Releases: ajayyy/DeArrow
Releases · ajayyy/DeArrow
- Fix titles on mobile sometimes not changing
- Another fix a/b test thumbnail remover from causing grey thumbnails from appearing
- Added failure checking to a/b test thumbnail remover to leave the thumbnails be if it can't find the original
- Fix a/b test thumbnail remover from causing grey thumbnails from appearing
- Support new playlist header images
- Send video duration to detect a new YouTube experiment which makes the submitted thumbnail time inaccurate
- Add option to desaturate thumbnails (thanks @jgoedde )
- Add option to not hide video details while fetching (thanks @54ac)
- Add keybinds for enabling and opening submission menu
- Fix upvoting title removing it from local submitted list
- Add better indication that upvotes and downvotes worked
- Fix trimmed title preventing submitted title from being selected
- Add delay after submitted before refreshing submissions for that video
- Fix behavior of "Display show original button for auto-formatted titles" setting behavior
- Always capitalize last word in title case
- Change how fetch is made to make sure to show unverified submissions in voting box
- Make UI follow chosen title casing style
- Remove submissions from stored unsubmitted list when downvoted
- Fix importing options in options page not working
- Add fallback method for listen for new thumbnails appearing
- Should fix issue on Safari and sometimes on other browsers where sometimes titles and thumbnails are blank until a refresh
- Fix submission menu on layout with description on right