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function AC-3(csp) returns false if an inconsistency is found and true otherwise
inputs: csp, a binary CSP with components (X, D, C)
local variables: queue, a queue of arcs, initially all the arcs in csp

while queue is not empty do
   (Xi, Xj) ← REMOVE-FIRST(queue)
   if REVISE(csp, Xi, Xj) then
     if size of Di = 0 then return false
     for each Xk in Xi.NEIGHBORS − {Xj} do
      add(Xk, Xi) to queue
return true

function REVISE(csp, Xi, Xj) returns true iff we revise the domain of Xi
for each x in Di do
   if no value y in Dj allows (x, y) to satisfy the constraint between Xi and Xj then
    delete x from Di
return revised

Figure ?? The arc-consistency algorithm AC-3. After applying AC-3, either every arc is arc-consistent, or some variable has an empty domain, indicating that the CSP cannot be solved. The name "AC-3" was used by the algorithm's inventor (Mackworth, 1977) because it's the third version developed in the paper.