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Initial Pseudocode

Austin Larson larsoaj1

General Overview


Look at number of samples

To decide what kind of models might be appropriate for this dataset, we should look and see how many samples we have. If there are relatively few, a deep network is likely not a good choice, and an SVM might work much better. However, if there are more, a PyTorch network with a few layers may perform very well. print(len(df['SentenceId'].value_counts()))

Look at length of average sample

If the average length of each sentence is relatively small, then including information about every word tokenized is feasible. If it is longer, like 20+ words, this might take too much computational effort, and using mean word vectors would simplify the machine learning task. lengths = length(df['SentenceId']) print(lengths.min(), lengths.mean(), lengths.max())

Look at size of vocabulary

This will help us determine which vocabulary we should load in from spaCy or nltk. If it's relatively small, we should load the small vocabulary to save processing time df.get_single_words().value_counts() print(len(df))


These are just visual things so that I can see what the distrbution looks like displot(sentence_length) displot(sentiment)


I need to get it into two representations: word sentiment statistics and average word vectors. This will also be done fro test.csv

import spacy nlp = spacy.load('english')

data = train.csv for sentence in data with nlp.disable_pipes(): vector_phrase = [token.vector for token in processed sentence] vector_data = vector_data.append(average of vector_sentence) vector_data = vector.merge(data, keep='Sentiment') vector_data.length = length of phrase in words save(vector_data as vector_train.csv)

Repeat for test


train_data, test_data = load_data()

Linear SVM

import SVM from sklearn linear_svm = LinearSVM()

Radial SVM

rad_svm = RadialSVM()

PyTorch Neural Network

import torch train_dataloader = DataLoader(tensor(train_data), batch_size) torch_model = Sequential(Linear(201, 500), ReLU(), Linear(500,100), ReLU(), Linear(100,5), Softmax()) optimizer = RAdam() loss_fn = CrossEntropyLoss()

for i in range(epochs): for X, y in train_dataloader: predict = torch_model(X) loss = loss_fn(y, predict) zero_grad() backpropagate() step_optimizer() printf("Epoch %d is complete", i+1)


import metrics from sklearn

def predict_labels(test_dataloader, model): predict = [] for X, y in test_dataloader: predict.append(model(X)) return predict

test_dataloader = DataLoader(tensor(test_data)) linear_predict = linear_svm(test_data) rad_predict = rad_svm(test_data) net_predict = predict_labels(test_dataloader, torch_model)

metrics = [Fscore(), Accuracy(), Precision()] for metric in metrics: scores.append({'Type': metric, 'Linear': metric(test_data, linear_predict), 'Radial': metric(test_data, rad_predict),
'Net': metric(test_data, net_predict)})
