINT signal
  • Deletes the file /var/run/ and terminates itself when receiving a SIGQUIT or SIGTERM signal

Write a manage_my_process Bash script that:

  • Indefinitely writes I am alive! to the file /tmp/my_process
  • In between every I am alive! message, the program should pause for 2 seconds

Write Bash (init) script 101-manage_my_process that manages manage_my_process. (both files need to be pushed to git)


  • When passing the argument start:
    • Starts manage_my_process
    • Creates a file containing its PID in /var/run/
    • Displays manage_my_process started
  • When passing the argument stop:
    • Stops manage_my_process
    • Deletes the file /var/run/
    • Displays manage_my_process stopped
  • When passing the argument restart
    • Stops manage_my_process
    • Deletes the file /var/run/
    • Starts manage_my_process
    • Creates a file containing its PID in /var/run/
    • Displays manage_my_process restarted
  • Displays Usage: manage_my_process {start|stop|restart} if any other argument or no argument is passed

Write a C program that creates 5 zombie processes.


  • For every zombie process created, it displays Zombie process created, PID: ZOMBIE_PID
  • Your code should use the Betty style. It will be checked using and
  • When your code is done creating the parent process and the zombies, use the function below
int infinite_while(void)
    while (1)
    return (0);