- Video Thumbnail Model
videoID: string
UrlThumbnail: string
- Product Model
productID: string
productLink: string
title: string
price: number
- Comment Model
videoID: string
username: string
coomment: string
timestamps: datetime(iso 8601)
Returns all thumbnails in Home Page.
- URL Params
- Data Params
None - Headers
Content-Type: application/json - Success Response:
- Code: 200
thumbnail: [
Returns the products from video thumbnail.
URL Params
Data Params
None -
Content-Type: application/json -
Success Response:
Code: 200
Content:{ product: [ {<productID>}, {<productLink>}, {<title>}, {<price>} ] }
Error Response:
- Code: 404
Content:{ error : "Thumbnail not found" }
OR - Code: 500
Content:{ error : error : "Internal Server Error" }
- Code: 404
Returns the comments from video thumbnail.
- URL Params
- Data Params
None - Headers
Content-Type: application/json - Success Response:
- Code: 200
Content:{ product: [ {<videoID>}, {<username>}, {<comment>}, {<timestamp>} ] }
- Error Response:
- Code: 404
Content:{ error : "Thumbnail not found" }
OR - Code: 500
Content:{ error : error : "Internal Server Error" }
- Code: 404
Creates a new thumbnail to homepage.
- URL Params
None - Headers
Content-Type: application/json - Data Params
videoID: string,
UrlThumbnail: string
- Success Response:
- Code: 200
Content:{ videoID: string, UrlThumbnail: string }
- Error Response:
- Code: 500
Content:{ error : error : "Failed to save Thumbnail" }
Creates a new product to video details.
- URL Params
None - Headers
Content-Type: application/json - Data Params
productID: string
productLink: string
title: string
price: number
- Success Response:
- Code: 200
Content:{ productID: string productLink: string title: string price: number }
- Error Response:
- Code: 500
Content:{ error : error : "Failed to save Product" }
Creates a new comments to product.
- URL Params
None - Headers
Content-Type: application/json - Data Params
videoID: string
username: string
comment: string
- Success Response:
- Code: 200
Content:{ videoID: string username: string comment: string timestamps: datetime(iso 8601) }
- Error Response:
- Code: 500
Content:{ error : error : "Failed to save Product" }