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File metadata and controls

619 lines (512 loc) · 20.5 KB


A Powerful Templating Framework in C++, with a command-line tool and Python module, written by Alvaro J. Genial.

PyPI Version Build Status


Synth is a template framework—a set of components that can be mixed and matched to build the right functionality; furthermore, components are loosely-coupled, designed to be both extensible and replaceable.


Version 1 is released and stable.


Synth blurs the line between compile-time and runtime, and it does so by blending three worlds: (a) the static C++ type system; (b) the dynamic values that need to be manipulated and formatted, including those from other languages; and (c) the templates to do so. The name is an allusion to this synthesis process, which combines values to generate new ones (streams, files, strings, numbers, etc.)



echo '{"user": "Dolph Lundgren"}' > context.json
echo 'Howdy, {{ user }}!' > template.txt
cat template.txt | synth -e django -c context.json

Or on Windows:

echo {"user":"Dolph Lundgren"} > context.json
echo Howdy, {{ user }}! > template.txt
type template.txt | synth -e django -c context.json


import synth, sys

def simple_tmpl_example():
    t = synth.Template('Howdy, <TMPL_VAR user>!', 'tmpl')
    c = {'user': 'Dolph Lundgren'}

    # Render to different destinations:
    t.render_to_path("greeting.txt", c)
    t.render_to_file(sys.stdout, c)
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <ajg/synth.hpp>

typedef ajg::synth::default_traits<char>                    traits_type;
typedef ajg::synth::engines::ssi::engine<traits_type>       engine_type;
typedef ajg::synth::templates::string_template<engine_type> template_type;

int main() {
    // Parse the template.
    template_type const t(
        "Howdy, <!--#echo var='user' -->! "
        "Your balance is <!--#echo var='points' -->.");

    // Create some data.
    std::map<std::string, engine_type::value_type> m;
    m["user"] = "Dolph Lundgren";
    m["points"] = 42;

    // Render to different destinations:
    t.render_to_stream(std::cout, m);
    t.render_to_path("greeting.txt", m);
    std::cout << t.render_to_string(m);
    return 0;



USAGE: synth [OPTIONS...]
  -h,      --help              print help message
  -v,      --version           print library version
  -c file, --context=file      contextual data             *.{ini,json,xml}
  -e name, --engine=name       template engine             {django,ssi,tmpl}
  -d path, --directory=path    template location(s)        (default: '.')


Via System Package Manager

Using Homebrew:

brew install
# Note that you must append `--with-python` to install the Python module.

Using Chocolatey:

choco install synth

Support for other system package managers like Apt or Yum is welcome.

Via Python Package Manager

Note that these will only install the Python module.

Using Pip:

pip install pip --upgrade # Ensure wheel support
pip install synth # Prefix with `sudo` if needed.
easy_install synth # Prefix with `sudo` if needed.

If possible, use Pip instead.

From Source:

  1. Ensure you have the following:
  • A tool to get the source (git, curl, a browser, etc.)
  • A system to build it with (SCons or Visual Studio)
  • A C++ compiler (clang, gcc, msvc, etc.) In particular, Synth is known to compile with:
    • gcc versions 4.2.1, 4.6.3 and 4.7.2
    • clang versions 3.0 and 3.3
    • msvc version 12.0 (VS2013)
  1. Get the source (e.g. the latest, as shown here):

    git clone --depth 1 --recursive && cd synth
  2. Optionally, build the command-line tool:

    scons synth # Add debug=1 to generate debugging symbols & disable optimizations.

    (Note that if you are hell bent on it, you can use a different version of Boost; see Infrequently Asked Questions.)

  3. Optionally, build (and install) the Python module:

    python install # Prefix with `sudo` if needed.




  • command_line
  • python


  • buffer_template
  • path_template
  • stream_template
  • string_template


  • array
    • T[N]
    • T[]
    • boost::array
  • bool
    • bool
  • complex
    • std::complex
  • container
    • deque
      • std::deque
    • list
      • std::list
    • map
      • std::map
      • std::multimap
    • set
      • std::set
      • std::multiset
    • stack
      • std::stack
    • vector
      • std::vector
  • memory
    • std::auto_ptr
  • none
    • boost::none_t
  • numeric
    • char
    • char signed
    • char unsigned
    • short
    • short unsigned
    • int
    • int unsigned
    • long
    • long unsigned
    • wchar_t (When available, unless disabled by AJG_SYNTH_CONFIG_NO_WCHAR_T)
    • long long (When available, unless disabled by AJG_SYNTH_CONFIG_NO_LONG_LONG)
    • long long unsigned (When available, unless disabled by AJG_SYNTH_CONFIG_NO_LONG_LONG)
    • __int64 (msvc-only.)
    • __int64 unsigned (msvc-only.)
    • float
    • double
    • long double
  • optional
    • boost::optional
  • ptime
    • boost::posix_time::ptime
  • ptree
    • boost::property_tree::ptree
  • pointer
    • void*
    • T*
  • ref
    • boost::reference_wrapper
  • smart_ptr
    • boost::scoped_array
    • boost::scoped_ptr
    • boost::shared_array
    • boost::shared_ptr
  • string
    • std::basic_string
    • char*
    • char[N]
    • wchar_t* (When available, unless disabled by AJG_SYNTH_CONFIG_NO_WCHAR_T)
    • wchar_t[N] (When available, unless disabled by AJG_SYNTH_CONFIG_NO_WCHAR_T)
  • utility
    • std::pair
  • variant
    • boost::variant

Base Components

  • adapters::base_adapter
  • bindings::base_binding
  • engines::base_engine
  • templates::base_template

Other Components

  • engines::context
  • engines::options
  • engines::state
  • engines::value
  • templates::cache
  • AJG_SYNTH_VERSION (e.g. 1.2.3)
  • AJG_SYNTH_VERSION_SEQ (e.g. (1)(2)(3))
  • AJG_SYNTH_VERSION_TUPLE (e.g. (1, 2, 3))
  • AJG_SYNTH_VERSION_ARRAY (e.g. (3, (1, 2, 3)))
  • AJG_SYNTH_VERSION_STRING (e.g. "1.2.3")
  • AJG_SYNTH_CONFIG_NO_WCHAR_T (default: automatically determined)
  • AJG_SYNTH_CONFIG_NO_LONG_LONG (default: automatically determined)
  • AJG_SYNTH_CONFIG_NO_DEBUG (default: automatically determined)
  • AJG_SYNTH_CONFIG_NO_WINDOWS_H (default: not defined)
  • AJG_SYNTH_CONFIG_MAX_FRAMES (default: 1024)
  • AJG_SYNTH_CONFIG_HANDLE_EXCEPTION (default: boost::throw_exception)

Context Data Input Formats

  • ini
  • json
  • xml

Django Engine


  • django::builtin_tags::autoescape_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::block_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::comment_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::csrf_token_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::cycle_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::cycle_as_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::cycle_as_silent_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::debug_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::extends_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::filter_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::firstof_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::for_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::for_empty_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::if_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::ifchanged_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::ifequal_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::ifnotequal_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::include_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::include_with_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::include_with_only_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::library_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::load_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::load_from_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::now_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::regroup_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::spaceless_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::ssi_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::templatetag_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::url_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::url_as_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::variable_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::verbatim_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::widthratio_tag
  • django::builtin_tags::with_tag


  • django::builtin_filters::add_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::addslashes_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::capfirst_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::center_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::cut_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::date_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::default_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::default_if_none_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::dictsort_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::dictsortreversed_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::divisibleby_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::escape_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::escapejs_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::filesizeformat_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::first_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::fix_ampersands_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::floatformat_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::force_escape_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::get_digit_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::iriencode_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::join_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::last_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::length_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::length_is_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::linebreaks_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::linebreaksbr_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::linenumbers_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::ljust_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::lower_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::make_list_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::phone2numeric_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::pluralize_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::pprint_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::random_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::removetags_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::rjust_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::safe_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::safeseq_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::slice_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::slugify_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::stringformat_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::striptags_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::time_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::timesince_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::timeuntil_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::title_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::truncatechars_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::truncatechars_html_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::truncatewords_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::truncatewords_html_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::unordered_list_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::upper_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::urlencode_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::urlize_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::urlizetrunc_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::wordcount_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::wordwrap_filter
  • django::builtin_filters::yesno_filter


  • context::formats["TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID"] (default: "")
  • context::formats["DATE_FORMAT"] (default: "N j, Y")
  • context::formats["DATETIME_FORMAT"] (default: "N j, Y, P")
  • context::formats["MONTH_DAY_FORMAT"] (default: "F j")
  • context::formats["SHORT_DATE_FORMAT"] (default: "m/d/Y")
  • context::formats["SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT"] (default: "m/d/Y P")
  • context::formats["TIME_FORMAT"] (default: "P")
  • context::formats["YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT"] (default: "F Y")

(Note: Django's TEMPLATE_DEBUG and TEMPLATE_DIRS are handled through options::debug and options::directories, respectively.)

SSI Engine


  • ssi::builtin_tags::config_tag
  • ssi::builtin_tags::echo_tag
  • ssi::builtin_tags::exec_tag
  • ssi::builtin_tags::fsize_tag
  • ssi::builtin_tags::flastmod_tag
  • ssi::builtin_tags::if_tag
  • ssi::builtin_tags::include_tag
  • ssi::builtin_tags::printenv_tag
  • ssi::builtin_tags::set_tag


  • context::formats["echomsg"] (default: "(none)")
  • context::formats["errormsg"] (default: "[an error occurred while processing this directive]")
  • context::formats["sizefmt"] (default: "bytes")
  • context::formats["timefmt"] (default: "%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")

TMPL Engine


  • tmpl::builtin_tags::comment_tag (Technically, part of ctpp)
  • tmpl::builtin_tags::if_tag
  • tmpl::builtin_tags::include_tag
  • tmpl::builtin_tags::loop_tag
  • tmpl::builtin_tags::unless_tag
  • tmpl::builtin_tags::variable_tag


  • options::debug (default: false)
  • options::directories (default: ".")
  • options::libraries (for dynamic tags & filters)
  • options::loaders (for dynamic library loading)
  • options::resolvers (for dynamic URL resolution and reversal)
  • options::caching (a bit mask of caching behavior)
    • caching_none
    • caching_all
    • caching_paths
    • caching_buffers
    • caching_strings
    • caching_per_thread
    • caching_per_process

Future Work

  • Build:

    • Pre-commit script/hook
    • GCC:
      • [4.9+] Add -fsanitize=undefined when available
    • Visual Studio:
      • [2013] Pass /W4 cleanly
      • [2013] Pass /Wall cleanly
      • [2012] Create solution & projects
  • Distribution:

    • RPM package
    • Apt package
    • Yum package
    • MacPort support
    • Standalone pre-built Darwin binaries
    • Standalone pre-built Windows binaries
    • MSI installer
  • Documentation:

    • Produce Boost-compatible documentation
    • Create (et al.) to enable ReadTheDocs
  • Testing:

    • Rewrite the majority of unit tests as a set of .in/.out files
    • Add exhaustive date/time formatting tests
    • Add way to specify expected failures; re-enable commented out tests
  • Optimization:

    • Compare benefit/cost of -O, -O2, -O3 and -Ofast
    • Investigate using thread locals instead of statics for medium-expense objects
    • Investigate -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
    • Replace ostream << string(a, b) constructs with std::ostream_iterator + std::copy
  • Bindings:

    • Command-line:
      • Allow specifying formats option
      • Allow specifying debug option
      • Allow named input files
      • Allow named output files
      • [v1+] Allow using arbitrary programs as tags
      • [v1+] Allow using arbitrary programs as filters
    • Python:
      • [v1] Set docstrings where appropriate
      • Support is_safe, needs_autoescape, and expects_localtime in custom filters
    • Other:
      • Create ruby binding based on Rice
      • Create go binding based on cgo
      • Create lua binding
      • Create node binding
      • Create php binding
      • Create c binding
      • [v1+] Create haskell binding
  • Engines:

    • Django:
      • lorem tag
      • Make markers dynamically configurable
      • Native i18n library
      • Native l10n library
      • Native tz library
      • Native static library
      • Native staticfiles library
      • Native humanize library
      • Native webdesign library
    • SSI:
      • Implement additional tags from Jigsaw
    • TMPL:
      • Consider renaming html
    • Other:
      • Create ctpp engine
      • [v1+] Create jinja2 engine
      • [v1+] Create cheetah engine
      • [v1+] Create xslt engine
  • Adapters:

    • Adapter for boost::tuple
    • Adapter for boost::any
    • Adapter for boost::function
    • Adapter for boost::tribool
    • Adapters for boost::fusion sequences
    • Adapters for boost::local_time types
    • Adapter for boost::intrusive_ptr
    • Support for boost::enable_shared_from_this
    • [v2] Adapters for c++11 types
    • [v2] Adapters for c++14 types
  • Templates:

    • Create new file_template (using FILE* file)
      • Add render_to_file to base_template
      • Add render_file to engines
    • Create descriptor_template (using int descriptor)
      • Add render_to_descriptor to base_template
      • Add render_descriptor to engines
  • Refactoring:

    • Make documentation comments uniformly ///
    • Replace local version of Boost with minimal, shallow submodules once boostorg/boost is ready
    • Move render_tag and builtin_tags_ to base_engine::kernel
    • Move render_block to base_engine::kernel
    • Remove all no-op tags (e.g. cycle_as_silent_tag)
    • Fold all variant tags into their main version (e.g. load_from_tag)
    • Modernize codebase to with C++11 support:
      • Translate macros to variadic templates
      • Replace boost::assign use with aggregate initializers
      • Remove complex redundant typedefs in favor of auto
      • Replace <boost/cstdint.hpp> with <cstdint>
      • Replace Boost.Random with <random>
      • Replace Boost.Atomic with <atomic>
      • Consider switching to unordered_map/unordered_set where possible
    • [v1+] Add AJG_SYNTH_PRAGMA macro that invokes _Pragma or __pragma (MSVC) as needed
      • Add AJG_SYNTH_PRAGMA(once) to all header files and see if it speeds up compilations
    • [v1+] Sort #includes alphabetically
    • [v1+] Run entire C++ codebase through clang-format
    • Change class in template signatures to typename
    • [v1] Reformat all operator _()'s to operator_()
    • [v1+] Remove header guard closing comments
    • [v1+] Remove namespace closing comments
    • [v2+] Factor out values & adapters into separate library for generic language interop

Infrequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Can I use a version of Boost other than the one bundled?

    • A: Yes, you can, though note that unless you're already using Boost in your project, there is usually no good reason to; anyway:
      • On most systems, you can build Synth with the system's Boost by passing boost=system to scons.
      • On Windows, you'll need to edit the project file(s) in Visual Studio and set the include and library directories to point to the existing Boost installation.
      • The Python module does not support this option yet.
  • Q: How can I install a system-wide version of Boost?

    • A: Here are some suggestions:
      • Using Homebrew: brew install boost (Append --with-python for Boost.Python support.)
      • Using Apt: sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
      • Using Yum: sudo yum install boost-devel
      • On Windows, try PM> Install-Package boost in the Package Manager Console


This library is distributed under the Boost LICENSE.