- You can find Starter Application for each Recipe under [Starter Applications](./Starter Applications/) directory.
- Make sure you created your Database using Scripts inside the BookDatabaseSchema Directory first.
- You can find the complete application that was done in the chapter under [Complete apps](./Complete Apps/) directory.
PS: Consider Changing the Application Connection before running any application.
The second recipe of this Chapter [2.HandlingExceptionsUsingTFTemplates](./Starter Applications/2.HandlingExceptionsUsingTFTemplates/) does not depend on any previous recipe.
In order to efficiently work with that recipe you need to clone it's [Starter Application folder](./Starter Applications/2.HandlingExceptionsUsingTFTemplates/) on its own.
All recipes doesn't include [2.HandlingExceptionsUsingTFTemplates](./Starter Applications/2.HandlingExceptionsUsingTFTemplates/) recipe files including the [Complete apps](./Complete Apps/).