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DominikNowak edited this page Jan 1, 2021 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the Star Wars Quiz wiki!


  • Functional JavaScript
    • Axios
  • SCSS
    • BEM
  • HTML
  • Parcel


To install packages, you need to open command line in /CC-PROJECT-2 folder and type&run npm i. It's needed only first time or when something with packages was changed after your last installation.


To run app, type&run npm run start:dev in console in the same directory as in installation step. Instead of typing it manually in console you can also run it from NPM SCRIPTS - left bottom corner in VSC.


Don't commit to develop or main branches. Create an individual branch for every bug/feature. Follow that naming convention:

<type of issue>/<#number of issue><name referring to issue title>

Here is an example:



Create branch from up-to-date develop branch. This can save you from merge conflicts. If your solution is ready, do a merge from dev and resolve eventual conflicts. Remember also to format your code. After that push your branch to remote and create a pull request. In every PR should be 2 reviewers, where the second one should be a techlead.

In the description write closes <#number of issue> (in above case it would be ‘closes #12’) – this will automate moving that issue between columns in the project board.

If there is some very small, easy issue where creating new branch would last longer than writing solution, you can do it with some bigger issue, but at least make a separate commit for this. Also include it in PR description.

Instead of writing it in the description you can also use these keywords in the commit message. Click here for more info.


Don’t style by tags or ID, use classes instead. Would be great to keep BEM naming convention.

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