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How to get a customer ID

Rahul Mode edited this page Feb 19, 2018 · 7 revisions

Sometimes, Amazon may ask for the customer ID (CID) for you or someone testing / using your skill, in order to perform debugging or whitelisting.

Note: For customers of other regions such as UK, Germany or any other marketplace, replace with, or your respective amazon marketplace domain as needed. Other steps remain the same.

To get a CID:

  1. If the customer in question = you, i.e. the Developer Console account, then you can follow instructions on How to get your vendor ID, which also gives your CID
  2. Else, using a computer browser in incognito / private browsing mode, go to and log in
  3. In a new tab, go to
  4. The end of the resulting URL in the address bar (prefixed with amzn1.account.*) is the CID. You can also just grab the full URL