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File metadata and controls

658 lines (511 loc) · 20.8 KB

Day 21: Refactor the tests and production code to Output-Based tests.

Before refactoring the code, here are some explanations regarding the different kind of tests as explained by Vladimir Khorikov in his book Unit Testing Principles, Practices and Patterns..

Different styles of tests


class StateBasedTests {
    void it_should_add_given_product_to_the_order() {
        val product = new Product("Free Guy");
        val sut = new Order();


        // Verify the state
                .allMatch(item -> item.equals(product));

    class Product {
        private final String name;

    class Order {
        private final List<Product> products = new ArrayList<>();

        List<Product> getProducts() {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(products);

        void add(Product product) {



class OutputBasedTests {
    void discount_of_2_products_should_be_2_percent() {
        val product1 = new Product("Kaamelott");
        val product2 = new Product("Free Guy");

        // Call on the SUT (here PriceEngine)
        // No side effects -> Pure function
        val discount = PriceEngine.calculateDiscount(product1, product2);




class CommunicationBasedTests {
    void greet_a_user_should_send_an_email_to_it() {
        final var email = "";
        final var emailGatewayMock = mock(EmailGateway.class);
        // Substitute collaborators with Test Double
        final var sut = new Controller(emailGatewayMock);


        // Verify that the SUT calls those collaborators correctly
        verify(emailGatewayMock, times(1)).sendGreetingsEmail(email);

    interface EmailGateway {
        Try<String> sendGreetingsEmail(String email);

    class Controller {
        private final EmailGateway emailGateway;

        public Try<String> greetUser(String email) {
            return emailGateway.sendGreetingsEmail(email);


Refactor to Output-Based

  • Instead of hiding side effects behind an interface and injecting that interface into AuditManager, we can move those side effects out of the class entirely :
    • AuditManager: responsible for making a decision about what to do with the files
    • A new class, Persister acts on that decision and applies updates to the filesystem
public class AuditManager {
    private final int maxEntriesPerFile;
    private final String directoryName;
    private final FileSystem fileSystem;

    public AuditManager(int maxEntriesPerFile, String directoryName, FileSystem fileSystem) {
        this.maxEntriesPerFile = maxEntriesPerFile;
        this.directoryName = directoryName;
        this.fileSystem = fileSystem;

    public void addRecord(String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
        String[] filePaths = fileSystem.getFiles(directoryName);
        String[] sorted = sortByIndex(filePaths);
        DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
        String newRecord = visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(dateTimeFormatter);

        if (sorted.length == 0) {
            String newFile = Paths.get(directoryName, "audit_1.txt").toString();
            fileSystem.writeAllText(newFile, newRecord);

        int currentFileIndex = sorted.length - 1;
        String currentFilePath = sorted[currentFileIndex];
        List<String> lines = fileSystem.readAllLines(currentFilePath);

        if (lines.size() < maxEntriesPerFile) {
            String newContent = String.join(System.lineSeparator(), lines);
            fileSystem.writeAllText(currentFilePath, newContent);
        } else {
            String newName = "audit_" + (currentFileIndex + 2) + ".txt";
            String newFile = Paths.get(directoryName, newName).toString();
            fileSystem.writeAllText(newFile, newRecord);

    private String[] sortByIndex(String[] filePaths) {

From what is above to this diagram :

Functional code


In terms of contract we would like something like this:

  • FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit)
  • We choose to write the code from scratch aside from existing code

🔴 Let's express this expectation from a test

void addsNewVisitorToANewFileWhenEndOfLastFileIsReached() {
    // Arrange
    var files = new FileContent[]{
            new FileContent("audit_1.txt", new String[]{}),
            new FileContent("audit_2.txt", new String[]{
                    "Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00",
                    "Jane;2019-04-06 16:40:00",
                    "Jack;2019-04-06 17:00:00"
    var auditManager = new AuditManager(3);

    // Act
    var fileUpdate = auditManager.addRecord(files, "Alice", LocalDateTime.parse("2019-04-06T18:00:00"));

    // Assert
    assertThat(fileUpdate).isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_3.txt", "Alice;2019-04-06 18:00:00"));
  • Of course, we do not compile here...
    • We have just prototyped a first version of what we might want (it can evolve while writing the code)

Red compilation

  • We generate the classes from our test

Generate class

  • Here is the generated skeleton
public class AuditManager {
    public AuditManager(int maxEntriesPerFile) {


    public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
        return null;

public record FileContent(String fileName, String[] lines) {

public record FileUpdate(String fileName, String newContent) {

🔴 The test is still red but for a good reason: because of the assertion (no compilation error anymore)

🟢 Make it pass as fast as possible

  • We hard code the value for now
    • We can check that our flow is correct
public class AuditManager {
    public AuditManager(int maxEntriesPerFile) {


    public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
        return new FileUpdate("audit_3.txt", "Alice;2019-04-06 18:00:00");

🔵 Let's refactor it

  • Based on the existing logic we would like to design something that looks like this:
    • sortFiles -> formatDate -> createRecord -> createFileUpdate (based on maxEntriesPerFile)
  • We will iterate on the code
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
    // sortFiles
    var sorted = sortByIndex(files);
    // formatDate
    var dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    // createRecord
    var newRecord = visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(dateTimeFormatter);

    // createFileUpdate (based on maxEntriesPerFile)
    return new FileUpdate("audit_3.txt", newRecord);

private FileContent[] sortByIndex(FileContent[] files) {
    return null;
  • Our test is still green, so let's move on
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
    var sorted = sortByIndex(files);
    var dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    var newRecord = visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(dateTimeFormatter);

    var currentFile = sorted.getLast();
    var currentFileIndex = sorted.size();

    var newFileIndex = currentFileIndex + 1;
    var newFileName = "audit_" + newFileIndex + ".txt";

    return new FileUpdate(newFileName, newRecord);

private List<FileContent> sortByIndex(FileContent[] files) {
    return stream(files)
  • We improved the algorithm
  • Other tests are missing to triangulate the rest of the implementation
    • Let's add them incrementally
void addsNewVisitorToANewFileBecauseNoFileToday() {
    var files = new FileContent[]{};
    var auditManager = new AuditManager(3);

    var fileUpdate = auditManager.addRecord(files, "Alice", parse("2019-04-06T18:00:00"));

            .isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_1.txt", "Alice;2019-04-06 18:00:00"));

It is the same logic here for this test case

  • We refactor the tests before adding a new test case
class AuditManagerOutputBasedTests {
  private static final FileContent[] NO_FILES = {};
  private static final LocalDateTime TIME_OF_VISIT = parse("2019-04-06T18:00:00");
  public static final String NEW_CONTENT = "Alice;2019-04-06 18:00:00";
  public static final String VISITOR = "Alice";
  private AuditManager auditManager;

  void setup() {
    auditManager = new AuditManager(3);

  void addsNewVisitorToANewFileBecauseNoFileToday() {
            .isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_1.txt", NEW_CONTENT));

  void addsNewVisitorToANewFileWhenEndOfLastFileIsReached() {
    var files = new FileContent[]{
            new FileContent("audit_1.txt", new String[]{}),
            new FileContent("audit_2.txt", new String[]{
                    "Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00",
                    "Jane;2019-04-06 16:40:00",
                    "Jack;2019-04-06 17:00:00"

            .isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_3.txt", NEW_CONTENT));

  private FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files) {
    return auditManager.addRecord(files, VISITOR, TIME_OF_VISIT);

🔴 Let's add a test that writes in the Current Audit File

void addsNewVisitorToAnExistingFile() {
    var files = new FileContent[]{
            new FileContent("audit_1.txt", new String[]{}),
            new FileContent("audit_2.txt", new String[]{
                    "Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00"

            .isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_2.txt",
                    "Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00" + System.lineSeparator() +
  • Of course, we need to triangulate our algorithm with this test

Failure 2

🟢 Iterate on the addRecord method

public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
    var sorted = sortByIndex(files);
    var dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    var newRecord = visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(dateTimeFormatter);

    var currentFileIndex = sorted.size();
    var newFileIndex = currentFileIndex + 1;
    var newFileName = "audit_" + newFileIndex + ".txt";

    var currentFile = sorted.getLast();

    if (stream(currentFile.lines()).count() < maxEntriesPerFile) {
        var lines = new ArrayList<>(stream(currentFile.lines()).toList());
        var newContent =;

        return new FileUpdate(currentFile.fileName(), newContent);

    return new FileUpdate(newFileName, newRecord);

🔴 By incrementing on the code, we have broken a test addsNewVisitorToANewFileBecauseNoFileToday

  • We fix it as fast as possible to go back in a safe state
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
    var sorted = sortByIndex(files);
    var dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    var newRecord = visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(dateTimeFormatter);

    if (sorted.isEmpty()) {
        return new FileUpdate("audit_1.txt", newRecord);

    var currentFileIndex = sorted.size();
    var newFileIndex = currentFileIndex + 1;
    var newFileName = "audit_" + newFileIndex + ".txt";

    var currentFile = sorted.getLast();

    if (stream(currentFile.lines()).count() < maxEntriesPerFile) {
        var lines = new ArrayList<>(stream(currentFile.lines()).toList());
        var newContent =;

        return new FileUpdate(currentFile.fileName(), newContent);

    return new FileUpdate(newFileName, newRecord);

🔵 It's time to play 🥳

  • We extract some methods and rename some variables
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
    var sortedFiles = sortByIndex(files);
    var newRecord = createNewRecord(visitorName, timeOfVisit);

    return (sortedFiles.isEmpty())
            ? new FileUpdate("audit_1.txt", newRecord)
            : createNewFileOrUpdate(sortedFiles, newRecord);

private List<FileContent> sortByIndex(FileContent[] files) {
    return stream(files)

private static String createNewRecord(String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
    return visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(DATE_TIME_FORMATTER);

private FileUpdate createNewFileOrUpdate(List<FileContent> sortedFiles, String newRecord) {
    var currentFileIndex = sortedFiles.size();
    var newFileIndex = currentFileIndex + 1;
    var newFileName = "audit_" + newFileIndex + ".txt";

    var currentFile = sortedFiles.getLast();

    if (stream(currentFile.lines()).count() < maxEntriesPerFile) {
        var lines = new ArrayList<>(stream(currentFile.lines()).toList());
        var newContent =;

        return new FileUpdate(currentFile.fileName(), newContent);
    return new FileUpdate(newFileName, newRecord);
  • We can definitely improve the createNewFileOrUpdate method
public class AuditManager {
    public static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_TIME_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    public static final String AUDIT = "audit_";
    private final int maxEntriesPerFile;

    public AuditManager(int maxEntriesPerFile) {
        this.maxEntriesPerFile = maxEntriesPerFile;

    public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
        var sortedFiles = sortByIndex(files);
        var newRecord = createNewRecord(visitorName, timeOfVisit);

        return (sortedFiles.isEmpty())
                ? createANewFile(sortedFiles, newRecord)
                : createNewFileOrUpdate(sortedFiles, newRecord);

    private static FileUpdate createANewFile(List<FileContent> sortedFiles, String newRecord) {
        var currentFileIndex = sortedFiles.size();
        var newFileName = createAuditFileName(currentFileIndex + 1);

        return new FileUpdate(newFileName, newRecord);

    private FileUpdate createNewFileOrUpdate(List<FileContent> sortedFiles, String newRecord) {
        var currentFile = sortedFiles.getLast();

        return canAppendToExistingFile(currentFile)
                ? appendToExistingFile(newRecord, currentFile)
                : createANewFile(sortedFiles, newRecord);

    private List<FileContent> sortByIndex(FileContent[] files) {
        return stream(files)

    private static String createNewRecord(String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
        return visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(DATE_TIME_FORMATTER);

    private static String createAuditFileName(int index) {
        return AUDIT + index + ".txt";

    private static FileUpdate appendToExistingFile(String newRecord, FileContent currentFile) {
        var lines = new ArrayList<>(currentFile.lines());
        var newContent =;

        return new FileUpdate(currentFile.fileName(), newContent);

    private boolean canAppendToExistingFile(FileContent currentFile) {
        return currentFile.lines().size() < maxEntriesPerFile;
  • Here are the tests
class AuditManagerShould {
    private static final FileContent[] NO_FILES = {};
    private static final LocalDateTime TIME_OF_VISIT = parse("2019-04-06T18:00:00");
    public static final String NEW_CONTENT = "Alice;2019-04-06 18:00:00";
    public static final String VISITOR = "Alice";
    public static final ArrayList<String> NO_CONTENT = new ArrayList<>();
    private AuditManager auditManager;

    void setup() {
        auditManager = new AuditManager(3);

    void add_new_visitor_to_a_new_file_because_no_file_today() {
                .isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_1.txt", NEW_CONTENT));

    void add_new_visitor_to_an_existing_file() {
        var files = files(
                fileContent("audit_1.txt", NO_CONTENT),
                fileContent("audit_2.txt", contentFrom("Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00"))

                .isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_2.txt",
                        "Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00" + System.lineSeparator() +

    void add_new_visitor_to_a_new_file_when_end_of_last_file_is_reached() {
        var files = files(
                fileContent("audit_1.txt", NO_CONTENT),
                                "Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00",
                                "Jane;2019-04-06 16:40:00",
                                "Jack;2019-04-06 17:00:00"


                .isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_3.txt", NEW_CONTENT));

    private FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files) {
        return auditManager.addRecord(files, VISITOR, TIME_OF_VISIT);

    private static FileContent[] files(FileContent... files) {
        return files;

    private static FileContent fileContent(String fileName, ArrayList<String> lines) {
        return new FileContent(fileName, lines);

    private static ArrayList<String> contentFrom(String... lines) {
        return new ArrayList<>(;
  • We have lost some features in the battle
    • Let's implement the Persister class

Persister - Bonus

The Persister is responsible for

  • accessing files from a given Directory
  • applying update instruction (a.k.a update the file content)
public class Persister {
    public FileContent[] readDirectory(String directory) throws IOException {
        return Files.walk(Paths.get(directory))

    public void applyUpdate(String directory, FileUpdate update) throws IOException {
        Files.writeString(Path.of(directory, update.fileName()), update.newContent());

    private static FileContent readFile(Path f) {
        try {
            return new FileContent(f.getFileName().toString(), new ArrayList<>(Files.readAllLines(f)));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


We need to have some glue to control the flow of our application. Let's create a UseCase for that :

public class AddRecordUseCase {
    private final String directory;
    private final AuditManager auditManager;
    private final Persister persister;

    // Should come from configuration
    public AddRecordUseCase(String directory, AuditManager auditManager, Persister persister) { = directory;
        this.auditManager = auditManager;
        this.persister = persister;

    public void handle(AddNewVisitor addNewVisitor) throws IOException {
        var files = persister.readDirectory(directory);
        // Call the functional core (no side effect here)
        var update = auditManager.addRecord(files, addNewVisitor.visitor(), addNewVisitor.time());
        persister.applyUpdate(directory, update);

public record AddNewVisitor(String visitor, LocalDateTime time) { }