This addon integrate oembed into Plone. You can find a demo at
oEmbed official documentation: http://
Your site will become an oembed provider using @@oembed view as an endpoint:
URL Scheme:* API endpoint: Supports discovery via <link> tags
This addon provide an integration of jquery.oembed plugin. Because there are many fork you have to choose the one you will use. The official plugin has been integrated to plone throw the addon collective.js.oembed
The oembed client is integrated using a viewlet that is not activated by default. You have to activate it throw the controlpanel. It is configured that way:
<script type="text/javascript"> jqueryOmebedSettings = {...} //extracted from the controlpanel </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(".oembed").oembed(null,jqueryOmebedSettings); }); </script>
A consumer is availabe throw a utility:
>>> url = "" >>> consumer = component.getUtility(collective.oembed.interfaces.IConsumer) >>> consumer.get_data(url, maxwidth=300, maxheight=None, format='json') {...}
There is also a @@collective.oembed.consumer view, which can take params throw attributes:
>>> consumer_view = component.queryMultiAdapter((self.context,self.request), ... name=u'collective.oembed.consumer') >>> consumer_view._url = url >>> consumer_view.embed_auto() <div class="oembed-wrapper oembed-video">...</div>
This addon register an oembed view to the Link content type. It displays content provided from the remote url and do not set maxwidth & maxheight. It should be achieved by integrators.
The link view stores 3 different lists of components:
- oembed
- api2embed
- url2embed
Contains registered views of type oembed_view , able to get the html embed template from the targetted provider's oembed api (see below for a list of currently supported providers).
If you have an API key for the targeted website, you should be able to use it through those views. Once this feature is implemented, you should be able to choose whether you want to activate it or not.
Contains registered views of type url2embed_view, which get the embed template directly from the target's url. Used as a fallback for websites who do not support the oEmbed format.
While the returned data will be sufficient to embed the target widget in your view, you won't be able to access the metadata which could have been associated with it in a straight oEmbed format.
All three lists are checked in the same order as they're presented here, and the first valid component found is used to get the embed code. If no match at all is found, then nothing will be displayed.
Check endpoint.csv to see which of those views are currently supported for each service.
This addon can use service. You can set the api key in the control panel or install and configure collective.embedly, this addon will use the configuration provided by this one. is activated only if you have added an api_key or configured collective.embedly. The addon provide native support for the following services:
External providers:
- Embedly (
Video providers:
- 5min (
- Youtube (
- Qik (
- Revision3 (
- Hulu (
- Vimeo (
- CollegeHumor (
- Kinomap (
- Dailymotion (
- Clikthrough (
- Dotsub (
- ( NOTE: only works with the dedicated URL for sharing
- (http://
- Wordpress TV (
Photo providers:
- 23hq (
- Flickr (
- SmugMug (
- Photobucket (
- Instagr (
- Picasa (
Rich providers:
- iFixit (
- Poll Everywhere (
- SlideShare (
- WordPress (
- Official.FM (
- Gist Github (
- Google Calendar (
- Google Docs (
- Google Maps (
- Scribd (
- SoundCloud (
All most every website has many kind of URL
- JeanMichel FRANCOIS aka toutpt <>
- Raphael Gaziano aka raphigaziano <>
- Alejandro Pereira aka aleGpereira <>