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File metadata and controls

310 lines (255 loc) · 9.73 KB


  • Transactions Table: This table stores information about each transaction.

    • TransactionID: A unique identifier for each transaction.
    • CustomerID: The identifier linking this transaction to a customer in the Customers table.
    • Notes: Additional notes about the transaction.
    • Discount: Any discount applied to the transaction.
    • Total: The total amount of the transaction.
    • Status: The status of the transaction, whether it's 'Paid' or 'Due'.
  • TransactionItemsTable: This table stores information about products included in each transaction.

    • TransactionItemID: A unique identifier for each transaction item.
    • TransactionID: The identifier linking this transaction item to a transaction in the Transactions table.
    • ProductID: The identifier linking this transaction item to a product in the Products table.
    • Quantity: The quantity of the product in this transaction.
  • TransactionServicesTable: This table stores information about services included in each transaction.

    • TransactionServiceID: A unique identifier for each transaction service.
    • TransactionID: The identifier linking this transaction service to a transaction in the Transactions table.
    • ServiceID: The identifier linking this transaction service to a service in the Services table.
    • Quantity: The quantity of the service in this transaction.
    • Total: The total price for the service in this transaction.
  • CustomProductsTable: This table stores information about custom products included in each transaction.

    • CustomProductID: A unique identifier for each custom product.
    • TransactionID: The identifier linking this custom product to a transaction in the Transactions table.
    • CustomName: The name of the custom product.
    • Price: The price of the custom product.
    • Quantity: The quantity of the custom product in this transaction.
    • Total: The total price for the custom product in this transaction.

This allows the staff or admin to create transaction and invoices. These are the information that will be inputted in the creating transation process:

New Transaction

Transaction Information

  • Customer
  • Notes

Item List

  • Each list have:
    • Product Information (From the products)
    • Quantity

Service List

  • Each list have:
    • Service Information (From the products)
    • Quantity
    • Total

Custom Product

  • Custom Name
  • Price
  • Quantity
  • Total

Payment (For all products that are added in the transaction)

  • Discount
  • Total
  • Status (Paid, Due)


To store information about customers, we can create a Customers table with fields for the specified information.

  • Customers Table: This table stores information about each customer.
    • CustomerID: A unique identifier for each customer.
    • FirstName: The first name of the customer.
    • LastName: The last name of the customer.
    • PhoneNumber: The phone number of the customer.
    • Note: Additional notes about the customer (private and internal).
    • Location: The location where the customer is associated. This field is assumed to be a string for simplicity.

The admin and staff will be able to import, save, and view customers. These are the information when they add a new customer:

Customer Overview

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Note (Notes are private and won't be shared with the customer.)
  • Location (What location they are.)


To accommodate the information for services and their pricing, we can create a separate table for services and adjust the pricing schema accordingly.

  • Services Table: This table stores information about each service.
  • ServiceID: A unique identifier for each service.
  • Title: The title of the service.
  • Description: A description of the service.
  • Category: The category of the service.
  • Type: The type of the service.
  • Availability: A boolean value indicating whether the service is available or not.
  • Price: The selling price of the service.
  • CostPerService: The cost incurred for providing the service.
  • Profit: The profit margin for the service.
  • Margin: The profit margin percentage.

When adding a service, the staff must put the following information:

Service Information

  • Title
  • Description
  • Category
  • Type
  • Availability

Service Pricing

  • Price
  • Cost per product
  • Profit
  • Margin


This table stores information about each product along with pricing and inventory details.

  • ProductID: A unique identifier for each product.
  • Title: The title of the product.
  • Description: A description of the product.
  • Availability: A boolean value indicating whether the product is available or not.
  • Price: The selling price of the product.
  • CostPerProduct: The cost incurred for each unit of the product.
  • Profit: The profit margin for the product.
  • Margin: The profit margin percentage.
  • LocationID: A foreign key referencing the location where the product is stored.
  • Quantity: The quantity of the product available at the specified location.

When adding an item, the staff must put the following information:

Item Information

  • Title
  • Description
  • Availability

Item Pricing

  • Price
  • Cost per product
  • Profit
  • Margin

Item Inventory

  • Add Locations (Configure what locations must be added ofr stock)
  • Quantity (If multiple location, each location quantity must be given)


This table stores information about different inventory locations where products are stored.

  • LocationID: A unique identifier for each location.
  • LocationName: The name of the location.


  • InventoryID: A unique identifier for each inventory entry (optional if each product has a single entry).
  • ProductID: The identifier linking this inventory entry to a product in the Products table.
  • LocationID: The identifier linking this inventory entry to a location in the Locations table.
  • Quantity: The quantity of the product available in the inventory at the specified location.

This will refer from the product's information. The following information that are needed:

  • InventoryID
  • ProductID
  • LocationID
  • Quantity


  • Staff Table: This table stores information about staff members.
  • StaffID: A unique identifier for each staff member.
  • FirstName: The first name of the staff member.
  • LastName: The last name of the staff member.
  • Username: The username used for login.
  • Email: The email address of the staff member.
  • Phone: The phone number of the staff member (optional).
  • StaffPermissions: A boolean indicating whether the staff member has staff-level permissions.
  • AdminPermissions: A boolean indicating whether the staff member has admin-level permissions.

The admin can only see this. Once they navigate through the staff section, they can do the - following:


  • Add Staff

Adding Staff

  • Contact Information
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Username
    • Email
    • Phone
  • System Access
    • Permissions
      • Staff Permissions
      • Admin Permissions

PostgreSQL Schema

create table
  location (
    location_id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
    location_name text

create table
  product (
    product_id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
    title text,
    description text,
    availability boolean,
    price numeric not null,
    cost_per_product numeric not null,
    profit numeric not null,
    margin numeric not null

create table
  inventory (
    inventory_id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
    product_id bigint,
    location_id bigint,
    quantity int,
    constraint unique_product_location unique (product_id, location_id),
    foreign key (product_id) references product (product_id),
    foreign key (location_id) references location (location_id)

create table
  service (
    service_id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
    title text,
    description text,
    category text,
    type text,
    availability boolean,
    price numeric not null,
    cost_per_service numeric not null,
    profit numeric not null,
    margin numeric not null

create table
  customer (
    customer_id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
    first_name text not null,
    last_name text not null,
    phone_number text,
    note text,
    location text

create table
  staff (
    staff_id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
    first_name text not null,
    last_name text not null,
    username text unique,
    email text unique,
    phone text,
    staff_permissions boolean,
    admin_permissions boolean

create table
  transaction (
    transaction_id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
    customer_id bigint,
    notes text,
    discount numeric not null,
    total numeric not null,
    status text check (status in ('Paid', 'Due')),
    foreign key (customer_id) references customer (customer_id)

create table
  transaction_item (
    transaction_item_id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
    transaction_id bigint,
    product_id bigint,
    quantity int,
    foreign key (transaction_id) references transaction (transaction_id),
    foreign key (product_id) references product (product_id)

create table
  transaction_service (
    transaction_service_id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
    transaction_id bigint,
    service_id bigint,
    quantity int,
    total numeric not null,
    foreign key (transaction_id) references transaction (transaction_id),
    foreign key (service_id) references service (service_id)

create table
  custom_product (
    custom_product_id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
    transaction_id bigint,
    custom_name text,
    price numeric not null,
    quantity int,
    total numeric not null,
    foreign key (transaction_id) references transaction (transaction_id)