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Chuan Specialized System



Chuan Spa Clinic is a business offering spa services and products. Their operations involve various aspects such as booking, billing, inventory management, employee management, reporting, and loyalty incentives. Currently, these operations might be manual or fragmented across different systems, leading to inefficiencies and potential errors.

The Problem

  • The current manual or fragmented systems for managing daily transactions, employee management, inventory tracking, reporting, and loyalty incentives can lead to inefficiencies, errors, and difficulties in scaling the business. This lack of automation and integration hampers productivity and can affect the overall customer experience.
  • Efficient management of operations directly impacts the user experience. Streamlining processes such as booking, billing, and inventory management can lead to faster service delivery and improved customer satisfaction. Additionally, accurate reporting and analytics enable informed decision-making, while loyalty incentives can enhance customer retention.
  • An analysis of current processes may reveal instances of inefficiencies, errors, or delays. Customer feedback, employee input, and operational metrics such as booking times, inventory turnover, and employee productivity can provide evidence of areas needing improvement.

Our Approach

The solution involves developing a comprehensive cloud-based POS system tailored for Chuan Spa Clinic. This system will automate and streamline operations such as booking, billing, inventory management, employee management, reporting, and loyalty incentives. Integration with existing systems and platforms will ensure smooth transitions and minimal disruptions.

Goals & Success

  • What are the goals?
    • Automate and streamline daily operations
    • Improve efficiency and accuracy in transactions and reporting
    • Enhance customer experience and loyalty
    • Enable scalability for potential expansion to multiple branches
  • How do we define success and what metrics will we use to measure it?
    • Reduction in transaction processing time
    • Decrease in errors or discrepancies in billing and inventory management
    • Increase in customer satisfaction scores
    • Growth in loyalty program participation
    • Ability to seamlessly scale operations to accommodate business expansion



  1. Booking Management: Allow customers to book appointments online, with real-time availability updates.
  2. Billing Integration: Integrate payment gateways for secure and seamless transactions.
  3. Inventory Tracking: Track inventory levels in real-time, automate reordering processes.
  4. Employee Management: Manage schedules, track performance, and handle payroll.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: Generate customized reports on sales, inventory, and employee performance.
  6. Loyalty Incentives: Implement a loyalty program with rewards and incentives for repeat customers.
  7. Scalability: Design the system architecture to accommodate potential expansion to multiple branches.
  8. Security and Compliance: Implement robust security measures to protect customer data and ensure compliance with regulations.

Technical Architecture

  • Data Model: Design a comprehensive data model to capture and organize information related to bookings, billing, inventory, employees, customers, and transactions.
  • System Architecture: Implement a scalable and resilient system architecture leveraging cloud infrastructure to ensure high availability, reliability, and performance.

Open and Closed Questions

  • What remains to be discussed?
    • Specific requirements for each feature
    • Integration points with existing systems
    • Timeline and milestones for development and deployment
    • Training and support for staff during and after implementation
  • What have we already discussed and decided on?
    • Choice of starting technologies: React, Supabase, and TailwindCSS
    • High-level features and recommendations for enhancing functionality
    • Goals and metrics for measuring success
    • Importance of scalability and security in the system architecture

sys-chuan: Login UI

Database System Design

    customer {
        bigint customer_id
        text first_name
        text last_name
        text phone_number
        text note
        text location

    product {
        bigint product_id
        text title
        text description
        boolean availability
        numeric price
        numeric cost_per_product
        numeric profit
        numeric margin

    inventory {
        bigint inventory_id
        bigint product_id
        bigint location_id
        int quantity

    service {
        bigint service_id
        text title
        text description
        text category
        text type
        boolean availability
        numeric price
        numeric cost_per_service
        numeric profit
        numeric margin

    staff {
        bigint staff_id
        text first_name
        text last_name
        text username
        text email
        text phone
        boolean staff_permissions
        boolean admin_permissions

    transaction {
        bigint transaction_id
        bigint customer_id
        text notes
        numeric discount
        numeric total
        text status

    transaction_item {
        bigint transaction_item_id
        bigint transaction_id
        bigint product_id
        int quantity

    transaction_service {
        bigint transaction_service_id
        bigint transaction_id
        bigint service_id
        int quantity
        numeric total
    custom_product {
        bigint custom_product_id
        bigint transaction_id
        text custom_name
        numeric price
        int quantity
        numeric total
    location {
        bigint location_id
        text location_name

customer ||--o{ transaction : ""
transaction ||--o{ transaction_item : ""
transaction ||--o{ transaction_service : ""
transaction ||--o{ custom_product : ""
product ||--o{ inventory : ""
service ||--o{ transaction_service : ""
location ||--o{ inventory : ""
staff ||--o{ transaction : ""

PostgreSQL Schema

CREATE TABLE customers (
    customer_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    first_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    phone_number VARCHAR(20),
    note TEXT,
    location VARCHAR(100)

CREATE TABLE transactions (
    transaction_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    customer_id INT REFERENCES customers(customer_id),
    notes TEXT,
    discount DECIMAL(10, 2),
    total DECIMAL(10, 2),
    status VARCHAR(10) CHECK (status IN ('Paid', 'Due'))

CREATE TABLE transaction_items (
    transaction_item_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    transaction_id INT REFERENCES transactions(transaction_id),
    product_id INT REFERENCES products(product_id),
    quantity INT

CREATE TABLE transaction_services (
    transaction_service_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    transaction_id INT REFERENCES transactions(transaction_id),
    service_id INT REFERENCES services(service_id),
    quantity INT,
    total DECIMAL(10, 2)

CREATE TABLE custom_products (
    custom_product_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    transaction_id INT REFERENCES transactions(transaction_id),
    custom_name VARCHAR(100),
    price DECIMAL(10, 2),
    quantity INT,
    total DECIMAL(10, 2)

CREATE TABLE services (
    service_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    title VARCHAR(100),
    description TEXT,
    category VARCHAR(50),
    type VARCHAR(50),
    availability BOOLEAN,
    price DECIMAL(10, 2),
    cost_per_service DECIMAL(10, 2),
    profit DECIMAL(10, 2),
    margin DECIMAL(5, 2)

CREATE TABLE products (
    product_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    title VARCHAR(100),
    description TEXT,
    availability BOOLEAN,
    price DECIMAL(10, 2),
    cost_per_product DECIMAL(10, 2),
    profit DECIMAL(10, 2),
    margin DECIMAL(5, 2)

CREATE TABLE locations (
    location_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    location_name VARCHAR(100)

CREATE TABLE inventory (
    inventory_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    product_id INT REFERENCES products(product_id),
    location_id INT REFERENCES locations(location_id),
    quantity INT,
    CONSTRAINT unique_product_location UNIQUE (product_id, location_id)

    staff_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    first_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    username VARCHAR(50) UNIQUE,
    email VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE,
    phone VARCHAR(20),
    staff_permissions BOOLEAN,
    admin_permissions BOOLEAN


Transactions Table

Field Description
TransactionID Unique identifier for each transaction.
CustomerID Identifier linking this transaction to a customer.
Notes Additional notes about the transaction.
Discount Any discount applied to the transaction.
Total Total amount of the transaction.
Status Status of the transaction ('Paid' or 'Due').

What to Input:

Transaction Information

  • Customer: Select or input the customer associated with the transaction.
  • Notes: Add any additional notes or comments related to the transaction.

Item List

  • Each list has:
    • Product Information (From the products): Select or input the product details.
    • Quantity: Enter the quantity of each product included in the transaction.

Service List

  • Each list has:
    • Service Information (From the services): Select or input the service details.
    • Quantity: Enter the quantity of each service included in the transaction.
    • Total: The total price for each service in this transaction.

Custom Product

  • Custom Name: Enter the name of the custom product.
  • Price: Specify the price of the custom product.
  • Quantity: Enter the quantity of the custom product in this transaction.
  • Total: The total price for the custom product in this transaction.

Payment (For all products that are added in the transaction)

  • Discount: Specify any discount applied to the transaction.
  • Total: The total amount to be paid for the transaction.
  • Status (Paid, Due): Select the status of the transaction, whether it's 'Paid' or 'Due'.


Customers Table

Field Description
CustomerID Unique identifier for each customer.
FirstName First name of the customer.
LastName Last name of the customer.
PhoneNumber Phone number of the customer.
Note Additional notes about the customer.
Location Location where the customer is associated.

What to Input:

Customer Overview

  • First Name: Enter the first name of the customer.
  • Last Name: Enter the last name of the customer.
  • Phone Number: Enter the phone number of the customer.
  • Note (Notes are private and won't be shared with the customer.): Add any relevant notes about the customer.
  • Location (What location they are.): Specify the location associated with the customer.


Services Table

Field Description
ServiceID Unique identifier for each service.
Title Title of the service.
Description Description of the service.
Category Category of the service.
Type Type of the service.
Availability Availability status of the service.
Price Selling price of the service.
CostPerService Cost incurred for providing the service.
Profit Profit margin for the service.
Margin Profit margin percentage.

What to Input:

Service Information

  • Title: Enter the title of the service.
  • Description: Provide a brief description of the service.
  • Category: Specify the category to which the service belongs.
  • Type: Specify the type of the service.
  • Availability: Indicate whether the service is available or not.

Service Pricing

  • Price: Specify the selling price of the service.
  • Cost per product: Enter the cost incurred for providing each unit of the service.
  • Profit: Specify the profit margin for the service.
  • Margin: Enter the profit margin percentage.


Products Table

Field Description
ProductID Unique identifier for each product.
Title Title of the product.
Description Description of the product.
Availability Availability status of the product.
Price Selling price of the product.
CostPerProduct Cost incurred for each unit of the product.
Profit Profit margin for the product.
Margin Profit margin percentage.

What to Input:

Item Information

  • Title: Enter the title of the product.
  • Description: Provide a brief description of the product.
  • Availability: Indicate whether the product is available or not.

Item Pricing

  • Price: Specify the selling price of the product.
  • Cost per product: Enter the cost incurred for each unit of the product.
  • Profit: Specify the profit margin for the product.
  • Margin: Enter the profit margin percentage.

Item Inventory

  • Add Locations (Configure what locations must be added for stock): Specify the locations where the product is stored.
  • Quantity (If multiple locations, each location quantity must be given): Enter the quantity of the product available at each specified location.


Locations Table

Field Description
LocationID Unique identifier for each location.
LocationName Name of the location.


Field Description
InventoryID Unique identifier for each inventory entry.
ProductID Identifier linking this entry to a product.
LocationID Identifier linking this entry to a location.
Quantity Quantity of the product available at the specified location.

What to Input:

  • InventoryID: Automatic unique identifier (if applicable).
  • ProductID: Link to the product associated with the inventory entry.
  • LocationID: Link to the location where the product is stored.
  • Quantity: Enter the quantity of the product available at the specified location.


Staff Table

Field Description
StaffID Unique identifier for each staff member.
FirstName First name of the staff member.
LastName Last name of the staff member.
Username Username used for login.
Email Email address of the staff member.
Phone Phone number of the staff member.
StaffPermissions Boolean indicating whether the staff has staff-level permissions.
AdminPermissions Boolean indicating whether the staff has admin-level permissions.

What to Input:

Adding Staff

  • Contact Information
    • First Name: Enter the first name of the staff member.
    • Last Name: Enter the last name of the staff member.
    • Username: Enter the username used for login.
    • Email: Enter the email address of the staff member.
    • Phone: Enter the phone number of the staff member.
  • System Access
    • Permissions
      • Staff Permissions: Select or specify if the staff member has staff-level permissions.
      • Admin Permissions: Select or specify if the staff member has admin-level permissions.

User Flows & Mocks

The system design depicted in the provided images appears to be inspired by Shopify POS (Point of Sale). Shopify POS is a system designed to facilitate retail transactions, inventory management, and customer engagement in physical retail environments. It provides a comprehensive platform for businesses to manage sales, accept payments, track inventory, and analyze customer data.

Admin Sitemap

Admin Flow