Before refactoring the code, here are some explanations regarding the different kind of tests as explained by Vladimir Khorikov in his book Unit Testing Principles, Practices and Patterns..
class StateBasedTests {
void it_should_add_given_product_to_the_order() {
val product = new Product("Free Guy");
val sut = new Order();
// Verify the state
.allMatch(item -> item.equals(product));
class Product {
private final String name;
class Order {
private final List<Product> products = new ArrayList<>();
List<Product> getProducts() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(products);
void add(Product product) {
class OutputBasedTests {
void discount_of_2_products_should_be_2_percent() {
val product1 = new Product("Kaamelott");
val product2 = new Product("Free Guy");
// Call on the SUT (here PriceEngine)
// No side effects -> Pure function
val discount = PriceEngine.calculateDiscount(product1, product2);
class CommunicationBasedTests {
void greet_a_user_should_send_an_email_to_it() {
final var email = "";
final var emailGatewayMock = mock(EmailGateway.class);
// Substitute collaborators with Test Double
final var sut = new Controller(emailGatewayMock);
// Verify that the SUT calls those collaborators correctly
verify(emailGatewayMock, times(1)).sendGreetingsEmail(email);
interface EmailGateway {
Try<String> sendGreetingsEmail(String email);
class Controller {
private final EmailGateway emailGateway;
public Try<String> greetUser(String email) {
return emailGateway.sendGreetingsEmail(email);
- Instead of hiding side effects behind an interface and injecting that interface into
, we can move those side effects out of the class entirely :AuditManager
: responsible for making a decision about what to do with the files- A new class,
acts on that decision and applies updates to the filesystem
public class AuditManager {
private final int maxEntriesPerFile;
private final String directoryName;
private final FileSystem fileSystem;
public AuditManager(int maxEntriesPerFile, String directoryName, FileSystem fileSystem) {
this.maxEntriesPerFile = maxEntriesPerFile;
this.directoryName = directoryName;
this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
public void addRecord(String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
String[] filePaths = fileSystem.getFiles(directoryName);
String[] sorted = sortByIndex(filePaths);
DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String newRecord = visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(dateTimeFormatter);
if (sorted.length == 0) {
String newFile = Paths.get(directoryName, "audit_1.txt").toString();
fileSystem.writeAllText(newFile, newRecord);
int currentFileIndex = sorted.length - 1;
String currentFilePath = sorted[currentFileIndex];
List<String> lines = fileSystem.readAllLines(currentFilePath);
if (lines.size() < maxEntriesPerFile) {
String newContent = String.join(System.lineSeparator(), lines);
fileSystem.writeAllText(currentFilePath, newContent);
} else {
String newName = "audit_" + (currentFileIndex + 2) + ".txt";
String newFile = Paths.get(directoryName, newName).toString();
fileSystem.writeAllText(newFile, newRecord);
private String[] sortByIndex(String[] filePaths) {
From what is above to this diagram :
In terms of contract we would like something like this:
FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit)
- We choose to write the code
from scratch
aside from existing code- When we do it on legacy code, it's called
Sprout Class
- When we do it on legacy code, it's called
🔴 Let's express this expectation from a test
void addsNewVisitorToANewFileWhenEndOfLastFileIsReached() {
// Arrange
var files = new FileContent[]{
new FileContent("audit_1.txt", new String[]{}),
new FileContent("audit_2.txt", new String[]{
"Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00",
"Jane;2019-04-06 16:40:00",
"Jack;2019-04-06 17:00:00"
var auditManager = new AuditManager(3);
// Act
var fileUpdate = auditManager.addRecord(files, "Alice", LocalDateTime.parse("2019-04-06T18:00:00"));
// Assert
assertThat(fileUpdate).isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_3.txt", "Alice;2019-04-06 18:00:00"));
- Of course, we do not compile here...
- We have just prototyped a first version of what we might want (it can evolve while writing the code)
- We generate the classes from our test
- Here is the generated skeleton
public class AuditManager {
public AuditManager(int maxEntriesPerFile) {
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
return null;
public record FileContent(String fileName, String[] lines) {
public record FileUpdate(String fileName, String newContent) {
🔴 The test is still red but for a good reason: because of the assertion (no compilation error anymore)
🟢 Make it pass as fast as possible
- We hard code the value for now
- We can check that our flow is correct
public class AuditManager {
public AuditManager(int maxEntriesPerFile) {
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
return new FileUpdate("audit_3.txt", "Alice;2019-04-06 18:00:00");
🔵 Let's refactor it
- Based on the existing logic we would like to design something that looks like this:
- sortFiles -> formatDate -> createRecord -> createFileUpdate (based on maxEntriesPerFile)
- We will iterate on the code
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
// sortFiles
var sorted = sortByIndex(files);
// formatDate
var dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
// createRecord
var newRecord = visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(dateTimeFormatter);
// createFileUpdate (based on maxEntriesPerFile)
return new FileUpdate("audit_3.txt", newRecord);
private FileContent[] sortByIndex(FileContent[] files) {
return null;
- Our test is still green, so let's move on
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
var sorted = sortByIndex(files);
var dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
var newRecord = visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(dateTimeFormatter);
var currentFile = sorted.getLast();
var currentFileIndex = sorted.size();
var newFileIndex = currentFileIndex + 1;
var newFileName = "audit_" + newFileIndex + ".txt";
return new FileUpdate(newFileName, newRecord);
private List<FileContent> sortByIndex(FileContent[] files) {
return stream(files)
- We improved the algorithm
- Other tests are missing to
the rest of the implementation- Let's add them incrementally
void addsNewVisitorToANewFileBecauseNoFileToday() {
var files = new FileContent[]{};
var auditManager = new AuditManager(3);
var fileUpdate = auditManager.addRecord(files, "Alice", parse("2019-04-06T18:00:00"));
.isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_1.txt", "Alice;2019-04-06 18:00:00"));
It is the same logic here for this test case
- We refactor the tests before adding a new test case
class AuditManagerOutputBasedTests {
private static final FileContent[] NO_FILES = {};
private static final LocalDateTime TIME_OF_VISIT = parse("2019-04-06T18:00:00");
public static final String NEW_CONTENT = "Alice;2019-04-06 18:00:00";
public static final String VISITOR = "Alice";
private AuditManager auditManager;
void setup() {
auditManager = new AuditManager(3);
void addsNewVisitorToANewFileBecauseNoFileToday() {
.isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_1.txt", NEW_CONTENT));
void addsNewVisitorToANewFileWhenEndOfLastFileIsReached() {
var files = new FileContent[]{
new FileContent("audit_1.txt", new String[]{}),
new FileContent("audit_2.txt", new String[]{
"Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00",
"Jane;2019-04-06 16:40:00",
"Jack;2019-04-06 17:00:00"
.isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_3.txt", NEW_CONTENT));
private FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files) {
return auditManager.addRecord(files, VISITOR, TIME_OF_VISIT);
🔴 Let's add a test that writes in the Current Audit File
void addsNewVisitorToAnExistingFile() {
var files = new FileContent[]{
new FileContent("audit_1.txt", new String[]{}),
new FileContent("audit_2.txt", new String[]{
"Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00"
.isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_2.txt",
"Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00" + System.lineSeparator() +
- Of course, we need to triangulate our algorithm with this test
🟢 Iterate on the addRecord
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
var sorted = sortByIndex(files);
var dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
var newRecord = visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(dateTimeFormatter);
var currentFileIndex = sorted.size();
var newFileIndex = currentFileIndex + 1;
var newFileName = "audit_" + newFileIndex + ".txt";
var currentFile = sorted.getLast();
if (stream(currentFile.lines()).count() < maxEntriesPerFile) {
var lines = new ArrayList<>(stream(currentFile.lines()).toList());
var newContent =;
return new FileUpdate(currentFile.fileName(), newContent);
return new FileUpdate(newFileName, newRecord);
🔴 By incrementing on the code, we have broken a test addsNewVisitorToANewFileBecauseNoFileToday
- We fix it as fast as possible to go back in a safe state
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
var sorted = sortByIndex(files);
var dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
var newRecord = visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(dateTimeFormatter);
if (sorted.isEmpty()) {
return new FileUpdate("audit_1.txt", newRecord);
var currentFileIndex = sorted.size();
var newFileIndex = currentFileIndex + 1;
var newFileName = "audit_" + newFileIndex + ".txt";
var currentFile = sorted.getLast();
if (stream(currentFile.lines()).count() < maxEntriesPerFile) {
var lines = new ArrayList<>(stream(currentFile.lines()).toList());
var newContent =;
return new FileUpdate(currentFile.fileName(), newContent);
return new FileUpdate(newFileName, newRecord);
🔵 It's time to play 🥳
- We extract some methods and rename some variables
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
var sortedFiles = sortByIndex(files);
var newRecord = createNewRecord(visitorName, timeOfVisit);
return (sortedFiles.isEmpty())
? new FileUpdate("audit_1.txt", newRecord)
: createNewFileOrUpdate(sortedFiles, newRecord);
private List<FileContent> sortByIndex(FileContent[] files) {
return stream(files)
private static String createNewRecord(String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
return visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(DATE_TIME_FORMATTER);
private FileUpdate createNewFileOrUpdate(List<FileContent> sortedFiles, String newRecord) {
var currentFileIndex = sortedFiles.size();
var newFileIndex = currentFileIndex + 1;
var newFileName = "audit_" + newFileIndex + ".txt";
var currentFile = sortedFiles.getLast();
if (stream(currentFile.lines()).count() < maxEntriesPerFile) {
var lines = new ArrayList<>(stream(currentFile.lines()).toList());
var newContent =;
return new FileUpdate(currentFile.fileName(), newContent);
return new FileUpdate(newFileName, newRecord);
- We can definitely improve the
public class AuditManager {
public static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_TIME_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
public static final String AUDIT = "audit_";
private final int maxEntriesPerFile;
public AuditManager(int maxEntriesPerFile) {
this.maxEntriesPerFile = maxEntriesPerFile;
public FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files, String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
var sortedFiles = sortByIndex(files);
var newRecord = createNewRecord(visitorName, timeOfVisit);
return (sortedFiles.isEmpty())
? createANewFile(sortedFiles, newRecord)
: createNewFileOrUpdate(sortedFiles, newRecord);
private static FileUpdate createANewFile(List<FileContent> sortedFiles, String newRecord) {
var currentFileIndex = sortedFiles.size();
var newFileName = createAuditFileName(currentFileIndex + 1);
return new FileUpdate(newFileName, newRecord);
private FileUpdate createNewFileOrUpdate(List<FileContent> sortedFiles, String newRecord) {
var currentFile = sortedFiles.getLast();
return canAppendToExistingFile(currentFile)
? appendToExistingFile(newRecord, currentFile)
: createANewFile(sortedFiles, newRecord);
private List<FileContent> sortByIndex(FileContent[] files) {
return stream(files)
private static String createNewRecord(String visitorName, LocalDateTime timeOfVisit) {
return visitorName + ";" + timeOfVisit.format(DATE_TIME_FORMATTER);
private static String createAuditFileName(int index) {
return AUDIT + index + ".txt";
private static FileUpdate appendToExistingFile(String newRecord, FileContent currentFile) {
var lines = new ArrayList<>(currentFile.lines());
var newContent =;
return new FileUpdate(currentFile.fileName(), newContent);
private boolean canAppendToExistingFile(FileContent currentFile) {
return currentFile.lines().size() < maxEntriesPerFile;
- Here are the tests
class AuditManagerShould {
private static final FileContent[] NO_FILES = {};
private static final LocalDateTime TIME_OF_VISIT = parse("2019-04-06T18:00:00");
public static final String NEW_CONTENT = "Alice;2019-04-06 18:00:00";
public static final String VISITOR = "Alice";
public static final ArrayList<String> NO_CONTENT = new ArrayList<>();
private AuditManager auditManager;
void setup() {
auditManager = new AuditManager(3);
void add_new_visitor_to_a_new_file_because_no_file_today() {
.isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_1.txt", NEW_CONTENT));
void add_new_visitor_to_an_existing_file() {
var files = files(
fileContent("audit_1.txt", NO_CONTENT),
fileContent("audit_2.txt", contentFrom("Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00"))
.isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_2.txt",
"Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00" + System.lineSeparator() +
void add_new_visitor_to_a_new_file_when_end_of_last_file_is_reached() {
var files = files(
fileContent("audit_1.txt", NO_CONTENT),
"Peter;2019-04-06 16:30:00",
"Jane;2019-04-06 16:40:00",
"Jack;2019-04-06 17:00:00"
.isEqualTo(new FileUpdate("audit_3.txt", NEW_CONTENT));
private FileUpdate addRecord(FileContent[] files) {
return auditManager.addRecord(files, VISITOR, TIME_OF_VISIT);
private static FileContent[] files(FileContent... files) {
return files;
private static FileContent fileContent(String fileName, ArrayList<String> lines) {
return new FileContent(fileName, lines);
private static ArrayList<String> contentFrom(String... lines) {
return new ArrayList<>(;
- We have lost some features in the battle
- Let's implement the
- Let's implement the
The Persister is responsible for
- accessing files from a given Directory
- applying update instruction (a.k.a update the file content)
public class Persister {
public FileContent[] readDirectory(String directory) throws IOException {
return Files.walk(Paths.get(directory))
public void applyUpdate(String directory, FileUpdate update) throws IOException {
Files.writeString(Path.of(directory, update.fileName()), update.newContent());
private static FileContent readFile(Path f) {
try {
return new FileContent(f.getFileName().toString(), new ArrayList<>(Files.readAllLines(f)));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
We need to have some glue to control the flow of our application. Let's create a UseCase
for that :
public class AddRecordUseCase {
private final String directory;
private final AuditManager auditManager;
private final Persister persister;
// Should come from configuration
public AddRecordUseCase(String directory, AuditManager auditManager, Persister persister) { = directory;
this.auditManager = auditManager;
this.persister = persister;
public void handle(AddNewVisitor addNewVisitor) throws IOException {
var files = persister.readDirectory(directory);
// Call the functional core (no side effect here)
var update = auditManager.addRecord(files, addNewVisitor.visitor(), addNewVisitor.time());
persister.applyUpdate(directory, update);
public record AddNewVisitor(String visitor, LocalDateTime time) { }