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HugeGraph-Tools Quick Start

1 概述

HugeGraph-Tools 是 HugeGragh 的自动化部署、管理和备份/还原组件。

2 获取 HugeGraph-Tools

有两种方式可以获取 HugeGraph-Tools:

  • 下载二进制tar包
  • 下载源码编译安装

2.1 下载二进制tar包

下载最新版本的 HugeGraph-Tools 包:

tar zxvf hugegraph-tools-${version}.tar.gz

2.2 下载源码编译安装

下载最新版本的 HugeGraph-Tools 源码包:

$ git clone


cd hugegraph-tools
mvn package -DskipTests

生成 tar 包 hugegraph-tools-${version}.tar.gz

3 使用

3.1 功能概览

解压后,进入hugegraph-tools目录,可以使用bin/hugegraph来查看 usage 信息。主要分为:

  • 安装部署类,deploy、clear、start-all和stop-all
  • 备份/恢复类,backup、restore、schedule-backup、dump
  • 图管理类,graph-mode-set、graph-mode-get、graph-list、graph-get和graph-clear
  • 异步任务管理类,task-delete、task-get和task-delete
  • Gremlin类,gremlin-execute和gremlin-schedule
Usage: hugegraph [options] [command] [command options]
3.2 [options]-全局变量

options是 HugeGraph-Tools 的全局变量,可以在hugegraph-tools/bin/hugegraph中配置,包括:

  • --graph,HugeGraph-Tools操作的图的名字,默认值是hugegraph
  • --url,HugeGraph-Server 的服务地址,默认是http://
  • --user,当 HugeGraph-Server 开启认证时,传递用户名
  • --password,当 HugeGraph-Server 开启认证时,传递用户的密码
3.3 安装部署类
  • deploy,一键下载、安装和启动 HugeGraph-Server 和 HugeGraph-Studio
  • clear,清理 HugeGraph-Server 和 HugeGraph-Studio 目录和tar包
  • start-all,一键启动 HugeGraph-Server 和 HugeGraph-Studio,并启动监控,服务死掉时自动拉起服务
  • stop-all,一键关闭 HugeGraph-Server 和 HugeGraph-Studio

deploy命令中有可选参数 -u,提供时会使用指定的下载地址替代默认下载地址下载 tar 包,并且将地址写入~/hugegraph-download-url-prefix文件中;之后如果不指定地址时,会优先从~/hugegraph-download-url-prefix指定的地址下载 tar 包;如果 -u 和~/hugegraph-download-url-prefix都没有时,会从默认下载地址进行下载

3.4 备份/恢复类
  • backup,将某张图中的 schema 或者 data 备份到 HugeGraph 系统之外,以 JSON 形式存在本地磁盘
  • restore,将 JSON 格式存储的 schema 或者 data 恢复到原系统或者创建新图
  • schedule-backup,周期性对图执行备份操作,并保留一定数目的最新备份
  • dump,把整张图的顶点和边全部导出,默认以vertex vertex-edge1 vertex-edge2...JSON格式存储。 用户也可以自定义存储格式,只需要在hugegraph-tools/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/formatter 目录下实现一个继承自Formatter的类,例如CustomFormatter,使用时指定该类为formatter即可,例如 bin/hugegraph dump -f CustomFormatter
3.5 图管理类,graph-mode-set、graph-mode-get、graph-list、graph-get和graph-clear
  • graph-mode-set,设置图的 restore mode
  • graph-mode-get,获取图的 restore mode
  • graph-list,列出某个 HugeGraph-Server 中全部的图
  • graph-get,获取某个图
  • graph-clear,清除某个图的全部 schema 和 data

当图中含有 Automatic Id Strategy的 vertex label 时,restore 前需要将图 restoring 模式设置为 TRUE,restore 结束后恢复 restoring 模式为 FALSE

3.6 异步任务管理类,task-list、task-get和task-delete
  • task-list,列出某个图中的异步任务,可以根据任务的状态过滤
  • task-get,获取某个异步任务的详细信息
  • task-delete,删除某个异步任务的信息
3.7 Gremlin类,gremlin-execute和gremlin-schedule
  • gremlin-execute,发送 Gremlin 语句到 HugeGraph-Server 来执行查询或修改操作,同步执行,结束后返回结果
  • gremlin-schedule,发送 Gremlin 语句到 HugeGraph-Server 来执行查询或修改操作,异步执行,任务提交后立刻返回异步任务id
3.8 具体命令参数


Usage: hugegraph [options] [command] [command options]
      Name of graph
      Default: hugegraph
      Password of user
      The URL of HugeGraph-Server url
      User Name
    backup      Backup graph schema/data to files
      Usage: backup [options]
          --directory, -d
            Directory to store graph schema/data
            Default: ./
        * --huge-types, -t
            Type of schema/data. Concat with ',' if more than one. 'all' means 
            Retry times, default is 3
            Default: 3

    task-list      List tasks
      Usage: task-list [options]
            Limit number, no limit if not provided
            Default: -1
            Status of task

    schedule-backup      Schedule backup task
      Usage: schedule-backup [options]
            The number of latest backups to keep
            Default: 3
        * --directory, -d
            The directory of backups stored
            The interval of backup, format is: "a b c d e". 'a' means minute 
            (0 - 59), 'b' means hour (0 - 23), 'c' means day of month (1 - 
            31), 'd' means month (1 - 12), 'e' means day of week (0 - 6) 
            (Sunday=0), "*" means all
            Default: 0,0,*,*,*

    restore      Restore graph schema/data from files
      Usage: restore [options]
          --directory, -d
            Directory of graph schema/data
            Default: ./
        * --huge-types, -t
            Type of schema/data. Concat with ',' if more than one. 'all' means 
            Retry times, default is 3
            Default: 3

    graph-mode-get      Get graph mode
      Usage: graph-mode-get [options]
            Name of graph
            Default: hugegraph

    clear      Clear HugeGraph-Server and HugeGraph-Studio
      Usage: clear [options]
        * -p
            Install path of HugeGraph-Server and HugeGraph-Studio

    graph-list      List all graphs
      Usage: graph-list

    gremlin-schedule      Execute Gremlin statements as asynchronous job
      Usage: gremlin-schedule [options]
          --bindings, -b
            Gremlin bindings, valid format is: 'key1=value1,key2=value2...'
            Default: {}
          --language, -l
            Gremlin script language
            Default: gremlin-groovy
        * --script, -s
            Script to be executed

    graph-get      Get graph info
      Usage: graph-get [options]
            Name of graph
            Default: hugegraph

    graph-clear      Clear graph schema and data
      Usage: graph-clear [options]
        * --confirm-message, -c
            Confirm message of graph clear
            Name of graph
            Default: hugegraph

    deploy      Install HugeGraph-Server and HugeGraph-Studio
      Usage: deploy [options]
        * -p
            Install path of HugeGraph-Server and HugeGraph-Studio
            Download url prefix path of HugeGraph-Server and HugeGraph-Studio
        * -v
            Version of HugeGraph-Server and HugeGraph-Studio

    help      Print usage
      Usage: help

    stop-all      Stop HugeGraph-Server and HugeGraph-Studio
      Usage: stop-all

    task-get      Get task info
      Usage: task-get [options]
        * --task-id
            Task id
            Default: 0

    start-all      Start HugeGraph-Server and HugeGraph-Studio
      Usage: start-all [options]
        * -p
            Install path of HugeGraph-Server and HugeGraph-Studio
        * -v
            Version of HugeGraph-Server and HugeGraph-Studio

    gremlin-execute      Execute Gremlin statements
      Usage: gremlin-execute [options]
          --aliases, -a
            Gremlin aliases, valid format is: 'key1=value1,key2=value2...'
            Default: {}
          --bindings, -b
            Gremlin bindings, valid format is: 'key1=value1,key2=value2...'
            Default: {}
          --language, -l
            Gremlin script language
            Default: gremlin-groovy
        * --script, -s
            Script to be executed

    graph-mode-set      Set graph mode
      Usage: graph-mode-set [options]
            Name of graph
            Default: hugegraph
        * --restore, -r
            Restore flag
            Default: false

    dump      Dump graph to files
      Usage: dump [options]
          --directory, -d
            Directory to store graph data
            Default: ./
          --formatter, -f
            Formatter to customize format of vertex/edge
            Default: JsonFormatter
            Retry times, default is 3
            Default: 3

    task-delete      Delete task
      Usage: task-delete [options]
        * --task-id
            Task id
            Default: 0