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Mongo Spring Search

Mongo Spring Search provides a query language to a MongoDB database.
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Mongo Spring Search

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What is this?

Mongo Spring Search provides a simple query language to perform advanced searches for your collections in MongoDB.

You could create custom repository methods to perform your searches. You could also use Mongo Spring Search to searching, sorting, pagination and combining logical operators.

Getting Started



Include the dependency to your project inside your pom.xml file.

For Java 17:


For Java 14:


Add implementation to your project in your build.gradle file

For Java 17:

implementation 'io.github.ajclopez:mongo-spring-search:2.0.1'

For Java 14:

implementation 'io.github.ajclopez:mongo-spring-search:1.0.5'


  • Version 2.x.x: Requires Java 17.
  • Version 1.x.x: Requires Java 14.


Converts query into a MongoDB query object.

MongoSpringSearch.mss(String query);

MongoSpringSearch.mss(String query, Optional<Configuration> configuration);

query: query string part of the requested API URL.

configuration: object for advanced configuration (See below) [optional].

You can add custom methods to your repository:

public interface YourRepository extends MongoRepository<YourDocument, String>, YourCustomRepository {

To expand the Spring MongoRepository repository methods you can do it in the following way:

public interface YourCustomRepository {
	public List<YourDocument> findAll(String query);

In this class you can use Mongo Spring Search:

public class YourCustomRepositoryImpl implements YourCustomRepository {

	private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
	public YourCustomRepositoryImpl(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate) {
		this.mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate;
	public List<YourDocument> findAll(String query) {
		return mongoTemplate.find(MongoSpringSearch.mss(query), YourDocument.class);

Use it in your controller:

public ResponseEntity<List<YourResponse>> yourFunctionNameHere(HttpServletRequest request) {
	return ResponseEntity.ok().body(yourRepository.findAll(request.getQueryString()));
Query query = MongoSpringSearch.mss("status=sent&date>2020-01-06T14:00:00.000Z&author.firstname=Jhon&skip=50&limit=100&sort=-date&fields=id,date");

Supported features


Operator URI Example
$eq key=val type=public
$ne key!=val status!=SENT
$gt key>val price>5
$gte key>=val price>=9
$lt key<val date<2020-01-01T14:00:00.000Z
$lte key<=val priority<=-5
$in key=val1,val2 status=QUEUED,DEQUEUED
$nin key!=val1,val2 status!=QUEUED,DEQUEUED
$exists key email
$exists !key !email
$regex key=/value/<opts> email=/@gmail\.com$/
$regex key!=/value/<opts> phone!=/^58/


Useful to limit the number of records returned.

  • Operator keys are skip and limit.
  • Use limit operator to limit the number of records returned.
  • Use skip operator to skip the specified number of records.


Useful to sort returned records.

  • Operator key is sort.
  • It accepts a comma-separated list of fields.
  • Use - prefixes to sort in descending order.
  • Use + prefixes to sort in ascedending order.


Useful to limit fields to return in each records.

  • Operator key is fields.
  • It accepts a comma-separated list of fields.


  • The _id field (returned by default).

Advanced queries

For more advanced usage (and, or logic operations), pass query filter as string with the logical operations, for example:

filter=(country=Mexico OR country=Spain) and gender=female
What operations are possible?
  • Filtering operations.
  • The AND/and operator.
  • The OR/or operator.
  • Parenthesis can be used for grouping.

Available options

You can use advanced options:

Configuration(Map<String, CastType> casters, Integer defaultLimit, Integer maxLimit)
  • casters object to specify custom casters, key is the caster name, and value is a type (BOOLEAN, NUMBER, PATTERN, DATE, STRING).
  • defaultLimit which contains custom value to return records.
  • maxLimit which contains custom value to return a maximum of records.

Customize limit value

You can specify your own maximum or default limit value.

  • defaultLimit: custom value to return records.
  • maxLimit: custom value to return a maximum of records.
Configuration options = new Configuration(null, 10, 500);

MongoSpringSearch.mss("organizationId=123&skip=10&limit=1000", Optional.of(options));

Specify casting per param keys

You can specify how query parameter values are casted by passing an object.

  • casters: object which map keys to casters.
Map<String, CastType> casters = new HashMap<String, CastType>();
casters.put("key1", CastType.STRING);
casters.put("key2", CastType.NUMBER);
casters.put("key3", CastType.STRING);
casters.put("key4", CastType.OBJECT_ID);
casters.put("key5", CastType.BOOLEAN);
Configuration options = new Configuration(casters, null, null);
MongoSpringSearch.mss("key1=VALUE&key2=10&key3=20&key4=666fde1af688038e64d6b58a&key5=true", Optional.of(options));


Should you like to provide any feedback, please open up an Issue, I appreciate feedback and comments. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing-feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


This software is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.