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Matt Duquette edited this page Jun 14, 2017 · 7 revisions



Full UAV Mission-Level Simulation

AMASE is a simulation toolset for the analysis and demonstration of aircraft automation and autonomy. AMASE includes the necessary components to create scenarios, simulate aircraft with basic EO/IR cameras, and interact with control algorithms to command aircraft in a scenario. Graphical user interfaces allow AMASE users to evaluate the actions of one or more aircraft at runtime, and the data output feature saves scenario data for post-processing. An integrated network server allows clients to connect to AMASE and send/receive data. AMASE includes three main programs: the simulation, a data playback tool, and a scenario setup tool.

The AMASE simulation models 5-DOF (coordinated turning) flight dynamics with self-configured performance at a set of design points. AMASE UAVs feature an autopilot that manages coordinated turns, altitude hold, heading hold, vertical speed hold, speed hold (auto-throttle), maintain track in wind fields, loiters (Figure-Eight, Orbit (circular), Racetrack) and waypoint following. Additionally, AMASE UAVs can be equipped with gimbaled and fixed sensors and the simualtion performs footprint analysis for target detection and includes line-of-sight calculation for obscuration of sensors by terrain.

A modular and extensible architecture

AMASE uses the LMCP communication system with the CMASI message set to enable modular development and connectivity with any CMASI-compliant software through a standard network connection. The simulation is a collection of models that are connected to a central data manager which is a central point for dissemination of data from a single external input file and includes a message manager. The message manager passes all messages produced by one component of the simulation to all other components. Internal communications are handled solely by the passing of LMCP messages. When a component produces an LMCP message, all other components attached to the data manager are informed of that message. An LMCP server passes all LMCP messages that are produced in the simulation to any externally connected clients. The server’s responsibility is to serialize internal messages and transmit them to external clients and to de-serialize incoming messages for use inside the simulation.

AMASE is also a toolkit from which many applications are built. The AMASE toolkit builds on a set of basic plugins and utilities to provide an application framework, data management, and user interfaces.

Please note that AMASE is under constant development. Different versions of AMASE are in use by several organizations. > As such, the documentation may not match exactly with the reader’s version of AMASE.

Modeling Capabilities

The AMASE simulation provides a set of models and capabilities to simulate single or multi-aircraft operations. Some of these capabilities are listed below.

  • Aircraft dynamics and control
    • 5-DOF (coordinated turning) flight dynamics
    • Guaranteed performance at a set of design points.
    • Basic UAV autopilot
      • Coordinated turns
      • Altitude Hold
      • Heading Hold
      • Vertical Speed Hold
      • Speed hold (auto-throttle)
      • Autopilot compensation to maintain track in wind
    • Loiter control
      • Figure-Eight
      • Orbit (circular)
      • Racetrack
    • Waypoint following (Handles turn-past, turn-short, and return-to-route turn types)
  • Steady-state wind fields
  • Sensor modeling and control
    • Gimbaled and fixed sensors
    • Footprint analysis for target detection
    • Line-of-sight calculation for obscuration of sensors by terrain
  • Target movement
  • Network server to connect interactive clients