- Install
- PostgreSQL database
- Redis key-value server
- Memcached server
- ruby using rbenv
- ruby on rails using
gem install rails
- Create app using template
rails new APP_NAME --api -T -d postgresql -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alec-c4/ks-rails-api/master/template.rb
- Create all required accounts:
Configure Appsignal with
bundle exec appsignal install APPSIGNAL_KEY
Setup hypershield gem for PostgreSQL
Configure application secrets with following template
primary_key: ''
deterministic_key: ''
key_derivation_salt: ''
secret_key_base: ''
api_key: ''
You can generate active record encryption keys with following command
bin/rails db:encryption:init
Configure application in
Configure rack-attack using following guide
ruby on rails application template
.gitignore file
VSCode configuration files
postgresql database connector
pre-configured generators
I18n tools - rails-i18n and i18n-tasks
rspec for testing
standard.rb for code style validations
bullet to prevent N+1 problems
brakeman and bundler-audit as security scanners
pry-rails and amazing_print for better rails console
rack-attack to prevent bruteforce and DDoS attacks
lefthook with pre-commit run of rspec, brakeman, standardjs, standardrb and erblint
semantic_logger as a highly configurable logging system
simplecov for test coverage research
- add deployments tools
- add documentation (howto's, best practices, curated list of libraries)