git clone ~/.tmux
ln -s ~/.tmux/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
cd ~/.tmux
git submodule init
git submodule update
# now run tmux and press ctrl+a I
tmux 1.9 or later. An unofficial Ubuntu 14.04 backport can be found here:
The default ctrl+b escape is remapped to ctrl+a.
Layout (tmux-resurrect):
- ctrl+a ctrl+s save current layout (window, splits, working directories, ...)
- ctrl+a ctrl+r restore saved layout
- ctrl+a c to create a window
- ctrl+a X to change window (where X is window's number)
- ctrl+a , to rename a window
- ctrl+a v split vertically
- ctrl+a s split horizontally
- ctrl+a Left/Right/Up/Down move to another split
- ctrl+a ctrl+Left/Right/Up/Down resize split
- ctrl+a <SPACE> convert a vertical split to horizontal and vice-versa
Copy mode:
- ctrl+a [ enter copy mode (ctrl+a PageUp to move immediately)
- ctrl+<space> begin to copy
- ctrl+w copy selected text
- ctrl+a ] paste copied text
- ESC quit copy mode
- ctrl+a d detach
- tmux new [-s name] start a new session
- tmux a [-t name] attach to a session
- tmux ls list sessions
- kill-session -t name kill a session
Davide Alberani <> (C) 2016-2019
Released under the terms of the CC BY-SA license: