The frontend.
# Install modules
$ npm install
# Run local server
$ npm run dev
# build everything
$ npm run build
You can preview the built app with
npm run preview
, regardless of whether you installed an adapter. This should not be used to serve your app in production.
Name | Version | Type |
@sveltejs/kit | 1.0.0-next.480 |
Framework |
svelte | 3.50.1 |
Framework |
typescript | 4.8.3 |
Static type language |
svelte-i18n | 3.4.0 |
i18n Library |
svelte-windicss-preprocess | 4.2.8 |
CSS Library |
@fontsource/fira-mono | 4.5.9 |
Webfont |
@fontsource/rubik | 4.5.11 |
Webfont |
dotenv | 16.0.2 |
Utils |
@sentry/browser | 7.12.1 |
Logging |
├── Dockerfile - Docker image for client
├── package.json - Meta information & dependencies
├── - You are here
├── src
│ ├── app.html - HTML entry point
│ ├── components - Svelte component files
│ ├── global.d.ts - Global type definition for Typescript
│ ├── languages - i18n localization database
│ ├── lib - Logic & utilities
│ └── routes - Svelte page files
├── static - Static/public directory
├── svelte.config.js - Svelte configuration file
├── tsconfig.json - Typescript configuration file
├── windi.config.ts - WindiCSS configuration file
└── package-lock.json - Packages lock file