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Persistence Providers

Akram El Assas edited this page Sep 24, 2024 · 6 revisions

Wexflow ships with 6 persistence providers. You can choose from the following options:

  • SQLite (Default)
  • MongoDB
  • SQLServer
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • LiteDB

If you want to change the persistence provider, you'll need to update dbType and connectionString settings in Wexflow.xml configuration file.

If you want to use SQL Server Trusted_Connection=true in the connection string, you have to run Wexflow Windows Service as a user who has privileges to connect to SQL Server.

Once you change the persistence provider, restart Wexflow server. Then, you can install workflow samples:

  • .NET: Start > Wexflow > Install [dbType] Samples
  • .NET Core Windows: ./install-[dbType].bat
  • .NET Core Linux: cd /opt/wexflow/Wexflow.Scripts.[dbType] && dotnet Wexflow.Scripts.[dbType].dll
  • .NET Core macOS: cd /Application/wexflow/Wexflow.Scripts.[dbType] && dotnet Wexflow.Scripts.[dbType].dll

Don't forget to check and update the connection string of the samples script if necessary:

  • .NET: C:\Program Files\Wexflow\Wexflow.Scripts.[dbType]\Wexflow.Scripts.[dbType].exe.config
  • .NET Core Windows: ./Wexflow.Scripts.[dbType]/appsettings.json
  • .NET Core Linux: /opt/wexflow/Wexflow.Scripts.[dbType]/appsettings.json
  • .NET Core macOS: /Application/wexflow/Wexflow.Scripts.[dbType]/appsettings.json
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