is a tool to find the password of protected zip files.
The design of this tool is described in details in the following blog articles:
- Supports both ZipCrypto and AES encryption.
- Leverages multiple threads to speed up the process
- Dictionary attack to test passwords from a dictionary text file (one word per line)
- Brute force to generate all passwords for a given charset and a password length range
The available charsets for the password generation are:
l | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [a-z]
d | 0123456789 [0-9]
h | 0123456789abcdef [0-9a-f]
H | 0123456789ABCDEF [0-9A-F]
s | «space»!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
Alternatively, you can provide a custom charset file with the --charsetFile
It accepts a file path for a txt
file containing a single line of characters to use for the password generation.
Using the provided binaries in
Using Cargo via
cargo install zip-password-finder
You can install zip-password-finder
from the AUR using an AUR helper. For example:
paru -S zip-password-finder
./zip-password-finder -h
Find the password of protected ZIP files
Usage: zip-password-finder [OPTIONS] --inputFile <inputFile>
-i, --inputFile <inputFile> path to zip input file
-w, --workers <workers> number of workers
-p, --passwordDictionary <passwordDictionary> path to a password dictionary file
-c, --charset <charset> charset to use to generate password [default: lud]
--charsetFile <charsetFile> path to a charset file
--minPasswordLen <minPasswordLen> minimum password length [default: 1]
--maxPasswordLen <maxPasswordLen> maximum password length [default: 10]
--fileNumber <fileNumber> file number in the zip archive [default: 0]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
For AES make sure to use a CPU with SHA
instructions (Intel Sandy Bridge or newer, AMD Bulldozer or newer) to get the best performance.
Native builds tend to perform better in general.
RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release
In general this tool seems to suffer from contention as the number of workers increases which makes it impractical for non-trivial passwords.
It makes sense to use a number of workers equal to the number of physical cores.
E.g. of scalability with an 8 core CPU with 16 threads as the number of workers increases: