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Closes Program #1614

TiagoCrippa opened this issue Oct 31, 2024 · 3 comments

Closes Program #1614

TiagoCrippa opened this issue Oct 31, 2024 · 3 comments


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  • face_recognition version:
  • Python version: 3.12.6
  • Operating System: windows 11


The package terminates my program every time it recognizes a face and the following error appears:

erro error


import cv2
import face_recognition

video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

exemplo_imagem = face_recognition.load_image_file("exemplo.jpg")
exemplo_face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(exemplo_imagem)

if len(exemplo_face_encodings) > 0:
exemplo_face_encoding = exemplo_face_encodings[0]
print("Nenhum rosto encontrado na imagem de exemplo.")

conhecidos_face_encodings = [exemplo_face_encoding]
conhecidos_nomes = ["Exemplo"]

while True:
ret, frame =
if not ret:
print("Não foi possível capturar o quadro.")

rgb_frame = frame[:, :, ::-1]

face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb_frame)
face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb_frame, face_locations)

for (top, right, bottom, left), face_encoding in zip(face_locations, face_encodings):
    matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(conhecidos_face_encodings, face_encoding)
    name = "Desconhecido"

    if True in matches:
        first_match_index = matches.index(True)
        name = conhecidos_nomes[first_match_index]

    cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), 2)
    cv2.putText(frame, name, (left, top - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 2)

cv2.imshow('Video', frame)

if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


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I have the same issue with their example:

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/milhas/projectos/airport/face_recognition/examples/", line 55, in <module>
    face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb_small_frame, face_locations)
  File "/home/milhas/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/face_recognition/", line 214, in face_encodings
    return [np.array(face_encoder.compute_face_descriptor(face_image, raw_landmark_set, num_jitters)) for raw_landmark_set in raw_landmarks]
  File "/home/milhas/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/face_recognition/", line 214, in <listcomp>
    return [np.array(face_encoder.compute_face_descriptor(face_image, raw_landmark_set, num_jitters)) for raw_landmark_set in raw_landmarks]
TypeError: compute_face_descriptor(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
    1. (self: _dlib_pybind11.face_recognition_model_v1, img: numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),numpy.uint8], face: _dlib_pybind11.full_object_detection, num_jitters: int = 0, padding: float = 0.25) -> _dlib_pybind11.vector
    2. (self: _dlib_pybind11.face_recognition_model_v1, img: numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),numpy.uint8], num_jitters: int = 0) -> _dlib_pybind11.vector
    3. (self: _dlib_pybind11.face_recognition_model_v1, img: numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),numpy.uint8], faces: _dlib_pybind11.full_object_detections, num_jitters: int = 0, padding: float = 0.25) -> _dlib_pybind11.vectors
    4. (self: _dlib_pybind11.face_recognition_model_v1, batch_img: list[numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),numpy.uint8]], batch_faces: list[_dlib_pybind11.full_object_detections], num_jitters: int = 0, padding: float = 0.25) -> _dlib_pybind11.vectorss
    5. (self: _dlib_pybind11.face_recognition_model_v1, batch_img: list[numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),numpy.uint8]], num_jitters: int = 0) -> _dlib_pybind11.vectors

Invoked with: <_dlib_pybind11.face_recognition_model_v1 object at 0x7533edf50bb0>, array([[[119, 126, 126],
        [129, 131, 132],
        [130, 130, 135],
        [ 71,  76,  88],
        [ 70,  71,  84],
        [ 74,  72,  84]],

       [[126, 127, 133],
        [128, 128, 134],
        [130, 130, 136],
        [ 71,  75,  90],
        [ 69,  72,  85],
        [ 76,  77,  88]],

       [[125, 124, 133],
        [126, 126, 136],
        [126, 129, 140],
        [ 71,  74,  88],
        [ 70,  75,  86],
        [ 71,  75,  87]],


       [[ 82,  73,  52],
        [ 79,  71,  52],
        [ 79,  72,  52],
        [ 64,  68,  76],
        [ 65,  68,  75],
        [ 64,  68,  72]],

       [[ 79,  71,  50],
        [ 71,  63,  43],
        [ 66,  55,  36],
        [ 64,  66,  73],
        [ 63,  67,  72],
        [ 63,  67,  72]],

       [[ 51,  42,  25],
        [ 42,  32,  17],
        [ 49,  37,  25],
        [ 66,  67,  74],
        [ 61,  65,  72],
        [ 61,  64,  72]]], dtype=uint8), <_dlib_pybind11.full_object_detection object at 0x7533ef7f7030>, 1

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For me, it would just no error, while looking for solutions I found this that worked:
replace the code line, rgb_frame = frame[:, :, ::-1]
with below code line, rgb_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
Windows: 11
python: 3.12.7

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Exception has occurred:

compute_face_descriptor(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
  (self: _dlib_pybind11.face_recognition_model_v1, img: numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),numpy.uint8], face: _dlib_pybind11.full_object_detection, num_jitters: int = 0, padding: float = 0.25) -> _dlib_pybind11.vector
  (self: _dlib_pybind11.face_recognition_model_v1, img: numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),numpy.uint8], num_jitters: int = 0) -> _dlib_pybind11.vector
   (self: _dlib_pybind11.face_recognition_model_v1, img: numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),numpy.uint8], faces: _dlib_pybind11.full_object_detections, num_jitters: int = 0, padding: float = 0.25) -> _dlib_pybind11.vectors
   (self: _dlib_pybind11.face_recognition_model_v1, batch_img: List[numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),numpy.uint8]], batch_faces: List[_dlib_pybind11.full_object_detections], num_jitters: int = 0, padding: float = 0.25) -> _dlib_pybind11.vectorss
   (self: _dlib_pybind11.face_recognition_model_v1, batch_img: List[numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),numpy.uint8]], num_jitters: int = 0) -> _dlib_pybind11.vectors

python code

    import face_recognition
import os
import sys
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
from datetime import datetime

# Function to calculate face confidence
def face_confidence(face_distance, face_match_threshold=0.6):
    range_ = 1.0 - face_match_threshold
    linear_val = (1.0 - face_distance) / (range_ * 2.0)
    if face_distance > face_match_threshold:
        return f"{round(linear_val * 100, 2)}%"
        val = (linear_val + ((1.0 - linear_val) * math.pow((linear_val - 0.5) * 2, 0.2))) * 100
        return f"{round(val, 2)}%"

# Face Recognition class
class FR:
    def __init__(self):
        self.face_locations = []
        self.face_encodings = []
        self.face_name = []
        self.known_face_encodings = []
        self.known_face_name = []
        self.process_current_frame = True
        self.Time =

        # Logging setup
        self.text_file = open("D:\\python\\sec_c.txt", 'a')
        self.text_file.write("***********************Activated by command mode***********************\n")

    # Encode known faces from the 'faces' folder
    def encode_faces(self):
        for image in os.listdir("faces"):
            face_image = face_recognition.load_image_file(f"faces/{image}")
            # Check if face encoding is found
            encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(face_image)
            if encodings:
                print(f"Could not find any face encoding for {image}")

    # Run real-time face recognition
    def run_recongnition(self):
        video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
        if not video_capture.isOpened():
            sys.exit("Video source not found.")
        detected_names = set()

        while True:
            ret, frame =
            if not ret:
                print("Failed to grab frame.")

            if self.process_current_frame:
                # Resize frame for faster processing
                small_image = cv2.resize(frame, (0, 0), fx=0.25, fy=0.25)
                rgb_small_image = small_image[:, :, ::-1]

                # Detect face locations
                self.face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb_small_image)
                if not self.face_locations:
                # Encode faces
                    self.face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb_small_image, self.face_locations)
                    if not self.face_encodings:
                        print("No face encodings generated! Skipping...")
                except Exception as e:
                    print(f"Error during face encoding: {e}")
                    self.face_encodings = []

                self.face_name = []

                for face_encoding in self.face_encodings:
                    matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(self.known_face_encodings, face_encoding)
                    name = "Unknown"
                    confidence = "???" 

                    if matches:
                        face_distances = face_recognition.face_distance(self.known_face_encodings, face_encoding)
                        best_match_index = np.argmin(face_distances)

                        if matches[best_match_index]:
                            name = self.known_face_name[best_match_index]
                            confidence = face_confidence(face_distances[best_match_index])

                            if float(confidence.rstrip("%")) > 94:
                                name = name.rstrip(".jpg")

            self.process_current_frame = not self.process_current_frame

            # Draw rectangles and labels around detected faces
            for (top, right, bottom, left), name in zip(self.face_locations, self.face_name):
                top *= 4
                right *= 4
                bottom *= 4
                left *= 4
                cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), 2)
                cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, bottom - 35), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), -1)
                cv2.putText(frame, name, (left + 6, bottom - 6), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.8, (255, 255, 255), 1)

            cv2.imshow("Face Recognition", frame)

            if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):

        return detected_names

# Function to initialize and run face recognition
def Facein():
    fr = FR()
    detected_faces = fr.run_recongnition()
    return detected_faces

# Run the face recognition

please help me make it work

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