diff --git a/src/contrib/persistence/Akka.Persistence.Sqlite.Tests/SqliteSnapshotStoreSaveSnapshotSpec.cs b/src/contrib/persistence/Akka.Persistence.Sqlite.Tests/SqliteSnapshotStoreSaveSnapshotSpec.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a5d0932bd94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/persistence/Akka.Persistence.Sqlite.Tests/SqliteSnapshotStoreSaveSnapshotSpec.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2024 Lightbend Inc.
+// Copyright (C) 2013-2024 .NET Foundation
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+using Akka.Configuration;
+using Akka.Persistence.TCK.Snapshot;
+using Akka.Util.Internal;
+using Xunit.Abstractions;
+namespace Akka.Persistence.Sqlite.Tests;
+public class SqliteSnapshotStoreSaveSnapshotSpec: SnapshotStoreSaveSnapshotSpec
+ private static readonly AtomicCounter Counter = new(0);
+ public SqliteSnapshotStoreSaveSnapshotSpec(ITestOutputHelper output)
+ : base(CreateSpecConfig("Filename=file:memdb-snapshot-" + Counter.IncrementAndGet() + ".db;Mode=Memory;Cache=Shared"), "SqliteSnapshotStoreSpec", output)
+ {
+ SqlitePersistence.Get(Sys);
+ }
+ private static Config CreateSpecConfig(string connectionString)
+ {
+ return ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(
+ $$"""
+ akka.persistence {
+ publish-plugin-commands = on
+ snapshot-store {
+ plugin = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.sqlite"
+ sqlite {
+ class = "Akka.Persistence.Sqlite.Snapshot.SqliteSnapshotStore, Akka.Persistence.Sqlite"
+ plugin-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
+ table-name = snapshot_store
+ auto-initialize = on
+ connection-string = "{{connectionString}}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """);
+ }
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diff --git a/src/core/Akka.Persistence.TCK/Snapshot/SnapshotStoreSaveSnapshotSpec.cs b/src/core/Akka.Persistence.TCK/Snapshot/SnapshotStoreSaveSnapshotSpec.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..035ae4a1ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/Akka.Persistence.TCK/Snapshot/SnapshotStoreSaveSnapshotSpec.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2024 Lightbend Inc.
+// Copyright (C) 2013-2024 .NET Foundation
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Akka.Actor;
+using Akka.Configuration;
+using Akka.Persistence.Snapshot;
+using Akka.Persistence.TCK.Serialization;
+using Akka.TestKit;
+using FluentAssertions;
+using FluentAssertions.Extensions;
+using Xunit;
+using Xunit.Abstractions;
+namespace Akka.Persistence.TCK.Snapshot;
+/// This spec aims to verify custom SaveSnapshot implementations.
+/// This is an optional spec that checks if SaveSnapshot supports:
+/// 1. Saving snapshots with the same sequence number (upsert operation)
+/// 2. Saving snapshots concurrently and be able to save them in correct order
+public class SnapshotStoreSaveSnapshotSpec : PluginSpec
+ private const int RepeatCount = 200;
+ private const string SpecConfigTemplate = """
+akka.persistence.publish-plugin-commands = on
+akka.persistence.snapshot-store {
+ plugin = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.my"
+ my {
+ class = "TestPersistencePlugin.MySnapshotStore, TestPersistencePlugin"
+ plugin-dispatcher = "akka.persistence.dispatchers.default-plugin-dispatcher"
+ }
+akka.actor {
+ serializers {
+ persistence-tck-test="Akka.Persistence.TCK.Serialization.TestSerializer, Akka.Persistence.TCK"
+ }
+ serialization-bindings {
+ "Akka.Persistence.TCK.Serialization.TestPayload, Akka.Persistence.TCK" = persistence-tck-test
+ }
+ private static readonly Config Config =
+ ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(SpecConfigTemplate);
+ private string _guid = string.Empty;
+ protected override bool SupportsSerialization => true;
+ protected virtual bool SupportsConcurrentSaves => false;
+ protected string PersistenceId => $"ac-{_guid}";
+ protected readonly TestProbe SenderProbe;
+ protected SnapshotStoreSaveSnapshotSpec(Config config = null, string actorSystemName = null, ITestOutputHelper output = null)
+ : base(FromConfig(config).WithFallback(Config), actorSystemName ?? "SnapshotStoreSpec", output)
+ {
+ SenderProbe = CreateTestProbe();
+ }
+ [Fact(DisplayName = "Rapid multiple SaveSnapshot invocation with no journal persist should only save the latest snapshot")]
+ public async Task MultipleSnapshotsWithNoPersistTest()
+ {
+ if(!SupportsConcurrentSaves)
+ return;
+ foreach (var iteration in Enumerable.Range(1, RepeatCount))
+ {
+ NewPersistenceId();
+ var persistenceActor = CreatePersistenceActor(Sys);
+ // No persist call before SaveSnapshot burst
+ persistenceActor.Tell(new TakeSnapshotsWithValues(new []{ new[]{0}, new[]{1}, new[]{2}, new []{3} }), SenderProbe);
+ await SenderProbe.ExpectMsgAsync();
+ await StopActorAsync(persistenceActor);
+ persistenceActor = CreatePersistenceActor(Sys);
+ persistenceActor.Tell(GetAll.Instance, SenderProbe);
+ var result = await SenderProbe.ExpectMsgAsync();
+ await StopActorAsync(persistenceActor);
+ result.Length.Should().Be(1, $"expecting an array with length 1 (on iteration {iteration}/{RepeatCount})");
+ result[0].Should().Be(3, $"recovered snapshot should be the last snapshot (on iteration {iteration}/{RepeatCount})");
+ Output.WriteLine($"Iteration: {iteration}");
+ }
+ }
+ [Fact(DisplayName = "Rapid multiple SaveSnapshot invocation with journal persist should only save the latest snapshot")]
+ public async Task MultipleSnapshotsWithPersistTest()
+ {
+ if(!SupportsConcurrentSaves)
+ return;
+ foreach (var iteration in Enumerable.Range(1, RepeatCount))
+ {
+ NewPersistenceId();
+ var persistenceActor = CreatePersistenceActor(Sys);
+ // persist 2 events
+ persistenceActor.Tell(1, SenderProbe);
+ SenderProbe.ExpectMsg();
+ persistenceActor.Tell(2, SenderProbe);
+ SenderProbe.ExpectMsg();
+ persistenceActor.Tell(new TakeSnapshotsWithValues(new []{ new[]{0}, new[]{1}, new[]{2}, new []{3} }), SenderProbe);
+ await SenderProbe.ExpectMsgAsync();
+ await StopActorAsync(persistenceActor);
+ persistenceActor = CreatePersistenceActor(Sys);
+ persistenceActor.Tell(GetAll.Instance, SenderProbe);
+ var result = await SenderProbe.ExpectMsgAsync();
+ await StopActorAsync(persistenceActor);
+ result.Length.Should().Be(1, $"expecting an array with length 1 (on iteration {iteration}/{RepeatCount})");
+ result[0].Should().Be(3, $"recovered snapshot should be the last snapshot (on iteration {iteration}/{RepeatCount})");
+ Output.WriteLine($"Iteration: {iteration}");
+ }
+ }
+ [Fact(DisplayName = "Multiple SaveSnapshot invocation with the same sequence number should not throw")]
+ public async Task MultipleSnapshotsWithSameSeqNo()
+ {
+ var persistence = Persistence.Instance.Apply(Sys);
+ var snapshotStore = persistence.SnapshotStoreFor(null);
+ var snap = new TestPayload(SenderProbe.Ref);
+ var metadata = new SnapshotMetadata(PersistenceId, 3, DateTime.Now);
+ snapshotStore.Tell(new SaveSnapshot(metadata, snap), SenderProbe);
+ var success = await SenderProbe.ExpectMsgAsync(10.Minutes());
+ success.Metadata.PersistenceId.Should().Be(metadata.PersistenceId);
+ success.Metadata.Timestamp.Should().Be(metadata.Timestamp);
+ success.Metadata.SequenceNr.Should().Be(metadata.SequenceNr);
+ metadata = new SnapshotMetadata(PersistenceId, 3, DateTime.Now);
+ snapshotStore.Tell(new SaveSnapshot(metadata, 3), SenderProbe);
+ success = await SenderProbe.ExpectMsgAsync();
+ success.Metadata.PersistenceId.Should().Be(metadata.PersistenceId);
+ success.Metadata.Timestamp.Should().Be(metadata.Timestamp);
+ success.Metadata.SequenceNr.Should().Be(metadata.SequenceNr);
+ }
+ #region Utility
+ private void NewPersistenceId()
+ {
+ _guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")[^8..];
+ }
+ private IActorRef CreatePersistenceActor(ActorSystem sys)
+ => sys.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new MyPersistenceActor(PersistenceId)), "persistence-actor-1");
+ private async Task StopActorAsync(IActorRef actor)
+ {
+ await WatchAsync(actor);
+ actor.Tell(PoisonPill.Instance);
+ await ExpectTerminatedAsync(actor);
+ await UnwatchAsync(actor);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Classes
+ private sealed class MyPersistenceActor : ReceivePersistentActor
+ {
+ private List _values = new();
+ private IActorRef? _sender;
+ private int _snapshotCount;
+ private int _savedSnapshotCount;
+ public MyPersistenceActor(string persistenceId)
+ {
+ PersistenceId = persistenceId;
+ Recover(
+ offer =>
+ {
+ if (offer.Snapshot is IEnumerable ints)
+ _values = ints.ToList();
+ });
+ Recover(_values.Add);
+ Command( i =>
+ {
+ _sender = Sender;
+ Persist(i, _ =>
+ {
+ _values.Add(i);
+ _sender.Tell(Ack.Instance);
+ });
+ });
+ Command(_ => SaveSnapshot(_values));
+ Command(msg => SaveSnapshots(new []{ msg.Values }));
+ Command(msg => SaveSnapshots(msg.Values));
+ Command(_ => Sender.Tell(_values.ToArray()));
+ Command(
+ _ =>
+ {
+ _savedSnapshotCount++;
+ if(_savedSnapshotCount == _snapshotCount)
+ _sender.Tell(SnapshotAck.Instance);
+ });
+ }
+ public override string PersistenceId { get; }
+ private void SaveSnapshots(int[][] snapshots)
+ {
+ _sender = Sender;
+ _snapshotCount = snapshots.Length;
+ _savedSnapshotCount = 0;
+ foreach (var snapshot in snapshots)
+ {
+ _values = snapshot.ToList();
+ SaveSnapshot(_values);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private sealed class Ack
+ {
+ public static readonly Ack Instance = new Ack();
+ private Ack() { }
+ }
+ private sealed class SnapshotAck
+ {
+ public static readonly SnapshotAck Instance = new();
+ private SnapshotAck() { }
+ }
+ private sealed class GetAll
+ {
+ public static readonly GetAll Instance = new();
+ private GetAll() { }
+ }
+ private sealed class TakeSnapshot
+ {
+ public static readonly TakeSnapshot Instance = new();
+ private TakeSnapshot() { }
+ }
+ private sealed record TakeSnapshotWithValue(int[] Values);
+ private sealed record TakeSnapshotsWithValues(int[][] Values);
+ #endregion
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