diff --git a/roundtrip-config/knownfailures.txt b/roundtrip-config/knownfailures.txt index 786a849d..833c4c4a 100644 --- a/roundtrip-config/knownfailures.txt +++ b/roundtrip-config/knownfailures.txt @@ -70,3 +70,143 @@ ./hackage-roundtrip-work/ghc-lib-parser- ./hackage-roundtrip-work/git-annex-10.20240227/Utility/MoveFile.hs ./hackage-roundtrip-work/ghc-lib- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/base- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/cnc-spec-compiler- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/darcs-2.18.2/src/Darcs/UI/External.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/data-store- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/dlist-1.0/tests/OverloadedStrings.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/error-or-utils-0.2.0/src/Data/ErrorOr/Validation.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/encoding-0.8.9/Data/Static.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/fudgets-0.18.4/hsrc/layout/TableP.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/gauge-0.2.5/Gauge/Main.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/generic-data-surgery- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/ghc-boot-9.8.1/GHC/Unit/Database.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/ghc-heap-9.8.1/GHC/Exts/Heap/Closures.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/ghc-mod- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/gigaparsec- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/ghc-lib-parser- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/github-backup-1.20200721/Utility/Directory.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/git-repair-1.20230814/Utility/MoveFile.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/ghc-simple-0.4/src/Language/Haskell/GHC/Simple/PrimIface.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/git-annex-10.20240227/Annex/TransferrerPool.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hackport- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hackport- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hackport- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/HaRe- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/happstack-server-7.9.0/src/Happstack/Server/Internal/Listen.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/haskell-lsp-types- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hanabi-dealer- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/HaRe- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/haskell2010- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hanabi-dealer- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/haskell-lsp-types- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/haxl- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hanabi-dealer- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/HaRe- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/HaRe- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hermit-1.0.1/src/HERMIT/Kure.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hie-compat- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/HaRe- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hmpfr-0.4.5/src/Data/Number/MPFR.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/HaRe- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hoodle-core-0.16.0/src/Hoodle/Coroutine/ContextMenu.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hpp-0.6.5/src/Hpp/Preprocessing.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hsinspect-0.1.0/library/HsInspect/Imports.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hsinspect-0.1.0/library/HsInspect/Runner.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/htvm-0.1.2/src/HTVM/EDSL/Monad.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hunt-server- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hs-fltk-0.2.5/src/Graphics/UI/FLTK/MultiBrowser.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/inline-c-cpp- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/inbox-0.2.0/src/Test/Inbox.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/kan-extensions-5.2.5/src/Control/Monad/Codensity.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/inline-r-1.0.1/src/Language/R/QQ.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/iterIO-0.2.2/Data/IterIO.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/Hs2lib-0.6.3/WinDll/Parsers/Hs2lib.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/haskell-lsp-types- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/KiCS-0.9.3/dist/build/Curry/Module/Prelude.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hanabi-dealer- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/husk-scheme-3.20/hs-src/Language/Scheme/Core.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hakyll- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/haskell2010- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/hlint-3.8/src/CmdLine.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/lambdabot-haskell-plugins- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/lambdabot-telegram-plugins-0.2.1/src/Lambdabot/Plugin/Telegram.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/language-bluespec-0.1/src/Language/Bluespec/Log2.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/liquidhaskell-boot- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/libconfig- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/lvish-1.1.4/Data/LVar/SatMap.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/lsp-test- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/lvish-1.1.4/Control/LVish/Logging.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/mellon-core- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/MagicHaskeller- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/liquid-fixpoint- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/MagicHaskeller- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/MagicHaskeller- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/monadic-bang- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/microlens-th- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/mime-mail-0.5.1/Network/Mail/Mime.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/logfloat-0.14.0/src/Data/Number/LogFloat.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/lockfree-queue-0.2.4/Data/Concurrent/Queue/MichaelScott.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/mptcp-pm-0.0.5/src/app/Main.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/mptcpanalyzer- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/netcore-1.0.0/nettle-openflow/src/Nettle/OpenFlow/Statistics.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/NGLess-1.5.0/NGLess/Interpretation/Write.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/nettle-openflow-0.2.0/src/Nettle/OpenFlow/Statistics.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/ONC-RPC-0.2/Network/ONCRPC/Client.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/openapi-petstore- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/paragon-0.1.28/src/Language/Java/Paragon/Parser.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/Paraiso- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/path-io-1.8.1/tests/Main.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/posit-2022.2.0.0/src/Posit.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/polysemy- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/postgresql-libpq-notify- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/proto3-suite-0.7.0/src/Proto3/Suite/DotProto/Generate.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/propellor-5.17/src/Utility/Directory.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/project-m36-0.9.9/src/lib/ProjectM36/AtomFunction.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/parameterized-data-0.1.6/src/Data/Param/FSVec.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/pugs-compat- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/record-dot-preprocessor-0.2.17/plugin/RecordDotPreprocessor.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/relude- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/retrie-1.2.3/Retrie/CPP.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/scholdoc-citeproc-0.6/dist/build/Text/CSL/Data/Embedded.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/riot-1.20080618/Riot/RiotMain.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/scion- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/retrie-1.2.3/Retrie/PatternMap/Instances.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/relude- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/simpleprelude- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/streamly-0.10.1/benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Data/Stream/Generate.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/streamly-0.10.1/benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Data/Stream/Eliminate.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/streamly-0.10.1/benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Merge.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/streamly-0.10.1/benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Data/Stream/ToStreamK.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/streamly-0.10.1/benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Data/Stream/Expand.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/syntactic-3.8.4/src/Language/Syntactic/TH.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/tamarin-prover-term- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/th-desugar-1.16/Test/Run.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/toysolver-0.8.1/src/ToySolver/Version.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/turtle-1.6.2/test/system-filepath.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/type-of-html- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/tensorflow-opgen- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/th-deepstrict- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/twiml- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/uhc-util- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/unagi-chan- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/unagi-bloomfilter- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/vinyl-0.14.3/Data/Vinyl/Syntax.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/vector-bytestring- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/warp-3.4.0/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Types.hs +./hackage-roundtrip-work/wai-devel- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/willow- +./hackage-roundtrip-work/yesod-goodies-0.0.5/Yesod/Goodies/Markdown.hs diff --git a/tests/Test.hs b/tests/Test.hs index ca8177c8..f61526c4 100644 --- a/tests/Test.hs +++ b/tests/Test.hs @@ -151,12 +151,6 @@ mkTests = do -- roundTripMakeDeltaTests ] --- Tests that are no longer needed - -- , noAnnotationTests - -- , - -- prettyRoundTripTests - -- , - failingTests :: LibDir -> Test failingTests libdir = testList "Failing tests" [ @@ -205,8 +199,8 @@ tt' = do -- mkParserTest libdir "ghc910" "LinearLet.hs" -- mkParserTest libdir "ghc910" "Generic.hs" - mkParserTest libdir "ghc910" "MonoBacktrackPrio.hs" - -- mkParserTestMD libdir "ghc710" "AnnotationNoListTuplePuns.hs" + -- mkParserTest libdir "ghc910" "Expression.hs" + mkParserTest libdir "ghc910" "GenerateBug.hs" -- Needs GHC changes diff --git a/tests/examples/ghc910/ByHand.hs b/tests/examples/ghc910/ByHand.hs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7d32a2b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/ghc910/ByHand.hs @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +module ByHand where + +instance SDecide Nat where + SZero %~ (SSucc _) = Disproved (\case) + diff --git a/tests/examples/ghc910/Domino.hs b/tests/examples/ghc910/Domino.hs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a5f81dd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/ghc910/Domino.hs @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} +module Domino where + +-- c0 +pattern (:|) :: + -- c1 + a -> + -- c2 + a -> + -- c3 + Domino a diff --git a/tests/examples/ghc910/ErrorSpec.hs b/tests/examples/ghc910/ErrorSpec.hs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b2ad135 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/ghc910/ErrorSpec.hs @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +module ErrorSpec where + +type ErrorChoiceApi + = "path0" :> Get '[JSON] Int -- c0 + :<|> "path4" :> (ReqBody '[PlainText] Int :> Post '[PlainText] Int -- c4 + :<|> ReqBody '[PlainText] Int :> Post '[JSON] Int) -- c5 + :<|> "path5" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Post '[PlainText] Int -- c6 + :<|> ReqBody '[PlainText] Int :> Post '[PlainText] Int) -- c7 + diff --git a/tests/examples/ghc910/Expression.hs b/tests/examples/ghc910/Expression.hs index 0fe20a01..658dbfc9 100644 --- a/tests/examples/ghc910/Expression.hs +++ b/tests/examples/ghc910/Expression.hs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ module Expression where -eh1 = try (do spaces; char '('; spaces; r <- parseEinh ; spaces; char ')'; return r;) <|> (do - return $ Dims $ Map.singleton n i) +eh1 = try (do return r;) <|> (do + return r) diff --git a/tests/examples/ghc910/Generate.hs b/tests/examples/ghc910/Generate.hs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cde37fff --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/ghc910/Generate.hs @@ -0,0 +1,1003 @@ +{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} +{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} -- For NFData instances +{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- For NFData instances +{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} -- For Show (ParsingError inp) +{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} -- For Dict +{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} +{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} +{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} +{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} -- For nextInput +{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- For Show (ParsingError inp) +{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} +module Symantic.Parser.Machine.Generate where + +import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..)) +import Control.Monad (Monad(..)) +import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST) +import Data.Bool (Bool(..), otherwise) +import Data.Char (Char) +import Data.Either (Either(..)) +import Data.Eq (Eq(..)) +import Data.Foldable (foldr, toList, null) +import Data.Function (($), (.), on) +import Data.Functor ((<$>)) +import Data.Int (Int) +import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) +import Data.Map (Map) +import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) +import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..)) +import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) +import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) +import Data.Set (Set) +import Data.String (String) +import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..)) +import Data.Tuple (snd) +import Data.Typeable (Typeable) +import Data.Word (Word8) +import GHC.Generics (Generic) +import GHC.Show (showCommaSpace) +import Language.Haskell.TH (CodeQ) +import Prelude ((+), (-), error) +import Text.Show (Show(..), showParen, showString) +import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM +import qualified Data.List as List +import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE +import qualified Data.Map.Internal as Map_ +import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map +import qualified Data.Set as Set +import qualified Data.Set.Internal as Set_ +import qualified Data.STRef as ST +import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH +import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH + +import qualified Symantic.Data as Sym +import Symantic.Derive +import Symantic.ObserveSharing +import qualified Symantic.Parser.Grammar as Gram +import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators + ( UnscopedRegister(..) + , Exception(..) + , Failure(..) + , SomeFailure(..) + , unSomeFailure + , inputTokenProxy + ) +import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input +import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Instructions +import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.HideName as TH +import qualified Symantic.Lang as Prod +import qualified Symantic.Optimize as Prod + +--import Debug.Trace + +-- | Convenient utility to generate some final 'TH.CodeQ'. +genCode :: Splice a -> CodeQ a +genCode = derive . Prod.normalOrderReduction + +-- * Type 'Gen' +-- | Generate the 'CodeQ' parsing the input. +data Gen inp vs a = Gen + { genAnalysisByLet :: OpenRecs TH.Name GenAnalysis + -- ^ 'genAnalysis' for each 'defLet' and 'defJoin' of the 'Machine'. + , genAnalysis :: OpenRec TH.Name GenAnalysis + -- ^ Synthetized (bottom-up) static genAnalysis of the 'Machine'. + , unGen :: forall st. + GenCtx st inp vs a -> + CodeQ (ST st (Either (ParsingError inp) a)) + } + +{-# INLINE returnST #-} +returnST :: forall s a. a -> ST s a +returnST = return @(ST s) + +-- | @('generateCode' input mach)@ generates @TemplateHaskell@ code +-- parsing the given 'input' according to the given 'Machine'. +generateCode :: + -- Not really used constraints, + -- just to please 'checkHorizon'. + Ord (InputToken inp) => + Show (InputToken inp) => + TH.Lift (InputToken inp) => + NFData (InputToken inp) => + Typeable (InputToken inp) => + Inputable inp => + Show (Cursor inp) => + Gen inp '[] a -> + CodeQ (inp -> Either (ParsingError inp) a) +generateCode gen = + let Gen{unGen=k, ..} = checkHorizon gen in + [|| \(input :: inp) -> + -- Pattern bindings containing unlifted types + -- should use an outermost bang pattern. + let !(# init, readMore, readNext #) = $$(cursorOf [||input||]) + finalRet = \_farInp _farExp v _inp -> returnST $ Right v + finalRaise :: forall st b. (OnException st inp b) + = \ !exn _failInp !farInp !farExp -> + returnST $ Left ParsingError + { parsingErrorOffset = offset farInp + , parsingErrorException = exn + , parsingErrorUnexpected = + if readMore farInp + then Just (let (# c, _ #) = readNext farInp in c) + else Nothing + , parsingErrorExpecting = + let (minHoriz, res) = + Set.foldr (\f (minH, acc) -> + case unSomeFailure f of + Just (FailureHorizon h :: Failure (Gram.CombSatisfiable (InputToken inp))) + | Just old <- minH -> (Just (min old h), acc) + | otherwise -> (Just h, acc) + _ -> (minH, f:acc) + ) (Nothing, []) farExp in + Set.fromList $ case minHoriz of + Just h -> SomeFailure (FailureHorizon @(InputToken inp) h) : res + Nothing -> res + } + in runST $$( + let + -- | Defines 'inputTokenProxy' so that the TemplateHaskell code + -- can refer to @(InputToken inp)@ through it. + defInputTokenProxy :: TH.CodeQ a -> TH.CodeQ a + defInputTokenProxy exprCode = + TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [| + let $(return (TH.VarP inputTokenProxy)) = Proxy :: Proxy (InputToken inp) in + $(TH.unTypeQ (TH.examineCode exprCode)) + |] + in + defInputTokenProxy $ + k GenCtx + { valueStack = ValueStackEmpty + , onExceptionStackByLabel = Map.empty :: Map Exception (NonEmpty (TH.CodeQ (OnException s inp a))) + , defaultCatch = [||finalRaise||] + , onReturn = [||finalRet||] :: CodeQ (OnReturn s inp a a) + , input = [||init||] + , nextInput = [||readNext||] + , moreInput = [||readMore||] + -- , farthestError = [||Nothing||] + , farthestInput = [||init||] + , farthestExpecting = [||Set.empty||] + , checkedHorizon = 0 + , analysisByLet = mutualFix genAnalysisByLet + } + ) + ||] + +-- ** Type 'ParsingError' +data ParsingError inp + = ParsingError + { parsingErrorOffset :: Offset + , parsingErrorException :: Exception + -- | Note: if a 'FailureHorizon' greater than 1 + -- is amongst the 'parsingErrorExpecting' + -- then 'parsingErrorUnexpected' is only the 'InputToken' + -- at the begining of the expected 'Horizon'. + , parsingErrorUnexpected :: Maybe (InputToken inp) + , parsingErrorExpecting :: Set SomeFailure + } deriving (Generic) +deriving instance NFData (InputToken inp) => NFData (ParsingError inp) +--deriving instance Show (InputToken inp) => Show (ParsingError inp) +instance Show (InputToken inp) => Show (ParsingError inp) where + showsPrec p ParsingError{..} = + showParen (p >= 11) $ + showString "ParsingErrorStandard {" . + showString "parsingErrorOffset = " . + showsPrec 0 parsingErrorOffset . + showCommaSpace . + showString "parsingErrorException = " . + showsPrec 0 parsingErrorException . + showCommaSpace . + showString "parsingErrorUnexpected = " . + showsPrec 0 parsingErrorUnexpected . + showCommaSpace . + showString "parsingErrorExpecting = fromList " . + showsPrec 0 ( + -- Sort on the string representation + -- because the 'Ord' of the 'SomeFailure' + -- is based upon hashes ('typeRepFingerprint') + -- depending on packages' ABI and whether + -- cabal-install's setup is --inplace or not, + -- and that would be too unstable for golden tests. + List.sortBy (compare `on` show) $ + Set.toList parsingErrorExpecting + ) . + showString "}" + +-- ** Type 'ErrorLabel' +type ErrorLabel = String + +-- * Type 'GenAnalysis' +data GenAnalysis = GenAnalysis + { minReads :: Horizon + -- ^ The minimun number of input tokens to read + -- on the current 'input' to reach a success. + , mayRaise :: Map Exception () + -- ^ The 'Exception's that may be raised depending on the 'input'. + , alwaysRaise :: Set Exception + -- ^ The 'Exception's raised whatever is or happen to the 'input'. + , freeRegs :: Set TH.Name + -- ^ The free registers that are used. + } deriving (Show) + +-- ** Type 'Offset' +type Offset = Int +-- ** Type 'Horizon' +-- | Minimal input length required for a successful parsing. +type Horizon = Offset + +-- | Merge given 'GenAnalysis' as sequences. +seqGenAnalysis :: NonEmpty GenAnalysis -> GenAnalysis +seqGenAnalysis aas@(a:|as) = GenAnalysis + { minReads = List.foldl' (\acc -> (acc +) . minReads) (minReads a) as + , mayRaise = sconcat (mayRaise <$> aas) + , alwaysRaise = sconcat (alwaysRaise <$> aas) + , freeRegs = sconcat (freeRegs <$> aas) + } +-- | Merge given 'GenAnalysis' as alternatives. +altGenAnalysis :: NonEmpty GenAnalysis -> GenAnalysis +altGenAnalysis aas = GenAnalysis + { minReads = + case + (`NE.filter` aas) $ \a -> + -- If an alternative 'alwaysRaise's 'ExceptionFailure' whatever its 'input' is, + -- it __should__ remain semantically the same (up to the exact 'Failure's) + -- to raise an 'ExceptionFailure' even before knowing + -- whether that alternative branch will be taken or not, + -- hence an upstream 'checkHorizon' is allowed to raise an 'ExceptionFailure' + -- based only upon the 'minReads' of such alternatives: + Set.toList (alwaysRaise a) /= [ExceptionFailure] + of + [] -> 0 + a:as -> List.foldl' (\acc -> min acc . minReads) (minReads a) as + , mayRaise = sconcat (mayRaise <$> aas) + , alwaysRaise = foldr Set.intersection Set.empty (alwaysRaise <$> aas) + , freeRegs = sconcat (freeRegs <$> aas) + } + + + +{- +-- *** Type 'FarthestError' +data FarthestError inp = FarthestError + { farthestInput :: Cursor inp + , farthestExpecting :: [Failure (InputToken inp)] + } +-} + +-- ** Type 'GenCtx' +-- | This is an inherited (top-down) context +-- only present at compile-time, to build TemplateHaskell splices. +data GenCtx st inp vs a = + ( Cursorable (Cursor inp) + -- For checkHorizon + , TH.Lift (InputToken inp) + , Show (InputToken inp) + , Eq (InputToken inp) + , Ord (InputToken inp) + , Typeable (InputToken inp) + , NFData (InputToken inp) + ) => GenCtx + { valueStack :: ValueStack vs + , onExceptionStackByLabel :: Map Exception (NonEmpty (CodeQ (OnException st inp a))) + -- | Default 'OnException' defined at the begining of the generated 'CodeQ', + -- hence a constant within the 'Gen'eration. + , defaultCatch :: forall b. CodeQ (OnException st inp b) + , onReturn :: CodeQ (OnReturn st inp a a) + , input :: CodeQ (Cursor inp) + , moreInput :: CodeQ (Cursor inp -> Bool) + , nextInput :: CodeQ (Cursor inp -> (# InputToken inp, Cursor inp #)) + , farthestInput :: CodeQ (Cursor inp) + , farthestExpecting :: CodeQ (Set SomeFailure) + -- | Remaining horizon already checked. + -- Use to factorize 'input' length checks, + -- instead of checking the 'input' length + -- one 'InputToken' at a time at each 'read'. + -- Updated by 'checkHorizon' + -- and reset elsewhere when needed. + , checkedHorizon :: Horizon + -- | Output of 'mutualFix'. + , analysisByLet :: LetRecs TH.Name GenAnalysis + } + +-- ** Type 'ValueStack' +data ValueStack vs where + ValueStackEmpty :: ValueStack '[] + ValueStackCons :: + { valueStackHead :: Splice v + , valueStackTail :: ValueStack vs + } -> ValueStack (v ': vs) + +instance InstrComment Gen where + comment msg k = k + { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.comment" $-} + [|| + let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "comment: "<>msg) in + $$(unGen k ctx) + ||] + } +instance InstrValuable Gen where + pushValue x k = k + { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.pushValue" $-} + [|| + let _ = "pushValue" in + $$(unGen k ctx + { valueStack = ValueStackCons x (valueStack ctx) }) + ||] + } + popValue k = k + { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.popValue" $-} + [|| + let _ = "popValue" in + $$(unGen k ctx + { valueStack = valueStackTail (valueStack ctx) }) + ||] + } + lift2Value f k = k + { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.lift2Value" $-} + [|| + let _ = $$(liftTypedString ("lift2Value checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx))) in + $$(unGen k ctx + { valueStack = + let ValueStackCons y (ValueStackCons x vs) = valueStack ctx in + ValueStackCons (f Prod..@ x Prod..@ y) vs + }) + ||] + } + swapValue k = k + { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.swapValue" $-} unGen k ctx + { valueStack = + let ValueStackCons y (ValueStackCons x vs) = valueStack ctx in + ValueStackCons x (ValueStackCons y vs) + } + } +instance InstrBranchable Gen where + caseBranch kx ky = Gen + { genAnalysisByLet = genAnalysisByLet kx <> genAnalysisByLet ky + , genAnalysis = \final -> altGenAnalysis $ + genAnalysis kx final :| + [genAnalysis ky final] + , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.caseBranch" $-} + let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx in + [|| + case $$(genCode v) of + Left x -> $$(unGen kx ctx{ valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||x||]) vs }) + Right y -> $$(unGen ky ctx{ valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||y||]) vs }) + ||] + } + choicesBranch bs default_ = Gen + { genAnalysisByLet = sconcat $ genAnalysisByLet default_ :| (genAnalysisByLet . snd <$> bs) + , genAnalysis = \final -> altGenAnalysis $ + (\k -> genAnalysis k final) + <$> (default_:|(snd <$> bs)) + , unGen = \ctx0 -> {-trace "unGen.choicesBranch" $-} + let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx0 in + let ctx = ctx0{valueStack = vs} in + let + go x ((p,b):bs') = [|| + if $$(genCode (p Prod..@ x)) + then + let _ = $$(liftTypedString ("choicesBranch checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx))) in + $$({-trace "unGen.choicesBranch.b" $-} unGen b ctx) + else + let _ = "choicesBranch.else" in + $$(go x bs') + ||] + go _ _ = unGen default_ ctx + in go v bs + } +instance InstrExceptionable Gen where + raise exn = Gen + { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty + , genAnalysis = \_final -> GenAnalysis + { minReads = 0 + , mayRaise = Map.singleton (ExceptionLabel exn) () + , alwaysRaise = Set.singleton (ExceptionLabel exn) + , freeRegs = Set.empty + } + , unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> {-trace ("unGen.raise: "<>show exn) $-} [|| + $$(raiseException ctx (ExceptionLabel exn)) + (ExceptionLabel $$(TH.liftTyped exn)) + {-failInp-}$$(input ctx) + {-farInp-}$$(input ctx) + $$(farthestExpecting ctx) + ||] + } + fail fs = Gen + { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty + , genAnalysis = \_final -> GenAnalysis + { minReads = 0 + , mayRaise = Map.singleton ExceptionFailure () + , alwaysRaise = Set.singleton ExceptionFailure + , freeRegs = Set.empty + } + , unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> {-trace ("unGen.fail: "<>show exn) $-} + if null fs + then [|| -- Raise without updating the farthest error. + $$(raiseException ctx ExceptionFailure) + ExceptionFailure + {-failInp-}$$(input ctx) + $$(farthestInput ctx) + $$(farthestExpecting ctx) + ||] + else raiseFailure ctx [||fs||] + } + commit exn k = k + { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace ("unGen.commit: "<>show exn) $-} + [|| + let _ = "commit" in + $$(unGen k ctx{onExceptionStackByLabel = + Map.update (\case + _r0:|(r1:rs) -> Just (r1:|rs) + _ -> Nothing + ) + exn (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx) + }) + ||] + } + catch exn k onExn = Gen + { genAnalysisByLet = genAnalysisByLet k <> genAnalysisByLet onExn + , genAnalysis = \final -> + let kAnalysis = genAnalysis k final in + let onExnAnalysis = genAnalysis onExn final in + altGenAnalysis $ + kAnalysis + { mayRaise = Map.delete exn (mayRaise kAnalysis) + , alwaysRaise = Set.delete exn (alwaysRaise kAnalysis) + } :| + [ onExnAnalysis ] + , unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> {-trace ("unGen.catch: "<>show exn) $-} [|| + let _ = $$(liftTypedString ("catch "<>show exn<>" checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx))) in + let onException = $$(onExceptionCode (input ctx) (checkedHorizon ctx) onExn ctx) in + $$(unGen k ctx + { onExceptionStackByLabel = + Map.insertWith (<>) exn + (NE.singleton [||onException||]) + (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx) + } + ) ||] + } +-- ** Class 'SpliceInputable' +-- | Record an 'input' and a 'checkedHorizon' together +-- to be able to put both of them on the 'valueStack', +-- and having them moved together by operations +-- on the 'valueStack' (eg. 'lift2Value'). +-- Used by 'saveInput' and 'loadInput'. +class SpliceInputable repr where + inputSave :: CodeQ inp -> Horizon -> repr inp +data instance Sym.Data SpliceInputable repr a where + InputSave :: CodeQ inp -> Horizon -> Sym.Data SpliceInputable repr inp +instance SpliceInputable (Sym.Data SpliceInputable repr) where + inputSave = InputSave +instance SpliceInputable repr => SpliceInputable (Sym.SomeData repr) where + inputSave inp = Sym.SomeData . InputSave inp +instance SpliceInputable TH.CodeQ where + inputSave inp _hor = inp +instance SpliceInputable repr => Derivable (Sym.Data SpliceInputable repr) where + derive = \case + InputSave inp hor -> inputSave inp hor +instance InstrInputable Gen where + saveInput k = k + { unGen = \ctx -> + {-trace "unGen.saveInput" $-} + [|| + let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "saveInput checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx)) in + $$(unGen k ctx + { valueStack = inputSave (input ctx) (checkedHorizon ctx) `ValueStackCons` valueStack ctx + }) + ||] + } + loadInput k = k + { unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> + {-trace "unGen.loadInput" $-} + let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx in + let (input, checkedHorizon) = case v of + Sym.Data (InputSave i h) -> (i, h) + -- This case should never happen if 'saveInput' is used. + i -> (genCode i, 0) in + [|| + let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "loadInput checkedHorizon="<>show checkedHorizon) in + $$(unGen (checkHorizon k) ctx + { valueStack = vs + , input + , checkedHorizon + }) + ||] + , genAnalysis = \final -> + let analysis = genAnalysis k final in + -- The input is reset and thus any previous 'checkHorizon' + -- cannot check after this 'loadInput'. + analysis{minReads = 0} + } +instance InstrCallable Gen where + defLet defs k = k + { unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> + {-trace ("unGen.defLet: defs="<>show (HM.keys defs)) $-} + TH.unsafeCodeCoerce $ do + decls <- traverse (makeDecl ctx) (HM.toList defs) + body <- TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode $ + {-trace "unGen.defLet.body" $-} + unGen k ctx + return $ TH.LetE ( + -- | Use 'List.sortBy' to output more deterministic code + -- to be able to golden test it, at the cost of more computations + -- (at compile-time only though). + List.sortBy (compare `on` TH.hideName) $ + toList decls + ) body + , genAnalysisByLet = + HM.unions + $ genAnalysisByLet k + : ((\(SomeLet sub) -> genAnalysis sub) <$> defs) + : ((\(SomeLet sub) -> genAnalysisByLet sub) <$> HM.elems defs) + } + where + makeDecl ctx (subName, SomeLet sub) = do + let subAnalysis = analysisByLet ctx HM.! subName + body <- takeFreeRegs (freeRegs subAnalysis) $ + TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode $ [|| -- buildRec in Parsley + -- Called by 'call' or 'jump'. + \ !callerOnReturn{-from onReturnCode-} + !callerInput + !callerOnExceptionStackByLabel{- 'onExceptionStackByLabel' from the 'call'-site -} -> + $$({-trace ("unGen.defLet.sub: "<>show subName) $-} unGen sub ctx + { valueStack = ValueStackEmpty + -- Build a 'onExceptionStackByLabel' for the 'mayRaise' of the subroutine, + -- where each 'OnException' calls the one passed by the 'call'-site (in 'callerOnExceptionStackByLabel'). + -- Note that currently the 'call'-site can supply in 'callerOnExceptionStackByLabel' + -- a subset of the 'mayRaise' needed by this subroutine, + -- because 'Map.findWithDefault' is used instead of 'Map.!'. + , onExceptionStackByLabel = Map.mapWithKey + (\lbl () -> NE.singleton [||Map.findWithDefault $$(defaultCatch ctx) lbl callerOnExceptionStackByLabel||]) + ({-trace ("mayRaise: "<>show subName) $-} + mayRaise subAnalysis) + , input = [||callerInput||] + , onReturn = {-trace ("unGen.defLet.sub.onReturn: "<>show subName) $-} [||callerOnReturn||] + + -- These are passed by the caller via 'callerOnReturn' or 'ko' + -- , farthestInput = + -- , farthestExpecting = + + -- Some callers can call this declaration + -- with zero 'checkedHorizon', hence use this minimum. + -- TODO: maybe it could be improved a bit + -- by taking the minimum of the checked horizons + -- before all the 'call's and 'jump's to this declaration. + , checkedHorizon = 0 + }) + ||] + let decl = TH.FunD subName [TH.Clause [] (TH.NormalB body) []] + return decl + jump isRec (LetName subName) = Gen + { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty + , genAnalysis = \final -> + if isRec + then GenAnalysis + { minReads = 0 + , mayRaise = Map.empty + , alwaysRaise = Set.empty + , freeRegs = Set.empty + } + else final HM.! subName + , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace ("unGen.jump: "<>show subName) $-} + let subAnalysis = analysisByLet ctx HM.! subName in + [|| + let _ = "jump" in + $$(TH.unsafeCodeCoerce $ + giveFreeRegs (freeRegs subAnalysis) $ + return (TH.VarE subName)) + {-ok-}$$(onReturn ctx) + $$(input ctx) + $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel $ + onExceptionStackByLabel ctx + -- Pass only the labels raised by the 'defLet'. + `Map.intersection` + (mayRaise subAnalysis) + ) + ||] + } + call isRec (LetName subName) k = k + { genAnalysis = \final -> + if isRec + then GenAnalysis + { minReads = 0 + , mayRaise = Map.empty + , alwaysRaise = Set.empty + , freeRegs = Set.empty + } + else seqGenAnalysis $ (final HM.! subName) :| [ genAnalysis k final ] + , unGen = {-trace ("unGen.call: "<>show subName) $-} \ctx -> + -- let ks = (Map.keys (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx)) in + let subAnalysis = analysisByLet ctx HM.! subName in + [|| + -- let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "call exceptByLet("<>show subName<>")="<>show (Map.keys (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty subName (exceptByLet ctx))) <> " onExceptionStackByLabel(ctx)="<> show ks) in + $$(TH.unsafeCodeCoerce $ + giveFreeRegs (freeRegs subAnalysis) $ + return (TH.VarE subName)) + {-ok-}$$(onReturnCode k ctx) + $$(input ctx) + $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel $ + -- FIXME: maybe it should rather pass all the 'mayRaise' of 'subName' + -- and 'defaultCatch' be removed from 'makeDecl''s 'onExceptionStackByLabel'. + onExceptionStackByLabel ctx + -- Pass only the labels raised by the 'defLet'. + `Map.intersection` + (mayRaise subAnalysis) + ) + ||] + } + ret = Gen + { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty + , genAnalysis = \_final -> GenAnalysis + { minReads = 0 + , mayRaise = Map.empty + , alwaysRaise = Set.empty + , freeRegs = Set.empty + } + , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.ret" $-} + {-trace "unGen.ret.returnCode" $-} + returnCode ({-trace "unGen.ret.onReturn" $-} onReturn ctx) ctx + } + +takeFreeRegs :: TH.Quote m => Set TH.Name -> m TH.Exp -> m TH.Exp +takeFreeRegs frs k = go (Set.toList frs) + where + go [] = k + go (r:rs) = [| \ $(return (TH.VarP r)) -> $(go rs) |] + +giveFreeRegs :: TH.Quote m => Set TH.Name -> m TH.Exp -> m TH.Exp +giveFreeRegs frs k = go (Set.toList frs) + where + go [] = k + go (r:rs) = [| $(go rs) $(return (TH.VarE r)) |] + +-- | Like 'TH.liftString' but on 'TH.Code'. +-- Useful to get a 'TH.StringL' instead of a 'TH.ListE'. +liftTypedString :: String -> TH.Code TH.Q a +liftTypedString = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce . TH.liftString + +-- | Like 'TH.liftTyped' but adjusted to work on 'onExceptionStackByLabel' +-- which already contains 'CodeQ' terms. +-- Moreover, only the 'OnException' at the top of the stack +-- is needed and thus generated in the resulting 'CodeQ'. +-- +-- TODO: Use an 'Array' instead of a 'Map'? +liftTypedRaiseByLabel :: TH.Lift k => Map k (NonEmpty (CodeQ a)) -> CodeQ (Map k a) +liftTypedRaiseByLabel Map_.Tip = [|| Map_.Tip ||] +liftTypedRaiseByLabel (Map_.Bin s k (h:|_hs) l r) = + [|| Map_.Bin s k $$h $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel l) $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel r) ||] + +instance TH.Lift a => TH.Lift (Set a) where + liftTyped Set_.Tip = [|| Set_.Tip ||] + liftTyped (Set_.Bin s a l r) = [|| Set_.Bin $$(TH.liftTyped s) $$(TH.liftTyped a) $$(TH.liftTyped l) $$(TH.liftTyped r) ||] + +-- ** Type 'OnReturn' +-- | A continuation generated by 'onReturnCode' and later called by 'returnCode'. +type OnReturn st inp v a = + {-farthestInput-}Cursor inp -> + {-farthestExpecting-}Set SomeFailure -> + v -> + Cursor inp -> + ST st (Either (ParsingError inp) a) + +-- | Generate an 'OnReturn' continuation to be called with 'returnCode'. +-- Used when 'call' 'ret'urns. +-- The return 'v'alue is 'pushValue'-ed on the 'valueStack'. +onReturnCode :: + {-k-}Gen inp (v ': vs) a -> + GenCtx st inp vs a -> + CodeQ (OnReturn st inp v a) +onReturnCode k ctx = [|| + let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "onReturn") in + \farInp farExp v !inp -> + $$({-trace "unGen.onReturnCode" $-} unGen k ctx + { valueStack = ValueStackCons ({-trace "unGen.onReturnCode.value" $-} splice [||v||]) (valueStack ctx) + , input = [||inp||] + , farthestInput = [||farInp||] + , farthestExpecting = [||farExp||] + , checkedHorizon = 0 + } + ) + ||] + +-- | Generate a call to the 'onReturnCode' continuation. +-- Used when 'call' 'ret'urns. +returnCode :: + CodeQ (OnReturn st inp v a) -> + GenCtx st inp (v ': vs) a -> + CodeQ (ST st (Either (ParsingError inp) a)) +returnCode k = \ctx -> {-trace "returnCode" $-} [|| + let _ = "resume" in + $$k + $$(farthestInput ctx) + $$(farthestExpecting ctx) + (let _ = "resume.genCode" in $$({-trace "returnCode.genCode" $-} + genCode $ valueStackHead $ valueStack ctx)) + $$(input ctx) + ||] + +-- ** Type 'OnException' +-- | A continuation generated by 'catch' and later called by 'raise' or 'fail'. +type OnException st inp a = + Exception -> + {-failInp-}Cursor inp -> + {-farInp-}Cursor inp -> + {-farExp-}Set SomeFailure -> + ST st (Either (ParsingError inp) a) + +-- TODO: some static infos should be attached to 'OnException' +-- to avoid comparing inputs when they're the same +-- and to improve 'checkedHorizon'. +onExceptionCode :: + CodeQ (Cursor inp) -> Horizon -> + Gen inp (Cursor inp : vs) a -> + GenCtx st inp vs a -> TH.CodeQ (OnException st inp a) +onExceptionCode resetInput resetCheckedHorizon k ctx = [|| + let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "onException") in + \ !_exn !failInp !farInp !farExp -> + $$(unGen k ctx + -- Push 'input' and 'checkedHorizon' + -- as they were when entering the 'catch' or 'iter', + -- they will be available to 'loadInput', if any. + { valueStack = inputSave resetInput resetCheckedHorizon + `ValueStackCons` valueStack ctx + -- Note that 'onExceptionStackByLabel' is reset. + -- Move the input to the failing position. + , input = [||failInp||] + -- The 'checkedHorizon' at the 'raise's are not known here. + -- Nor whether 'failInp' is after 'checkedHorizon' or not. + -- Hence fallback to a safe value. + , checkedHorizon = 0 + -- Set those to the farthest error computed in 'raiseFailure'. + , farthestInput = [||farInp||] + , farthestExpecting = [||farExp||] + }) + ||] + +instance InstrJoinable Gen where + defJoin (LetName n) sub k = k + { unGen = \ctx -> + {-trace ("unGen.defJoin: "<>show n) $-} + TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [| + let $(return (TH.VarP n)) = $(TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode [|| + -- Called by 'returnCode'. + \farInp farExp v !inp -> + $$({-trace ("unGen.defJoin.next: "<>show n) $-} unGen sub ctx + { valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||v||]) (valueStack ctx) + , input = [||inp||] + , farthestInput = [||farInp||] + , farthestExpecting = [||farExp||] + , checkedHorizon = 0 + {- FIXME: + , onExceptionStackByLabel = Map.mapWithKey + (\lbl () -> NE.singleton [||koByLabel Map.! lbl||]) + (mayRaise sub raiseLabelsByLetButSub) + -} + }) + ||]) + in $(TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode $ + {-trace ("unGen.defJoin.expr: "<>show n) $-} + unGen k ctx) + |] + , genAnalysisByLet = + (genAnalysisByLet sub <>) $ + HM.insert n (genAnalysis sub) $ + genAnalysisByLet k + } + refJoin (LetName n) = Gen + { unGen = \ctx -> + {-trace ("unGen.refJoin: "<>show n) $-} + returnCode + (TH.unsafeCodeCoerce (return (TH.VarE n))) ctx + , genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty + , genAnalysis = \final -> + HM.findWithDefault + (error (show (n,HM.keys final))) + n final + } +instance InstrReadable Char Gen where + read fs p = checkHorizon . checkToken fs p +instance InstrReadable Word8 Gen where + read fs p = checkHorizon . checkToken fs p +instance InstrIterable Gen where + iter (LetName loopJump) loop done = Gen + { genAnalysisByLet = HM.unions + [ -- No need to give 'freeRegs' when 'call'ing 'loopJump' + -- because they're passed when 'call'ing 'iter'. + -- This avoids to passing those registers around. + HM.singleton loopJump (\final -> (genAnalysis loop final){freeRegs = Set.empty}) + , genAnalysisByLet loop + , genAnalysisByLet done + ] + , genAnalysis = \final -> + let loopAnalysis = genAnalysis loop final in + let doneAnalysis = genAnalysis done final in + GenAnalysis + { minReads = minReads doneAnalysis + , mayRaise = + Map.delete ExceptionFailure (mayRaise loopAnalysis) <> + mayRaise doneAnalysis + , alwaysRaise = + Set.delete ExceptionFailure (alwaysRaise loopAnalysis) <> + alwaysRaise doneAnalysis + , freeRegs = freeRegs loopAnalysis <> freeRegs doneAnalysis + } + , unGen = \ctx -> TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [| + let _ = "iter" in + let + onException loopInput = $(TH.unTypeCode $ onExceptionCode + (TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [|loopInput|]) 0 done ctx) + $(return $ TH.VarP loopJump) = \_callerOnReturn callerInput callerOnExceptionStackByLabel -> + $(TH.unTypeCode $ unGen loop ctx + { valueStack = ValueStackEmpty + , onExceptionStackByLabel = + Map.insertWith (<>) ExceptionFailure + (NE.singleton $ TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [|onException callerInput|]) + (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx) + , input = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [|callerInput|] + -- FIXME: promote to compile time error? + , onReturn = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [|error "invalid onReturn"|] + , checkedHorizon = 0 + }) + in $(TH.unTypeCode $ unGen (jump True (LetName loopJump)) ctx{valueStack=ValueStackEmpty}) + |] + } +instance InstrRegisterable Gen where + newRegister (UnscopedRegister r) k = k + { genAnalysis = \final -> + let analysis = genAnalysis k final in + analysis{freeRegs = Set.delete r $ freeRegs analysis} + , unGen = \ctx -> + let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx in + TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [| + do + let dupv = $(TH.unTypeCode $ genCode v) + $(return (TH.VarP r)) <- ST.newSTRef dupv + $(TH.unTypeCode $ unGen k ctx{valueStack=vs}) + |] + } + readRegister (UnscopedRegister r) k = k + { genAnalysis = \final -> + let analysis = genAnalysis k final in + analysis{freeRegs = Set.insert r $ freeRegs analysis} + , unGen = \ctx -> [|| do + sr <- ST.readSTRef $$(TH.unsafeCodeCoerce (return (TH.VarE r))) + $$(unGen k ctx{valueStack=ValueStackCons (splice [||sr||]) (valueStack ctx)}) + ||] + } + writeRegister (UnscopedRegister r) k = k + { genAnalysis = \final -> + let analysis = genAnalysis k final in + analysis{freeRegs = Set.insert r $ freeRegs analysis} + , unGen = \ctx -> + let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx in + [|| do + let dupv = $$(genCode v) + ST.writeSTRef $$(TH.unsafeCodeCoerce (return (TH.VarE r))) dupv + $$(unGen k ctx{valueStack=vs}) + ||] + } + +checkHorizon :: + forall inp vs a. + -- Those constraints are not used anyway + -- because (TH.Lift SomeFailure) uses 'inputTokenProxy'. + Ord (InputToken inp) => + Show (InputToken inp) => + TH.Lift (InputToken inp) => + NFData (InputToken inp) => + Typeable (InputToken inp) => + {-ok-}Gen inp vs a -> + Gen inp vs a +checkHorizon ok = ok + { genAnalysis = \final -> seqGenAnalysis $ + GenAnalysis { minReads = 0 + , mayRaise = Map.singleton ExceptionFailure () + , alwaysRaise = Set.empty + , freeRegs = Set.empty + } :| + [ genAnalysis ok final ] + , unGen = \ctx0@GenCtx{} -> + if checkedHorizon ctx0 >= 1 + then + [|| + let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "checkHorizon.oldCheck: checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx0)) in + $$(unGen ok ctx0{checkedHorizon = checkedHorizon ctx0 - 1}) + ||] + else + let minHoriz = minReads $ genAnalysis ok $ analysisByLet ctx0 in + if minHoriz == 0 + then + [|| + let _ = "checkHorizon.noCheck" in + $$(unGen ok ctx0) + ||] + else + [|| + let inp = $$(input ctx0) in + --let partialCont inp = + -- Factorize generated code for raising the "fail". + let readFail = $$(raiseException ctx0{input=[||inp||]} ExceptionFailure) in + $$( + let ctx = ctx0 + { onExceptionStackByLabel = + Map.adjust (\(_r:|rs) -> [||readFail||] :| rs) + ExceptionFailure (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx0) + , input = [||inp||] + } in + [|| + let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "checkHorizon.newCheck: checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx)<>" minHoriz="<>show minHoriz) in + if $$(moreInput ctx) + $$(if minHoriz > 1 + then [||$$shiftRight $$(TH.liftTyped (minHoriz - 1)) inp||] + else [||inp||]) + then $$(unGen ok ctx{checkedHorizon = minHoriz}) + else + let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "checkHorizon.newCheck.fail") in + -- TODO: return a resuming continuation (like attoparsec's Partial) + -- This could be done with a Buffer for efficient backtracking: + -- http://www.serpentine.com/blog/2014/05/31/attoparsec/ + $$(unGen (fail (Set.singleton $ SomeFailure $ FailureHorizon @(InputToken inp) minHoriz)) ctx) + ||] + ) + --in partialCont $$(input ctx0) + ||] + } + +-- | @('raiseFailure' ctx fs)@ raises 'ExceptionFailure' +-- with farthest parameters set to or updated with @(fs)@ +-- according to the relative position of 'input' wrt. 'farthestInput'. +raiseFailure :: + Cursorable (Cursor inp) => + GenCtx st inp cs a -> + TH.CodeQ (Set SomeFailure) -> + TH.CodeQ (ST st (Either (ParsingError inp) a)) +raiseFailure ctx fs = [|| + let failExp = $$fs in + let (# farInp, farExp #) = + case $$compareOffset $$(farthestInput ctx) $$(input ctx) of + LT -> (# $$(input ctx), failExp #) + EQ -> (# $$(farthestInput ctx), failExp <> $$(farthestExpecting ctx) #) + GT -> (# $$(farthestInput ctx), $$(farthestExpecting ctx) #) + in $$(raiseException ctx ExceptionFailure) + ExceptionFailure + {-failInp-}$$(input ctx) farInp farExp + ||] +-- | @('raiseException' ctx exn)@ raises exception @(exn)@ +-- using any entry in 'onExceptionStackByLabel', or 'defaultCatch' if none. +raiseException :: + GenCtx st inp vs a -> Exception -> + CodeQ (Exception -> Cursor inp -> Cursor inp -> Set SomeFailure -> ST st (Either (ParsingError inp) a)) +raiseException ctx exn = + NE.head $ Map.findWithDefault + (NE.singleton (defaultCatch ctx)) + exn (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx) + +checkToken :: + Set SomeFailure -> + {-predicate-}Splice (InputToken inp -> Bool) -> + {-ok-}Gen inp (InputToken inp ': vs) a -> + Gen inp vs a +checkToken fs p ok = ok + { genAnalysis = \final -> seqGenAnalysis $ + GenAnalysis { minReads = 1 + , mayRaise = Map.singleton ExceptionFailure () + , alwaysRaise = Set.empty + , freeRegs = Set.empty + } :| + [ genAnalysis ok final ] + , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.read" $-} [|| + let _ = "checkToken" in + let !(# c, cs #) = $$(nextInput ctx) $$(input ctx) in + $$(genCode $ + Prod.ifThenElse + (p Prod..@ splice [||c||]) + (splice $ unGen ok ctx + { valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||c||]) (valueStack ctx) + , input = [||cs||] + }) + (splice [|| + let _ = "checkToken.fail" in + $$(unGen (fail fs) ctx) + ||]) + )||] + } + diff --git a/tests/examples/ghc910/GenerateBug.hs b/tests/examples/ghc910/GenerateBug.hs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..283bfa13 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/ghc910/GenerateBug.hs @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} +module Generate where + +onReturnCode = [|| + let _ = foo in + \farInp -> + $$({-trace "unGen.onReturnCode" $-} unGen) + ||] + diff --git a/tests/examples/ghc910/Sum.hs b/tests/examples/ghc910/Sum.hs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6498e54a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/ghc910/Sum.hs @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} +{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} +{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} +{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} +{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} +{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} +{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} + +module Sum where + +-- base +import GHC.Generics +import Data.Typeable +-- aeson +import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON) + +-- containers +import qualified Data.Map as Map + +-- hspec +import Test.Hspec + +-- QuickCheck +import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Result, Success) + +-- quickcheck-arbitrary-adt +import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.ADT +import Test.Aeson.Internal.ADT.GoldenSpecs + +-- servant +import Servant.API + +-- ocaml-export +import OCaml.Export hiding (mkGoldenFiles) +import Util + + +type SumPackage + = OCamlPackage "sum" NoDependency :> + (OCamlModule '["OnOrOff"] :> OnOrOff + :<|> OCamlModule '["NameOrIdNumber"] :> NameOrIdNumber + :<|> OCamlModule '["SumVariant"] :> SumVariant + :<|> OCamlModule '["WithTuple"] :> WithTuple + :<|> OCamlModule '["SumWithRecord"] :> SumWithRecord -- :> SumWithRecordMixed + :<|> OCamlModule '["Result"] :> Result TypeParameterRef0 TypeParameterRef1 -- :> ComplexResult TypeParameterRef0 TypeParameterRef1 TypeParameterRef2 + :<|> OCamlModule '["NewType"] :> NewType) + +compareInterfaceFiles :: FilePath -> SpecWith () +compareInterfaceFiles = compareFiles "test/interface" "sum" True + +mkGolden :: forall a. (ToADTArbitrary a, ToJSON a) => Proxy a -> IO () +mkGolden Proxy = mkGoldenFileForType 10 (Proxy :: Proxy a) "test/interface/golden/golden/sum" + +mkGoldenFiles :: IO () +mkGoldenFiles = do + mkGolden (Proxy :: Proxy OnOrOff) + mkGolden (Proxy :: Proxy NameOrIdNumber) + mkGolden (Proxy :: Proxy SumVariant) + mkGolden (Proxy :: Proxy WithTuple) + mkGolden (Proxy :: Proxy SumWithRecord) + mkGolden (Proxy :: Proxy (Result TypeParameterRef0 TypeParameterRef1)) + mkGolden (Proxy :: Proxy NewType) + +spec :: Spec +spec = do + runIO mkGoldenFiles + runGoldenSpec (Proxy :: Proxy SumPackage) 10 "test/interface/golden/golden/sum" + + let dir = "test/interface/temp" + + -- create spec to be tested against servant + runIO $ + mkPackage + (Proxy :: Proxy SumPackage) + (PackageOptions dir "sum" Map.empty True $ + Just $ SpecOptions + "__tests__/sum-servant" + "golden/sum" + (Just "http://localhost:8082")) + + -- create spec to be tested against files only + runIO $ + mkPackage + (Proxy :: Proxy SumPackage) + (PackageOptions dir "sum" Map.empty True $ + Just $ SpecOptions + "__tests__/sum" + "golden/sum" + Nothing) + + describe "OCaml Declaration with Interface: Sum Types" $ do + compareInterfaceFiles "OnOrOff" + compareInterfaceFiles "NameOrIdNumber" + compareInterfaceFiles "SumVariant" + compareInterfaceFiles "WithTuple" + compareInterfaceFiles "SumWithRecord" + compareInterfaceFiles "Result" + compareInterfaceFiles "NewType" + +data OnOrOff = On | Off + deriving (Show,Eq,Generic,OCamlType,ToJSON,FromJSON) + +instance Arbitrary OnOrOff where + arbitrary = elements [On, Off] + +instance ToADTArbitrary OnOrOff + +data NameOrIdNumber = Name String | IdNumber Int + deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, OCamlType,ToJSON,FromJSON) + +instance Arbitrary NameOrIdNumber where + arbitrary = oneof [Name <$> arbitrary, IdNumber <$> arbitrary] + +instance ToADTArbitrary NameOrIdNumber + +data Result a b + = Success a + | Error b + deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON) + +instance Arbitrary (Result TypeParameterRef0 TypeParameterRef1) where + arbitrary = oneof [Success <$> arbitrary, Error <$> arbitrary] + +instance ToADTArbitrary (Result TypeParameterRef0 TypeParameterRef1) + +instance (Typeable a, OCamlType a, Typeable b, OCamlType b) => (OCamlType (Result a b)) + +data ComplexResult a b c + = CR0 a + | CR1 a b + | CR2 b (c,a) + | CR3 String b Int a + | CR4 { cr4b :: b, cr4ac :: (a,c) } + | CR5 + deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON) + +instance Arbitrary (ComplexResult TypeParameterRef0 TypeParameterRef1 TypeParameterRef2) where + arbitrary = + oneof + [ CR0 <$> arbitrary + , CR1 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary + , CR2 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary + , CR3 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary + , CR4 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary + , pure CR5 + ] + +instance ToADTArbitrary (ComplexResult TypeParameterRef0 TypeParameterRef1 TypeParameterRef2) + +instance (Typeable a, OCamlType a, Typeable b, OCamlType b, Typeable c, OCamlType c) => (OCamlType (ComplexResult a b c)) + +data SumVariant + = HasNothing + | HasSingleInt Int + | HasSingleTuple (Int,Int) + | HasMultipleInts Int Int + | HasMultipleTuples (Int,Int) (Int,Int) + | HasMixed Int String Double + | HasNameOrIdNumber NameOrIdNumber Int + deriving (Show,Eq,Generic, OCamlType, ToJSON, FromJSON) + +instance Arbitrary SumVariant where + arbitrary = + oneof + [ pure HasNothing + , HasSingleInt <$> arbitrary + , HasSingleTuple <$> arbitrary + , HasMultipleInts <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary + , HasMultipleTuples <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary + , HasMixed <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary + , HasNameOrIdNumber <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary + ] + +instance ToADTArbitrary SumVariant + + +type Tuple + = (Int,Int) + +data WithTuple = WithTuple Tuple + deriving (Show,Eq,Generic, OCamlType, ToJSON, FromJSON) + +instance Arbitrary WithTuple where + arbitrary = WithTuple <$> arbitrary + +instance ToADTArbitrary WithTuple + +data SumWithRecord + = A1 {a1 :: Int} + | B2 {b2 :: String, b3 :: Int} + deriving (Show,Eq,Generic, OCamlType, ToJSON, FromJSON) + +instance Arbitrary SumWithRecord where + arbitrary = + oneof + [ A1 <$> arbitrary + , B2 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary + ] + +instance ToADTArbitrary SumWithRecord + +data SumWithRecordMixed + = SRM1 {srm1 :: Int} + | SRM2 + | SRM3 {srm2 :: String, srm3 :: Float} + | SRM4 Int (String, Double) + deriving (Show,Eq,Generic, OCamlType, ToJSON, FromJSON) + +instance Arbitrary SumWithRecordMixed where + arbitrary = + oneof + [ SRM1 <$> arbitrary + , pure SRM2 + , SRM3 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary + , SRM4 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary + ] + +instance ToADTArbitrary SumWithRecordMixed + + +newtype NewType + = NewType Int + deriving (Show,Eq,Generic,OCamlType, ToJSON, FromJSON) + +instance Arbitrary NewType where + arbitrary = NewType <$> arbitrary + +instance ToADTArbitrary NewType + + +{- +introduce Enumerator +extra type is made +but anything coming after the enumerator is broken + + + + +λ> toOCamlType (Proxy :: Proxy (ComplexResult TypeParameterRef0 TypeParameterRef1 TypeParameterRef2)) + +OCamlDatatype (HaskellTypeMetaData "ComplexResult" "Sum" "main") "ComplexResult" (OCamlValueConstructor (MultipleConstructors [MultipleConstructors [NamedConstructor "CR0" (OCamlTypeParameterRef "a0"),MultipleConstructors [NamedConstructor "CR1" (Values (OCamlTypeParameterRef "a0") (OCamlTypeParameterRef "a1")),NamedConstructor "CR2" (Values (OCamlTypeParameterRef "a1") (OCamlPrimitiveRef (OTuple2 (OCamlDatatype (HaskellTypeMetaData "a2" "OCaml.BuckleScript.Types" "ocaml-export") "a2" (OCamlValueConstructor (NamedConstructor "a2" (OCamlTypeParameterRef "a2")))) (OCamlDatatype (HaskellTypeMetaData "a0" "OCaml.BuckleScript.Types" "ocaml-export") "a0" (OCamlValueConstructor (NamedConstructor "a0" (OCamlTypeParameterRef "a0")))))))]],MultipleConstructors [NamedConstructor "CR3" (Values (Values (OCamlPrimitiveRef (OList (OCamlPrimitive OChar))) (OCamlTypeParameterRef "a1")) (Values (OCamlPrimitiveRef OInt) (OCamlTypeParameterRef "a0"))),MultipleConstructors [RecordConstructor "CR4" (Values (OCamlField "cr4b" (OCamlTypeParameterRef "a1")) (OCamlField "cr4ac" (OCamlPrimitiveRef (OTuple2 (OCamlDatatype (HaskellTypeMetaData "a0" "OCaml.BuckleScript.Types" "ocaml-export") "a0" (OCamlValueConstructor (NamedConstructor "a0" (OCamlTypeParameterRef "a0")))) (OCamlDatatype (HaskellTypeMetaData "a2" "OCaml.BuckleScript.Types" "ocaml-export") "a2" (OCamlValueConstructor (NamedConstructor "a2" (OCamlTypeParameterRef "a2")))))))),NamedConstructor "CR5" OCamlEmpty]]])) + +λ> toOCamlType (Proxy :: Proxy SumWithRecord) + +OCamlDatatype (HaskellTypeMetaData "SumWithRecord" "Sum" "main") "SumWithRecord" (OCamlSumOfRecordConstructor "SumWithRecord" (MultipleConstructors [RecordConstructor "A1" (OCamlField "a1" (OCamlPrimitiveRef OInt)),RecordConstructor "B2" (Values (OCamlField "b2" (OCamlPrimitiveRef (OList (OCamlPrimitive OChar)))) (OCamlField "b3" (OCamlPrimitiveRef OInt)))])) + +-} +