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File metadata and controls

95 lines (54 loc) · 3.5 KB

Getting Started


During this getting started tutorial, we are going to replicate currencies closing price into a JSON file.

Start Airbyte

First of all, make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed. Then run the following commands:

git clone
cd airbyte
docker-compose up

Once you see an Airbyte banner, the UI is ready to go at http://localhost:8000/.

Set up your preferences

You should see an onboarding page. Enter your email if you want updates about Airbyte and continue.

Set up your first connection

Create a source

The source we are creating will pull data from an external API. It will replicate the closing price of currencies compared to USD since the specified start date.

To set it up, just follow the instructions on the screenshot below.

{% hint style="info" %} You might have to wait ~30 seconds before the fields show up because it is the first time you're using Airbyte. {% endhint %}

Create a destination

The destination we are creating is a simple JSON line file, meaning that it will contain one JSON object per line. Each objects will represent data extracted from the source.

The resulting files will be located in /tmp/airbyte_local/json_data

To set it up, just follow the instructions on the screenshot below.

{% hint style="info" %} You might have to wait ~30 seconds before the fields show up because it is the first time you're using Airbyte. {% endhint %}

Create connection

When we create the connection, we can select which data stream we want to replicate. We can also select if we want an incremental replication. The replication will run at the specified sync frequency.

To set it up, just follow the instructions on the screenshot below.

Check the logs of your first sync

After you've completed the onboarding, you will be redirected to the source list and will see the source you just added. Click on it to find more information about it. You will now see all the destinations connected to that source. Click on it and you will see the sync history.

From there, you can look at the logs, download them, force a sync and adjust the configuration of your connection.

Check the data of your first sync

Now let's verify that this worked:

cat /tmp/airbyte_local/json_data/_airbyte_raw_exchange_rate.jsonl

You should see one line for each day that was replicated.

If you have jq installed, let's look at the evolution of EUR.

cat /tmp/airbyte_local/test_json/_airbyte_raw_exchange_rate.jsonl | 
jq -c '.data | {date: .date, EUR: .EUR }'

And there you have it. You've pulled data from an API directly into a file and all of the actual configuration for this replication only took place in the UI.

That's it!

This is just the beginning of using Airbyte. We support a large collection of sources and destinations. You can even contribute your own.

If you have any questions at all, please reach out to us on Slack. We’re still in alpha, so if you see any rough edges or want to request a connector you need, please create an issue on our Github or leave a thumbs up on an existing issue.

Thank you and we hope you enjoy using Airbyte.