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File metadata and controls

252 lines (181 loc) · 6.96 KB

Challenge Notes

Here, I'd be itemizing, in bullets, new concepts I come across as I traverse the course.

Day 1 : Javascript Drum

  • keydown event
  • HTML data-* Global Attribute
  • method
  • HTMLMediaElement.currentTime property. In fact, the HTMLMediaElement DOM interface
  • transitionend DOM event

Day 2 : CSS + JS Clock

  • CSS transform-origin property
  • DOM setInterval() method

Day 3 : Playing With CSS Variables and JS

  • CSS variables can be updated with javascript
  • HTML <input type="range">
  • CSS variables
  • .dataset javascript property from set data-* in HTML
  • DOM document.documentElement
  • CSS CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty

Day 4 : Array Cardio Day 1

  • console.table over console.log for Arrays and Objects
  • Using Array.prototype.reduce to count instances of values (from an array) in an object

Day 5 : Flex Panels Image Gallery

  • Flexbox (take the tutorial)
  • CSS transform property is awesome
  • DOM element.classList.toggle()

Day 6 : AJAX Type Ahead

  • fetch() API
  • Regex
  • DOM keyup event
  • DOM change event

Day 7 : Array Cardio 2

  • Array.prototype.some()
  • Array.prototype.every()
  • Array.prototype.find()
  • Array.prototype.findIndex()
  • Array.prototype.splice()

Day 8 : Fun With HTML5 Canvas

  • HTML Canvas -- the entire thing is foreign
  • DOM Canvas API
  • mousemove event
  • mousedown event
  • mouseup event
  • mouseout event
  • HSL (mothereffinghsl)
  • flag in javascript

Day 9 : 14 Must-Know Dev Tools Tricks

  • Add a breakpoint on attribute modification in dev tools to see which javascript functions are modifying an element
  • %s ==> for string interpolation
  • %c ==> for styling
  • console.warn()
  • console.error()
  • console.assert()
  • console.clear()
  • console.dir()
  • ... console.groupEnd(), or
  • console.groupCollasped() ... console.groupEnd()
  • console.count()
  • console.time() ... console.timeEnd()
  • console.table()

Day 10 : Hold Shift to Check Multiple Checkboxes

  • DOM KeyboardEvent.key property

Day 11 : Custom HTML5 Video Player

  • HTML5 Video -- brush up on this.
  • DOM timeupdate event

Day 12 : Key Sequence detection (KONAMI Code)

  • Using negative values in the Array.splice() prototype.

Day 13 : Slide in on Scroll

  • 'debounce' function calls for performance improvement. (There's also 'throttle', too).
  • The window DOM object
  • HTMLElement.offsetTop property
  • window.scroll*
  • window.innerHeight

Day 14 : Object and Arrays - Reference vs Copy

  • For making a copy of arrays, not referencing, use any of:

    • Array.from()
    • Array.slice()
    • [...array] - spread.
    • Array.concat()
  • For making a copy (shallow copy) of object, not referencing, use any of:

    • Object.assign()
    • {...object} - object spread (introduced ES2018)
  • For making deep copy:

    • lodash's _cloneDeep()
    • "Poor man's deep clone" - JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj))

Day 15 : Localstorage and Event Delegation

  • localStorage

    • localStorage.setItem()
    • localStorage.getItem()
  • JSON.stringify()

  • JSON.parse()

  • HTMLFormElement.reset()

  • Event delegation -- Very responsible parents with very negligent children. :)

  • DOM's Element.matches() method

  • DOM's Event.preventDefault() method

Day 16 : CSS Text Shadow Mouse Move Effect

  • Object destructuring
  • Quick tip:
    • this => the element that you listened on.
    • => the element that the event got triggered on.
  • DOM's MouseEvent.offsetX
  • DOM's MouseEvent.offsetY

Day 17 : Sorting Band Names Without Articles

  • Array.sort
  • Regex, fucking learn Regex, Kay!

Day 18 : Tally String Times With Reduce

  • can be chained multiple times together. I.e.;

Day 19 : Unreal Webcam Fun

  • Browsersync
  • DOM's Navigator interface
  • DOM's MediaDevices interface
  • DOM's URL interface
  • DOM's createObjectURL() method
  • DOM's Node.insertBefore() method
  • DOM's Node.firstChild property
  • canplay event

Day 20 : Native Speech Recognition

  • HTML's contenteditable attribute
  • DOM's Web Speech API
  • DOM's SpeechRecognition interface
  • Web Speech API's result event
  • Web Speech API's end event

Day 21 : Geolocation-based Speedometer and Compass

  • DOM's Geolocation API
  • DOM's Geolocation.watchPosition() method

Day 22 : Follow-along Links

  • DOM's ParentNode.append() method
  • DOM's Element.getBoundingClientRect() method
  • Window.scrollX, Window.scrollY properties

Day 23 : Speech Synthesis

  • DOM's SpeechSynthesisUterance interface
  • DOM's SpeechSynthesis interface
  • DOM's SpeechSynthesisVoice interface
  • DOM's Web Speech API's voiceschanged event

Day 24 : Sticky Nav

  • HTMLElement.offsetHeight property
  • DOM's scroll event
  • CSS transition can occur on max-width but not width
  • Tip: Target a parent element and manipulate its children's styles based on the parent.

Day 25 : Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling and Once

  • Here's an idea of what happens when an event is fired in the browser:
    • the browser captures the event from the top of the "Tree" down to the element where the event was triggered on, then
    • the action attached to the fired event is triggered on every element from the element it was triggered on, to the top of the "Tree".
  • Simply put, when an event is fired, two things happen => Event Capture, and Event Bubbling.
  • The DOM's Event.stopPropagation() method can be used to stop further propagation of the action attached to the event in either the capture, or the bubbling phase.
  • When listening for events on elements using the Element.addEventListener() method, options can be passed in to control event capturing and even something known as "Event Once" as thus:
element.addEventListener('event', functionToRun, {
  capture: true,
  once: true
  • Passing in once removes the event listener from the element in the Element.removeEventListener() fashion immediately the event is triggered once.

Day 26 : Stripe Follow-along Dropdown

  • DOM's element.classList methods (add, remove, toggle, etc)
  • Shortcircuiting with && and ||

Day 27 : Click and Drag to Scroll

  • MouseEvent.pageX
  • HTMLElement.offsetLeft
  • element.scrollLeft

Day 28: Video Speed Controller UI

  • DOM's HTMLMediaElement.playbackRate property

Day 29: Countdown Clock

  • => Current timestamp in milliseconds

  • Pop variables into object when console.loging like so:

    const firstName = 'Kizito';
    const lastName = 'Akhilome';
    console.log({firstName, lastName});
  • Select form elements by selecting their name attributes

  • DOM's clearInterval() method

  • The page's title tag can be updated like so => document.title = 'new value';

  • new Date(timestamp)

  • Date.prototype

Day 30: Whack a Mole Game

  • DOM's Event.isTrusted property
  • DOM's Node.parentElement property