A collection of didactic and research notebooks with Mathematica tensor algebra add-on xAct.
Please cite the relevant publications below if you use these notebooks for any paper! :-)
- xAct_Proca maxwell.nb: also containes TexAct examples (conversion of output from Mathematica to LaTeX)
- xAct_Mimetic2017: used for the publications on mimetic gravity 1 and 2
- xAct_CosmologicalPerturbations.nb: used for some computations and the Appendix on xAct on my thesis
- xAct_Tensors_d_dim.nb: an example of xAct with a generic space-time dimension n (instead of fixed = 4)
- xAct_Spinors.nb: a QFT example with gamma matrices
The software can be downloaded at: http://www.xact.es/download.html
Be sure to follow the Installation notes: http://www.xact.es/download/install