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Reducing Traffic Mortality in the USA using K-Means Clustering Powered by Tableau

How can we find a good stratgey for reducing traffic-related deaths?

1. Introduction


While the rate of fatal road accidents has been decreasing steadily since the 80s, the past ten years have seen a stagnation in this reduction. Coupled with the increase in number of miles driven in the nation, the total number of traffic related-fatalities has now reached a ten year high and is rapidly increasing.

Per request of the US Department of Transportation, we are currently investigating how to derive a strategy to reduce the incidence of road accidents across the nation. By looking at the demographics of traffic accident victims for each US state, we find that there is a lot of variation between states. Now we want to understand if there are patterns in this variation in order to derive suggestions for a policy action plan. In particular, instead of implementing a costly nation-wide plan we want to focus on groups of states with similar profiles. How can we find such groups in a statistically sound way and communicate the result effectively?

To accomplish these tasks, we will make use of data wrangling, plotting, PCA (dimensionality reduction, unsupervised clustering (K-means) and Tableau.

2. Dataset:

The data given to us was originally collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners in 2011. This particular dataset can be found in this Location which was based in this story

3. Create a textual and a graphical summary of the data

We now have an idea of what the dataset looks like. To further familiarize ourselves with this data, we will calculate summary statistics and produce a graphical overview of the data. The graphical overview is good to get a sense for the distribution of variables within the data and could consist of one histogram per column. It is often a good idea to also explore the pairwise relationship between all columns in the data set by using a using pairwise scatter plots (sometimes referred to as a "scatterplot matrix").


4. Quantify the association of features and accidents

We can already see some potentially interesting relationships between the target variable (the number of fatal accidents) and the feature variables (the remaining three columns).

To quantify the pairwise relationships that we observed in the scatter plots, we can compute the Pearson correlation coefficient matrix. The Pearson correlation coefficient is one of the most common methods to quantify correlation between variables, and by convention, the following thresholds are usually used:

  • 0.2 = weak
  • 0.5 = medium
  • 0.8 = strong
  • 0.9 = very strong

5. Fit a multivariate linear regression

From the correlation table, we see that the amount of fatal accidents is most strongly correlated with alcohol consumption (first row). But in addition, we also see that some of the features are correlated with each other, for instance, speeding and alcohol consumption are positively correlated. We, therefore, want to compute the association of the target with each feature while adjusting for the effect of the remaining features. This can be done using multivariate linear regression.

Both the multivariate regression and the correlation measure how strongly the features are associated with the outcome (fatal accidents). When comparing the regression coefficients with the correlation coefficients, we will see that they are slightly different. The reason for this is that the multiple regression computes the association of a feature with an outcome, given the association with all other features, which is not accounted for when calculating the correlation coefficients.

A particularly interesting case is when the correlation coefficient and the regression coefficient of the same feature have opposite signs. How can this be? For example, when a feature A is positively correlated with the outcome Y but also positively correlated with a different feature B that has a negative effect on Y, then the indirect correlation (A->B->Y) can overwhelm the direct correlation (A->Y). In such a case, the regression coefficient of feature A could be positive, while the correlation coefficient is negative. This is sometimes called a masking relationship. Let’s see if the multivariate regression can reveal such a phenomenon.

6. Visualize the first two principal components

The first two principal components enable visualization of the data in two dimensions while capturing a high proportion of the variation (79%) from all three features: speeding, alcohol influence, and first-time accidents. This enables us to use our eyes to try to discern patterns in the data with the goal to find groups of similar states. Although clustering algorithms are becoming increasingly efficient, human pattern recognition is an easily accessible and very efficient method of assessing patterns in data.

We will create a scatter plot of the first principle components and explore how the states cluster together in this visualization.

7. Modeliing: K-Means Clustering (Choosing K):

The Elbow Method is one of the most popular methods to determine this optimal value of k.

From the above visualization, we can see that the optimal number of clusters should be between 3-5. But visualizing the data alone cannot always give the right answer. Hence we demonstrate the following steps.

Now, let's define the following:-

  • Distortion: It is calculated as the average of the squared distances from the cluster centers of the respective clusters. Typically, the Euclidean distance metric is used.
  • Inertia: it will be calaculated in two methods:
    • It is the sum of squared distances of samples to their closest cluster center. Typically, inertia_ attribute from kmeans is used.
    • Lastly, we look at the sum-of-squares error in each cluster against $K$. We compute the distance from each data point to the center of the cluster (centroid) to which the data point was assigned.

8. Choosing K Summary:

  • Elbow Method using Distortion from Scipy confirms that the elbow point k=2 so the best k will be=3 (plot starts descending much more slowly after k=3)
  • Elbow Method using Inertia from kmeans confirms that the elbow point k=2 so the best k will be=3 (plot starts descending much more slowly after k=3)
  • Elbow Method by calculating sum-of-squares error in each cluster against 𝐾 is similar when calculating .inertia from Kmeans confirms that the elbow point k=2 so the best k will be=3 (plot starts descending much more slowly after k=3).

9. Visualizing Clusters using PCA


10. Visualize the feature differences between the clusters

Thus far, we have used both our visual interpretation of the data and the KMeans clustering algorithm to reveal patterns in the data, but what do these patterns mean?

Remember that the information we have used to cluster the states into three distinct groups are the percentage of drivers speeding, under alcohol influence and that has not previously been involved in an accident. We used these clusters to visualize how the states group together when considering the first two principal components. This is good for us to understand structure in the data, but not always easy to understand, especially not if the findings are to be communicated to a non-specialist audience.

A reasonable next step in our analysis is to explore how the three clusters are different in terms of the three features that we used for clustering. Instead of using the scaled features, we return to using the unscaled features to help us interpret the differences.

Clusters Distribution

11. Extract Information - Clusters

Now it is clear that different groups of states may require different interventions. Since resources and time are limited, it is useful to start off with an intervention in one of the three groups first. Which group would this be? To determine this, we will include data on how many miles are driven in each state, because this will help us to compute the total number of fatal accidents in each state. Data on miles driven is available in another tab-delimited text file. We will assign this new information to a column in the DataFrame and create a violin plot for how many total fatal traffic accidents there are within each state cluster.

12. Conclusion

  • Drivers Behavior – Unsupervised Machine Learning K-means Clustering (K=3)

    • “State Group 1” Represents Drivers who had the greatest number of fatal collisions per billion miles of travel while speeding and under the influence of alcohol. Also, those drivers were the 2nd most involved in fatal accidents more than once. Alcohol (Montana, North Dakota, South Carolina and Hawaii), speeding (Hawaii and Pennsylvania), fatal accidents > 1 (Alabama, S/N Carolina and Ohi0)
    • “State Group 2” Represents Drivers who had the least number of fatal collisions per billion miles of travel. Also, those drivers were the 1st most drivers involved in fatal accidents more than once. fatal accidents > 1 (Kentucky 24% worst in the US)
    • “State Group 3” Represents Drivers who had the 2nd number of fatal collisions per billion miles of travel mostly while speeding. Also, those drivers were the least drivers involved in fatal accidents more than once. Alcohol (Louisiana), speeding (Alaska), fatal accidents > 1 (West Virginia)
    • “State Group 1” should be the top priority of the authority to start implementing more strict safety measures that will make our roads and highways safer.
  • It is critical that the nation adopt traffic safety improvements that will make our roads and highways safer by focusing on below states:

Rank Alcohol Speeding Fatal Accidents >1
1 Montana Montana Kentucky
2 North Dakota South Carolina South Carolina
3 South Carolina Hawaii Montana
4 Hawaii Pennsylvania
5 Louisiana Alaska
6 Louisiana
7 West Virginia

