- added serialport plugin, works in electron and Chrome browser
- added update plugin, handles updates in electron and browser
- added to docs Adafruit CLUE board setup
- added tutorials plugin
- added application deployment documentation
- fixed schematics and enbled it for browser
- fixed display micropython options after port selection in browser
- fixed schematics image layout
- fixed notebook images display
- fixed language logo images
- fixed notebook fail to save when moving elements around
- updated documentation structure, each board has a folder
- new Raspberry Pi images (with docker)
- improved docker deployment
- added Wyliodrin STUDIO CI tests for build, documentation and format
- added support for MicroPython(run, REPL and file manager)
- added deploy (docker) application feature for wyapp devices (Raspberry Pi)
- added console filters API (used by dashboard)
- new plugin folder structure with plugins hierarchy
- new plugin for id, migrated from wyapp-websocket
- new dashboard layout
- fixed console bounce when clicking outside
- fixed monaco editor and dashboard disappearance when not active and window is resided
- update packages
- disabled Rapid IoT device and simulator
- fixed delay block for libwyliodrin having the same name as in Raspberry Pi
- update editor registering to use extension or regular expressions
- added resizable project tree
- fixed display IP address for local web server
- fixed welcome screen appearing every time
- fixed loading issue that sometimes prevents studio to access the filesystem
- fixed visual programming gpiozero and wyliozero blocks for buttons and light (deleted extra tab)
- fixed visual programming gpiozero and wyliozero empty function declaration
- update browser loading speedup by asynchronous plugin loading
- update monaco editor version to 0.19
- added electron auto-update version (windows only)
- fixed social email blocks
- added Adafruit LCD visual programming blocks
- added folder template for opcua model
- added Raspberry Pi 1 and Zero emulator (QEMU)
- added Raspberry Pi Simulator (NodeJS only)
- added npm package for the web version (wstudio-web)
- fixed device buttons not showing up for websocket (requires studio-supervisor update)
- fixed multiple instance popup appearing multiple times
- fixed gutter background color in electron
- fixed image error from RPK simulator
- fixed display of extra brace at device os version
- fixed monaco editor workers build in the plugin folder
- fixed project tree display
- fixed MIMEMultipart import for social email block
- fixed use only lowercase session id (issue #3)
- fixed websocket server link for electron (use https://beta.wyliodrin.server/socket/remote)
- update electron to version 7
- update serialport to version 8
- update new color for opcua model folder
- added social (email, facebook twitter and twilio) visual programming blocks
- added Adafruit DHT sensor visual programming blocks for Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black
- added delay block to visual programming blocks
- feature Wyapp PackageManager search with any case
- fixed Wyapp FileManager displaying double names
- fixed (partially) scroll bug in Firefox (temporary fix)
First Release