Austin Larson larsoaj1
To decide what kind of models might be appropriate for this dataset, we should look and see how many samples we have. If there are relatively few, a deep network is likely not a good choice, and an SVM might work much better. However, if there are more, a PyTorch network with a few layers may perform very well. print(len(df['SentenceId'].value_counts()))
If the average length of each sentence is relatively small, then including information about every word tokenized is feasible. If it is longer, like 20+ words, this might take too much computational effort, and using mean word vectors would simplify the machine learning task. lengths = length(df['SentenceId']) print(lengths.min(), lengths.mean(), lengths.max())
This will help us determine which vocabulary we should load in from spaCy or nltk. If it's relatively small, we should load the small vocabulary to save processing time df.get_single_words().value_counts() print(len(df))
These are just visual things so that I can see what the distrbution looks like displot(sentence_length) displot(sentiment)
I need to get it into two representations: word sentiment statistics and average word vectors. This will also be done fro test.csv
import spacy nlp = spacy.load('english')
data = train.csv for sentence in data with nlp.disable_pipes(): vector_phrase = [token.vector for token in processed sentence] vector_data = vector_data.append(average of vector_sentence) vector_data = vector.merge(data, keep='Sentiment') vector_data.length = length of phrase in words save(vector_data as vector_train.csv)
Repeat for test
train_data, test_data = load_data()
import SVM from sklearn linear_svm = LinearSVM()
rad_svm = RadialSVM()
import torch train_dataloader = DataLoader(tensor(train_data), batch_size) torch_model = Sequential(Linear(201, 500), ReLU(), Linear(500,100), ReLU(), Linear(100,5), Softmax()) optimizer = RAdam() loss_fn = CrossEntropyLoss()
for i in range(epochs): for X, y in train_dataloader: predict = torch_model(X) loss = loss_fn(y, predict) zero_grad() backpropagate() step_optimizer() printf("Epoch %d is complete", i+1)
import metrics from sklearn
def predict_labels(test_dataloader, model): predict = [] for X, y in test_dataloader: predict.append(model(X)) return predict
test_dataloader = DataLoader(tensor(test_data)) linear_predict = linear_svm(test_data) rad_predict = rad_svm(test_data) net_predict = predict_labels(test_dataloader, torch_model)
metrics = [Fscore(), Accuracy(), Precision()]
for metric in metrics:
scores.append({'Type': metric, 'Linear': metric(test_data, linear_predict), 'Radial': metric(test_data, rad_predict),
'Net': metric(test_data, net_predict)})